By the time the children in Kloch are coming home.
Zabton was notified of an anomaly in the north direction.
Same as when Lou came before.
The blacks started running north all at once, and I and Lou followed in a hurry.
No way, there's no naked little girl again.
I'm enough with Lou.
When I arrived at the place where the Kuros were located, there was an angel who was being shaken by Kuros.
T r a n s l a te d b y Jpmt l.c o m angel.
A cute face with blonde hair.
I felt like a high school student.
The chest asserts its existence and appeals to be a woman.
Wearing a white dress, big white wings on the back.
Unlike the time of Lou, he judged that there was no danger of sucking blood, biting his limbs and wings and dragging down.
As expected, the visual stopped me.
T r an s l a t e d b y jp m t l .com "Wait wait wait"
It's really like Lou.
After we separated the blacks, the angel began to cry because he saw me and thought he was saved.
The asylum is aroused.
But I have Lou.
When Lou tried to leave it to Lou, the angel saw Lou and was excited.
"You were here! A rotten vampire!"
The black guys responded to the excitement, and they were shattered.
For Kuros, Lou is already a friend and family.
I was happy to confirm that and stopped again.
"Uh ... thank you"
As expected, the visual was full of blood, full of dirt and painful.
The angel managed to do it on his own, thinking that it would not work.
It's magic.
He healed the wounds with healing magic, stopped the blood, and cleaned his body and clothes with magic that he did not understand.
Is it a washing magic? Tra n s lated by jp m t l .c om
When I thought it was convenient, Lou came up with me because I could do that.
May I ask you to wash the waste storage area under the toilet next time?
I think I need to do it someday, but work that I don't care about ... it's hard to get motivated.
Look at the timing and ask.
For now, I understand that it is no good.
"Vampire. Did you hide here?"
Lou seems to be acquainted with the angel.
It looks and feels hostile.
"There are many things. Are you okay? It hurts quite a bit."
"Somehow ... it doesn't hurt."
"I understand. I'm done too."
"Are you also?"
"Yes, because it's unforgiving. Magic is hard to work, and we avoid it."
"I thought I was dead." Tr ans la te d by jp m t l.c o m
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