After enjoying the hot spring, we moved to the hole with the large black rock.
The scars burned by Hakuren are painful, but the location is easy to understand.
The founder first goes into the hole.
I think it's okay ...
The founder came out with all his might.
Behind it, a black hand ...
It was a group of insects about 30 centimeters.
T r a n sla te d b y Jp mtl .c o m Hakuren burned.
Carefully inside the hole.
"I was surprised ..."
The founder calmed down the heart.
Even if he is not good at it, he seems to be surprised by the large number of insects.
Re-enter the hole.
This time with everyone.
Tran slat ed by Jpmt l.c om At first, I and Urza cast magic to prevent the poison of air.
I am the founder.
Urza was hugged by Hakuren and descended into the hole.
Hakuren's flames seemed to be awesome.
Feel the heat.
Below was a pile of white ash.
I was really large.
"Let's make a fire toward the side hole just in case"
According to the founder's instructions, Hakuren exhales flame.
East side, West side ...
There is one more.
"Where are you?"
"It's a dead end right away."
Even though it seems to be immediate, it seems to walk about a day to a dead end.
T r anslat ed by jpm t l.c om Hakuren also extinguished the flame.
The big black rock we were looking for was hidden in the ashes.
Manipulate the ash with the founder's magic and send it to the eastern tunnel to close it.
I wondered what it was because it was ash, but it was rather compressed and hard.
I wondered what would happen if water was applied, but later.
My favorite is a big black rock.
Really black.
The surroundings are illuminated by the founder's magic, but it seems that the light has not reached.
I get [Universal Farming Tools] in the form of mulberry.
Then ...
After all unpleasant atmosphere.
A black haze emerges from under the rock, making it uneune.
Tr a nslat ed b y jp m t I plow because I feel bad.
When the black haze disappears, a large black rock is carved.
Not the creator, but the god of light.
This was the result of a discussion with the founder.
It doesn't matter if it is a creator god, but what if there are several places that are the same?
Then, it was another god, so I decided with dice.
I wanted to be an agricultural god, but I was worried about fighting this black haze.
Agriculture god is not useless.
I just couldn't imagine the black haze.
Kogami's model is one of the sacred bodies in Chorin.
There is no problem because the founder brought the material, but I would like forgiveness even if the completed form is different from the image.
Completed in about half a day.
When completed, the black light god image gradually becomes white.
It is the same as the time of the image of creation god.
Yeah, this is the solution to the black haze.
...... T r an sl a ted b y jp m tl.c om
Looking closely, there are several black haze threads extending from the bottom of the statue to the hole above the head.
I cut them all with [Universal Farm Tools].
Is the creativity god better?
Check back before returning to the village.
No problem.
I want to make this a temple too ...
Please take this winter into account.
It's already getting really cold.
Maybe a little more snow.
The holes on the ground are closed with logs cut nearby.
This should be fine.
I had the founder hold me and floated in the sky.
"Is the image of the creator god ... here?"
"Actually a bit more ... there."
The founder holding me moves my body and controls my fingertips.
"What happened?"
"Hmm ... maybe it's because of my mind ..."
"In that case, there are more important times."
"That's right. Say it."
"This is the place where the statue of Hikarijin was made, but there was a dead end tunnel."
"That's what it was ... wasn't it digging?"
"So, if that big black rock makes sense ... if you dig a dead end tunnel, maybe there is again?"
"I can imagine ... I can't dig it too quickly. I can't make sure."
I tell the founder and get him down to the ground.
Then draw a figure on the ground with [Universal Farming Tools].
The length of one side is the statue of the god of creation and the statue of the god of light .... The angle at which the dead end tunnel was ... about this?
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