Dungeon potato.
Excellent food that grows indoors.
The growth is fast and the yield is not bad.
The problem is taste.
The only weakness is that it is not delicious.
Well, plants don't grow to be eaten.
Some foods may be bad.
For the time being, we are trying to grow in the sun as the first step to improve the dungeon potato. Tra ns l a t e d by jp m tl.c o m
If the environment changes, the taste may change.
I was growing dungeon potatoes in the sun castle field.
By the way, the second improvement plan is under consideration.
That dungeon potato.
Was growing explosively.
Fill the fields and start eroding other fields.
Tra n s lat ed b y Jpmt l.co m I came to the sun castle by a call from Bell and cut down the outside of the field.
I made a fence ...
Immediately the ivy entangled and climbed over the fence.
Is it such a plant?
However, in this situation, the sun castle will be dominated by dungeon potatoes.
What should I do……
"Mayor of the village. There is no such a fast growing dungeon potato."
The defeat is decided by the words of the demons working in the fields.
I'm sorry.
"There is no chance to see again ..."
It is the Demon King who knew about dungeon potatoes.
Dungeon potatoes grow violently when exposed to sunlight and use nutrients for their growth, so they do not have potatoes.
It seems to be a plant called a disaster plant.
"Even if it's a disaster, it will die in a month under sunlight. If you want to dispose of it early, you can do it at night. It reacts to sunlight but not torches or magic light What?
So that's it.
T ra nsla t e d b y Jpm t l.c o m "However, growing potatoes in the shade are not delicious."
In other words, is it useless as a crop?
"No, it's bad, but it's good in terms of yield. The old lords were growing up against monsters and famines."
"Demonstration measures?"
"I like monsters. They were used as traps to lure them out and as time hunters in the unlikely event of an attack."
About 200 years ago, a plague involving only dungeon potatoes spread.
The dungeon potato has been wiped out.
I wonder if the sun castle was in isolation, so I didn't fall for the plague.
"The monsters that have lost their feed have struggled and struggled in various places. Especially the complaints from the human lands were terrible.
By the way, at that time, the devil seems to have been a nobleman in one region.
Later, Fairy Wheat was raised in the Demon Kingdom instead of Dungeon Potato.
It was raised in the shade like a dungeon potato, but it turned out that it grows normally in sunlight.
It grows as expected in the wasteland and is popular because it tastes good.
However, there was a disadvantage that the yield was small.
T r a nsla ted by jp mt l.com This fairy wheat.
More prevalent in human lands than in the Demon Kingdom.
It is easy to grow and tastes good.
That's fashionable.
Large lands were needed to cover the low yields, but human lands grew up hard.
Eventually, there were no areas to grow.
On the Devil Kingdom side, it was difficult to secure a wide field, and the production was only at the place where the dungeon potato was raised.
It must have been good.
About 15 years ago from now.
An epidemic that affected only fairy wheat was widespread, and human nations became severely famined.
The Demon Kingdom also suffered famine, but not as much as human lands.
The war broke out because it was said to be a classic "demon kingdom".
If it continues even now ...
"Do more agriculture than war."
"No, but the fields that grew fairy wheat are harder to grow other crops."
"e?" T r ansla t e d by Jpmtl.c om
"In human lands, most fields are still useless. It's unavoidable to turn to war."
"How is food in human lands?"
"I'll manage with a safe field and a newly created field. After that, I will buy from the elf and dwarf countries. I can not buy it from the public but I also buy from the evil kingdom."
"Are you buying food from war opponents?"
"I have issued a banned notice for the time being. I will not crack down on difficult places."
Some are trying to curb the fight against the Demon Kingdom for food trading purposes.
They say that if they crack down, those powers will lose their power and, at worst, an extermination war may take place.
"I don't think the Devil Kingdom is full of food."
Is that so.
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