I'm John of the Inferno Wolf.
It was so named as the mayor of one village.
I don't like it, but it's better than no name.
Well, if I get a name, I'll throw it away.
I was given a mission from Kurosama.
It's a new fox lookout.
I don't know the details, but he seems to have taken an irreverent attitude before the Lord.
I can't forgive. Tra n sla t e d by jp m tl .c om
However, the sanctions have already been given, and my lookout is to see the future.
So that's it.
But why me?
I'm in charge of one village ...
Well, there is no complaint because I get a place where I can play an active part.
Let's keep an eye on them.
The target fox's name is Yoko. Trans l at e d b y Jp m t l .com
She sleeps between the guests in the house, but seems to be staying in the village.
There is no complaint in that regard, as the Lord has acknowledged.
Hitoe, a kid, is with Yoko when she sleeps, but when she wakes up, she heads for the kittens.
That's a smile.
It is said that there is no need to watch out for humane, so it is through.
Focus on Yoko.
Yoko can take the form of a human, but for the time being she seems to be a beast.
It's about the same size as us, including the tail, but is that what it is?
The feature is that there are nine bushy tails ... that tail is a genjutsu.
One real tail.
My eyes are not fooled.
That's because I heard that the tail was consumed during sanctions.
That's a bit poor.
No, no compassion.
Watch with severe eyes. Tr an s l a t ed by jpm t l.co m
Today ’s action is…
First we go to the kitchen and greet the demon maids.
Sprinkle your affection and get fruit.
Cho, a demon maid!
I didn't give me when I was before, but why is it so easy!
た か Has it been done!
Me too?
No, I didn't mean that ...
Hey, calm down my tail.
A secret only here?
I can't beat bribes!
Well, but this time ... yeah, delicious.
I lost my desire. T ran sl ated by jpm t l.com
Reflect deeply.
But I have a mission.
Track the smell of Yoko.
It seems to be hidden, but useless.
I can't escape from my nose.
Makura's husband.
What's wrong?
Isn't the fox over here?
Over there?
Everyone has a mistake. T ra n s l at ed b y jp m t l.c o m
About this, I can not help.
Alright, discovery.
This is where the dwarves make sake.
Yeah, it smells like sake a little far away.
Because the Lord was seriously careful that the children never approached.
It is better not to be weak to alcohol.
I'm fine.
Yoko enters such a place ... isn't it?
We headed to a place with tables and benches set up next to the brewery.
Where dwarves eat lunch.
I sometimes hear stories about having a banquet there.
Yoko sat on one of the benches there and curled up.
A little early nap?
Is there anyone?
This sign is sake slime.
Sake slime is also sitting on one of the benches.
It doesn't seem to do anything especially with Yoko.
For a while.
Five more people came there.
The head is a woman who is said to be a saint.
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