Chapter 45 – At the Ball
The following day, after eating breakfast, I once again headed towards the castle.
Since I’ll be staying over today, a guest room seems to have been prepared for me.
I was led to the guest room I had stayed in previously by the Queen and some maid-sans, Chiffon-san was here today as well. I was then surrounded by tailor-sans as they did the finishing touches to the dress.
After completing the finishing touches in around half a koku, the tailor-sans went to take a break.
When our tea party, which was our so-called break, had finished, the ball preparations, named the time of nightmares, had begun.
After the Queen + maid-sans left the room, some maid-sans that I didn’t recognise entered as a replacement.
Chiffon-san seized my shoulders, then said these words,
「Now, Sakura-sama? It’s time to take a bath okay?」
「Eh? Bath?」
「That’s right. Now, I’ll clean you up until every nook and cranny is clean ne.」
「No, I’ll, enter alone!」
Not good, Chiffon-san’s aura has turned dangerous!
「That’s no good you know? Because, this is our job.」
Chiffon-san quickly caught me as I was about escape, then smiled with grin.
「ufufufufu. Now, let’s take off these clothes ne~」
I don’t wanna, that smile is scary.
Somebody, save me!!
Of course, there was nobody there to save me, my naked body was hauled and thrown into the bath, my body was then washed… Right, just as she claimed, every nook and cranny…
With their glossy expressions, Chiffon-san and the new maid-sans dried my hair.
Compared to me that has lost various things, we’re in a completely different state.1
Somehow, I feel like my physical and mental strength has been drained before I’ve even reached the ball…
「Sakura-sama’s hair is long and incredibly beautiful ne.」
This hair that I’ve inherited from my mother is my secret pride. I get happy whenever it’s praised.
「fufu, thank you very much. But, I think it’s slightly too long ne. When it’s this long, I feel it can become a hindrance.」
As one would expect, when it’s almost down to my knees, I have to pay attention when I sit down.
When I became an adventurer, I thought about it several times to have it cut…
But, when I thought of it as cutting of the olden days, I would imagine my mother’s incredibly sad eyes.2
Supposedly, if I return to Japan with it short, she would certainly cry.
When I think of that, it’s better not to cut it ne.
As I gave into the sensation of having my hair slowly combed, that dangerous presence came from Chiffon-san once again.
「Now, Sakura-sama. We will now do our best to beautifully polish you up wa.」
When I looked at Chiffon-san through a mirror, I had a feeling I saw flames in her eyes.
The bathrobe I was wearing was stripped off, underwear was put on (well, I thought I could at least put the underwear on myself but… Having someone else put on my underwear for me, really is an incredibly embarrassing thing ne…), the dress was put on me, my hair was done up, and makeup was applied. After some accessories were put on as finishing touches, the preparations were completed.
When I saw my completed self in the mirror, I didn’t know who it was.
No, that wasn’t a joke.
After all, I’ve never worn makeup up until now.
I’ve used things like face lotions and moisturisers after being told by my mother but…
「Sakura-sama, you look incredibly cute you know. His Highness Prince Sedrim will surely be satisfied as well.」
U~n, certainly, I suppose it’s cute if you look at it objectively. Even though I’m talking about myself.
But as expected, my charm of a woman is…
Excessively modest chest and thin hips.
When I became aware of it, I couldn’t find myself attractive no matter what.3
I give Chiffon-san a fleeting glance.
A tall, well proportioned figure of about 170cm.
Her figure is being hidden by the maid uniform, but I can tell, I estimate those are E cup breasts.
A tightly knit and high positioned waist.4
I can clearly see it when she bends down, that type of butt that can easily deliver a child.
Something like that, isn’t that what you’d call an attractive lady?
When I compare it to my own body, I unintentionally let out a sigh.
I win when it comes to the waist…
The Prince surely likes women similar to Chiffon-san.
「It’s about time ne. His Highness the Prince should be in the waiting room as arranged, don’t you think?」
As I nodded, Chiffon-san guided me towards the waiting room the Prince was waiting in.
「It’s this way.」
Over there was the only waiting room close to the hall.
When I softly took a deep breath and knocked on the door, a single word,「enter」, was said from within.
As I opened the door and entered, there was a sofa and table, and on that sofa was the Prince’s figure.
When I called out, the Prince lifted his face… and froze.
That expression, his eyes are wide open as if he’s surprised, his mouth is opened as well.
I tried waiting for a moment, but since it didn’t look like he was going to get moving anytime soon, I called out once again.
It’s about time, please get rid of that stupid face.5
「A, aah. Is it…… Sakura?」
「Who else are you looking at?」
I unintentionally let out a forceful tone.
Seriously, who’s fault do you think it is that I ended up with this appearance.
「That’s, right. Sorry. I was just slightly surprised.」
Has my change surprised you to that extent?
Well, even though when I looked in the mirror, I thought ‘who?’.
「Since there’s still some time left, how about some tea?」
Chiffon-san, who entered the room, had already begun preparing tea when she asked.
「Yes please.」
The Prince sat upright as he accepted the tea Chiffon-san had made.
During that time, the Prince didn’t say a single word.
No, I didn’t have any expectations or anything…
Nonetheless, I can feel his gaze repeatedly glance in my direction, honestly, it feels irritating.
「What is it?」
Even when I ask that,
「No, it’s nothing.」
would be his only answer…
Although Chiffon-san is grinning, I wonder what it could be ne?
