Chapter 1235 - Preparing for the Participation in the Wedding Ceremony ②
I handed the clerk the paper that Lilia-san wrote for me. Although the peerage that Mitsunaga-kun received is that of a Viscount, this wedding involves a princess, Cattleya-san…… In other words, someone from the royal family, the ceremony will be of a higher grade than a normal viscount’s wedding and will be equivalent to a count’s wedding ceremony.
Well, I don’t know which clothes would fit an event like that, so it would be best to just leave that up to the clerk.
Incidentally, since men’s and women’s clothes are sold in different areas, Aoi-chan and Hina-chan were also accompanied by different clerks and moved to the section where dresses and other items are sold.
In the midst of all this, I was answering a questionnaire handed to me by the clerk…… asking me questions about my height, weight, favorite colors, preferred fabrics, and other things.
I guess that in a store of this size, they probably have quite a variety of clothes and are using this as a reference when making their selection. They did say that I could leave blank items that I don’t want to write down, so it doesn’t seem to be that important……
With this in mind, I fill in 170cm in the “Height” column. No, well, my correct height is 169.6cm…… but you see, it would be easier for the clerk to understand if I wrote 170cm, because it would be easier to write without the decimals. Yes, this is just my consideration. I’m just being considerate.
I hand the clerk the paper with this excuse in my mind.
[Please allow me to look…… Oya?]
[Ahh, did I forget to write something?]
[No, that’s not it. I saw that your height was listed as 170cm, but you looked taller than that, so I couldn’t help but exclaim. My apologies.]
[Ahh, n- no…… D- Does it look that way?]
[Yes, was it perhaps because of your smart and dignified appearance? I had this personal impression that you looked about 175cm in height…… Oops, please excuse me. Well then, please wait a moment while I go and find you some clothes.]
……I see…… I see, it looked like I was 175cm tall huh! W- Well, I guess it can’t be helped, 5cm is on the level of a measurement error, so it’s not impossible for people to think I’m 175cm.
However, unnn…… For the time being, let’s just “buy the most expensive one among the ones the clerk would present to me”.
N- No, I could tell. I could tell, okay!? I know that what she said was just lip service. When I was filling out the form, she saw that I was a little hesitant when I filled up my height and saw that I had a complex about my height.
It’s part of the sales talk to make the customers feel good about shopping in their establishment…… I know that, of course.
……Well, but since it felt nice being told I was 175cm, and since I was definitely gonna buy my outfit here anyway, it wouldn’t matter if the cost was a little more expensive.
As I was thinking about this, Aoi-chan and Hina-chan, who were looking at dresses from a distance…… seemed to have a not-so-good look on their faces…… To be more specific, it kinda looked like the face Sieg-san had in this store back then.
The clerk seemed to still be selecting clothes for me, so I approached the two of them.
[You two don’t look so good……]
[Ahh, Kaito-senpai…… Well, umm, I was already prepared for this but……]
[I guess this is to be expected of a store catering the nobles. Even when we were looking for lower-grade outfits, they were barely within our budget and our options weren’t that much…… No, Hina-chan and I aren’t nobles, so we don’t really need dresses that much…… but considering that we would be acting alongside Lilia-san and Kaito-san, I was thinking we should get something befitting……]
The two have only been Adventurers for a short time, and even though they do their fair share of quests, they don’t earn enough money to afford luxuries.
And so, when it comes to shopping at noble-oriented stores, it’s understandable that the items here would be tough on their purse.
Thinking that much, I called out to the clerk who was with the two of them.
[Excuse me, please help me find a nice dress for these two. I will handle the payment.]
[Just allow me to give presents to my cute kouhais sometimes…… Look, I might not be that great, but I fortunately have a lot of money.]
[Uuuuu, b- but……]
[Since there’s a great opportunity, I also want to see you two in a beautiful dress. Well, you should at least depend on me at times like this.]
After lightly patting them both on the head, I returned to the men’s clothing section. In fact, this time, since we’re not buying the highest grade of clothing, this would be easy for the wallet.
Rather, I don’t really have a chance to spend my money unless I take opportunities like this to spend it. I surprisingly don’t buy expensive things that much…… I think the sake I bought at Kaori-san’s place was the most expensive I’ve bought in a long time?
Well, anyhow, this will give the both of them options and they can choose the clothes they like.
When I returned to the men’s clothing section, the clerk laid out the clothes she had chosen.
[The designs you see here are what’s in fashion lately.]
[Are these patterns?]
[Indeed. There are also these buttons. Nowadays, the most popular buttons are……]
Listening to the clerk who explained in detail, it seemed that there were trends in patterns and embroidery on jackets, as well as in the size and shape of buttons.
To be honest, it didn’t seem to have as many obvious features as a woman’s dress, and I wasn’t sure which one would be the best even though she had presented to me all these types that were available…… so I just bought the most expensive one she recommended.
Serious-senpai : [Isn’t this protagonist getting better and better at handling women……]
? ? ? : [Rather, Kaito-san has always been good with younger or shy women. On the other hand, it somehow feels like he’s slightly weak against older, onee-san types.]
Serious-senpai : [Simply put, he’s strong when he gets the offensive, and weak when he’s on the receiving end? He’s got a special effect against those who are younger, lonely, or in a special position, or if they’re not confident in themselves…… or if he’s against Alice.]
? ? ? : [……Why did Alice-chan get a special mention…… I don’t know the reason why…… but the fact that Kaito-san is by far overwhelmingly stronger on this matter than Alice-chan…… is something I can’t refute.]
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