Chapter 216: Snake’s Head (9)
"I apologize, I apologize, I apologize!"
Bang! Bang! Bang!
The woman repeatedly banged her forehead on the floor as she continued to apologize.
Ohjin looked down at Kasia apologizing and trembling to an extent that even he frowned and gulped.
'The Queen of Snakes was said to be fanatically devoted to Heavenly Demon.'
If that was the case, was she really mistaking him for the Heavenly Demon?
Even if he could be mistaken for such in his previous life, he had neither accumulated power worthy of the grand title of Heavenly Demon nor behaved in a manner fitting of it.
According to Isabella, the Heavenly Demon was a transcendent being who gave birth to the celestials of the Black Stars.
She must have also seen him almost lose to a Star Spirit that inherited a portion of a celestials soul; why would she make such an absurd assumption?
'Could it be?'
Ohjin placed his hand over the left side of his chest.
The Black Heaven was slumbering beneath his thin skin.
Was that what made her mistake him for the Heavenly Demon?
'No, that doesn't make sense.'
If she mistook him for the Heavenly Demon because of the Black Heaven, it would mean that the being called the Heavenly Demon who gave birth to the Black Stars also possessed the Black Heaven like him.
'Then does it mean that there are two Black Heavens?'
What the hell was going on?
Ohjin silently bit his lip as he continued trying to figure things out.
Could it be that the Black Heaven he possessed was not complete and the other half belonged to the Heavenly Demon?
Could it be that he was something like the reincarnation of the Heavenly Demon?
Could it be that the one who brought about the destruction of the world in his past life was actually not him, but the real Heavenly Demon?
'No.' Ohjin shook his head. Any further conjectures were nothing but baseless speculation. 'Don't think about it.'
Making baseless speculations could make you believe that the most 'plausible' conjecture was the truth. He had seen countless instances in his life where a baseless assumption turned into conviction, causing people to not even consider other possibilities.
'That isnt important right now.'
Ohjin's gaze shifted to Kasia, who was lying flat on the ground with her head pressed down. She had continued to bang her head on the floor while he was lost in deep thought.
In any case, she believes Im the Heavenly Demon,' he thought as a smirk formed on his face.
The memory of when he first met Vega resurfaced in his head.
"Lift your head," he said in a curt voice as he looked down at the Queen of Snakes still prostrating herself on the floor.
"Yes, Heavenly Demon," Kasia replied and lifted her head, which had been pounding the ground like a hammer on a nail.
Despite the forceful banging, not even a bruise could be seen on her fair forehead.
"Ah, Heavenly Demon"
Kasias eyes trembled as they met Ohjins. The emotion filling her emerald green eyes was neither affection nor loyaltyit was a fanatical faith that knew no bounds.
She was looking up at him with complete awe, as if he were a god.
"How did you find me?"
"The first clue was found at the dock," she replied.
A short exclamation escaped Ohjin's lips.
'Right The Living Armor.'
Had the energy of the Black Heaven leaked out in the process of eliminating her demonic beast?
"At first, I wasn't sure, but now Im certain." Kasia crawled toward Ohjin, still on her hands and knees. "You are the one the Heavenly Demon I've been desperately searching for."
With a bright smile on her face, she kissed his shoe.DiiScôver new stories on no/v/e()/lbin(.)com
The soft sensation he felt through the padding on his shoe made him gulp, and a cold sweat ran down his back.
'Shit.' The situation itself was similar to Vega's, but the difficulty was on another level. 'I think theres something wrong with her head.'
He had often heard people call others crazy, but he never imagined there was someone crazy to such an extent.
The situation was too awkward and uncomfortable for him to just do nothing.
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