Chapter 195: 195
Riding behind Fafnir-san for 30 minutes, the streets of Rigforeshia finally came into view .
It’s only been a few months since my last visit, but I feel nostalgic…… I guess the events that happened in the Sacred Tree Festival were that memorable .
A lot of things have really happened when I visited before . I also met Sieg-san’s parents Rejnhardt-san and Sylphia-san .
The events that happened in Lilia-san, Lunamaria-san and Sieg-san’s past…… And in the midst of a city that was in turmoil due to the Black Bears’ attack, I experienced a battle for the first time in my life .
Hmmm, but that Black Bear…… for her to change in appearance and become my important and cute follower… You can really never know what’s going to happen in life .
And then, I didn’t really see for myself when Isis-san beat the invading Black Bears, but looking back on that day, I guess it’s that time…… the first time I felt happy that Isis-san earnestly feels love towards me……
And after that, my encounter with the spirits at the harvest festival and Lillywood-san, the World King…… There really are lots of things that happened back at the Sacred Tree Festival .
Come to think of it, was it after the Sacred Tree Festival ended? It was when Sieg-san started occasionally serving me her home-made meal to me…… All of Sieg-san’s dishes are home-style and have a gentle flavor, just the way I like it, and I was secretly looking forward to eating her home-made meal again .
[……Unnn? Is something the matter?]
[No, it’s just that it should have only been a few months since we visited Rigforeshia…… but I’m kind of feeling nostalgic . ]
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[Indeed, I agree . Since the day we came to the Sacred Tree Festival, Kaito-san and I have changed a lot . ]
[Eh? I changed?]
[……Yes, you have become much more reliable than you used to be . ]
[T- Thank you . ]
Feeling a little embarrassed to hear her unsarcastic praise she said with a gentle smile on her face, I was somewhat flustered, so I shifted my gaze to the view that could be seen from the window .
To be honest, I wondered how someone with Fafnir-san’s physique, which had a length of over 100 meters, would get down but…… I felt surprised as only the carriage part descended slowly through Fafnir-san’s magic, and gently landed in front of the entrance of Rigforeshia .
Well, I’m really glad…… that we weren’t brought down like this in the middle of the city…… I would have been too embarrassed to walk out of my house if I had been in a situation where I had been sent home by something like a luxurious helicopter .
As I was thinking about this when I stepped out of the carriage with Sieg-san and thanked Fafrir-san for sending us here, Fafrir-san politely bowed his head in response before he returned .
Watching his magnificent flap of wings glide through the air for a bit, we headed to the city of Rigforeshia once again .
The wooden walls surrounding the city of Rigforeshia were much larger than when I had seen them before, and they had changed to the point where they could be described as wooden ramparts .
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And in front of the place that looks like an entrance, there’s a gatekeeper dressed in heavy equipment .
[!? If it isn’t Miyama-sama!]
[It’s an honor to meet you . ]
[Errr, you know who I am?]
A woman, who held vigilance typical of a gatekeeper, quickly gets down on one knee and bows her head when she sees me… . . Eh? What’s going on here? I don’t recognize her at all…… To begin with, from looking at her ears, she looks like an Elf, but who is she?
[I am one of World King-sama’s followers . ]
[Ahh, I see……]
[Yes . We have received word from World King-sama to be courteous to Miyama-sama when you arrive . ]
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Arehh? What the heck is this? I think I saw this kind of development a few moments ago .
[World King-sama said that she felt gratitude for Miyama-san higher than words could ever express . We were told that Miyama-sama’s words take precedence over everything else . ]
[I- Is that so……]
[……Kaito-san, isn’t it about time you take over the world? Or are you perhaps thinking of taking it slowly and building your own country first?]
[I’m not going to build any country . ]
Apparently, the members of the Six Kings really are thanking me for Kuro’s situation, and they strictly ordered their own subordinates to treat me politely .
How should I say this… I’m grateful for that but…… Didn’t they think that something like this would make me feel very uncomfortable!?
Magnawell-san, Lillywood-san…… even Alice, from even before them, also issued strict orders for their subordinates to obey me…… Seriously, what the heck am I supposed to do here……
Even as we encountered all this tiring stuff right from the start, we finally managed to enter the city of Rigforeshia…… but Sieg-san and I tilted our heads .
[……Arehh? Rei-san and Fia-san are supposed to be picking us up here, right?]
The most up-to-date novels are published on ligh_tnov_elworld . com
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