Before long, I noticed the outside of the room had become noisy.
This room connects to a passage which leads to the hall.
It seems the people attending the ball are gathering to the hall.
Us as well, Chiffon-san saw us off and we exited the room.
When the Prince stood beside me, he suddenly held out his hand.
I placed my hand on top of his hand, my first time, and probably the last, then headed to the ball.
The first thing I saw when I entered the hall was, people.
The spacious hall which could hold thousands of people, a great number of people.
On the high ceiling, pictures were drawn on it.
And hanging from the ceiling was a glittering chandelier, sparkling.
The lights that are illuminating the inside of the room, could they be magic tools?
There was a large open space at the centre, tables with food were by the walls.
And on top of the several steps of stairs, were two elegant chairs.
When we entered the hall, the people inside the venue looked over at our direction.
From those gazes, my body shivered with a twitch.
「Act as usual. There’s no need to worry if you don’t leave my side.」
After the Prince patted my head with his available hand with a ponpon, we stepped into the hall.
For the time being, I’ll have to make sure not to embarrass the Prince.
Immediately after we went inside, a lone man started a conversation.
Obviously a noble from appearance, a stout, chubby old man probably in his fifties.
「Well isn’t it Your Highness Prince Sedrim. Your Highness the Prince seems to be in good humour. Incidentally, Your Highness the Prince has lately been enthusiastically going to a commoner’s place and… Is this her, the girl from the rumour? She’s cute. Your Highness the Prince sure has good tastes na.」
Uwa, he immediately spitted out sarcasm.6
Or rather, what does he mean by rumour? What’s the Prince doing!?
「It’s been awhile since we’ve seen each other. The Duke as well, you seem to be in good health above all. Since you’ve recently began a new business. Sakura, this is Duke Hertsmere」
The Prince introduces me to the sarcastic old man.
「How do you do, Duke Hertsmere-sama. I am called Sakura Fujino.」
Saying that, I did a lady’s curtsy.
I roughly had these sorts of etiquettes in my previous life’s knowledge but… So how come even though I was a man, I knew about a lady’s etiquette? That’s not important.
Well, it’s good that it’s helpful right now but…
The Prince and the Duke were surprised at my perfect lady’s etiquette.
Because what they thought to be an ordinary commoner had perfect etiquette for a lady, I think it’s inevitable.
「Excuse me, may we excuse ourselves? Since this her first time at a ball, I want her to slowly ease in until she becomes accustomed to it.」
「A, aah, that’s right.」
「Well then, please excuse us.」
The Prince, who recovered earlier, cajoled the sarcastic old man while he was still confused.
「Sorry na, to be suddenly caught by that duke… That duke’s daughter is one of my fiancée candidates you see. Most likely, he’s inspecting Sakura since you suddenly appeared out of nowhere.7」
In other words, it’s the Prince’s fault he said those sarcastic words ne.
Well, I had thought things to that extent would happen anyways.
「Good evening, Your Highness Sedrim. You sure have a cute partner accompanying you tonight.」
The next person who called out, although it’s been covered by clothing, I can tell, had a moderately toned body and distinct snow white hair, probably an old man in his forties.
「Well if it isn’t Count Grantz. It’s been a long time. Thank you for taking care of me at that time.」
This uncle also interacts with the Prince straightforwardly.
「No no, I just did what I was able to you know. Leaving that aside Your Highness. Could this ojou-san be from the rumor… I wonder? If it’s alright with you, would you introduce her to me?」
What should I say? There was a part I didn’t follow but…?8
「Sakura, this is Count Grantz. I consult him often on matters regarding the Chivalric Order.」
「How do you do, Count Grantz-sama. I am Sakura Fujino.」
Saying that, I did a lady’s curtsy.
「How courteous. She even has proper etiquette. Well well, it seems I’ll be able to see something good before longna.」
「Count Grantz.」
The Prince called out to the Count with a sharp tone.
And then while the two people had eye contact, they glanced at me.9 What could it be…?
When I tilted my head to the side, I heard the announcement of the King and Queen’s entrance.
Together with an entrance music, the King and Queen entered.
The participants within the hall faced that direction and did a retainer’s bow.
For the time being, I also bowed my head as I was prompted by the Prince.
Even though I’m not a retainer ne.
「Everyone, you have gathered here well.」
After that voice, I realized my surroundings had raised their heads.
「Please enjoy yourselves this evening.」
At the same time those words finished, light music began to drifting out.
It seems several men and women are dancing at the centre.
「Sakura, I’ll need to go do some greetings for a bit. You might feel lonely but, please wait here for a moment.」
When it comes to a prince, I’m sure they have many various obligatory ties.
I approached a wall, then saw off the Prince as he headed towards a single group.
1. 対するわたしは色々な物を失い、されるがままです。
2. でも、昔から切りたいって言うと、母親にすごく悲しそうな目で見られるんですよ。
3. それを意識すると、どうしても自分が魅力的だとは思えません。
4. 高い位置できゅっと締まったウエスト。
5. そろそろ、その間の抜けた顔を戻してください。
6. うわ、早速丸わかりの嫌みが来ましたよ。
7. 恐らくは、いきなり現れたサクラの様子見と、牽制だろう」
8. 何を言ったのでしょうか?聞き取れない部分がありましたが…?
9. そして二人でアイコンタクトをしながら、チラチラとわたしを見ます。
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