After the Legendary beasts satisfied their curiosity, they didn't continue to pester Ainsley.
On the contrary, because they were grateful for Ainsley's information, they couldn't help but want to protect her.
The group of Legendary beasts glanced at the domain masters and the remaining soul masters around them with a warning in their eyes.
This kid was someone they were protecting. Back off and don't think of something you shouldn't think.
The domain masters were all sensitive and they immediately received the Legendary beasts' warning signs.
These old men and women looked at the colorful Legendary beasts in disbelief.
How could this be? How could the Legendary beasts suddenly want to protect that little kid?
They already let go of the Godfather. They couldn't let go of that kid either!
That kid was too important! More important than the Godfather.
She carried a lot of secrets that could change the world.
Even if they didn't target the girl, other forces or even malicious organizations would still be interested.
Wouldn't it be better to protect the girl by their side?
They wouldn't do extreme experiments on this girl, but they couldn't be sure about what other organizations would do.
Compared to evil organizations and terrorist forces, the World Union was indeed much better.
However, there were also a lot of mad geniuses and scientists at the headquarters.
Not to mention that Ainsley had a personal beef with the World Union, not with those evil organizations.
Those organizations didn't dare to experiment on transmigrators because they couldn't even catch one.
Thus, they usually sheltered the transmigrators if they got one, and this person would be treated as a VVIP.
On the other hand, the World Union captured a lot of transmigrators.
They extracted the souls every time, but they also did some experiments on these people who came from another world.
After all, in the eyes of the natives, transmigrators were all aliens.
Thanks to this experiment, the future world could develop many advanced potions, techniques on using abilities, various technologies and so on.
Some rumors said that the technology of Teleportal came from transmigrators, and it was true.
After all, the Billios family and other noble families who worked together for that project secretly sheltered a few transmigrators from higher-level worlds. řàNօΒƐ?
The benefits that transmigrators brought were too many and important.
Not to mention that Ainsley was not just an ordinary transmigrators. She was also a time traveler!
The world union in this era had not determined Ainsley's identity as a time traveler, but they keenly realized that something was strange with the girl.
They had to get the girl before other forces and organizations got her.
But out of the blue, the Legendary beasts suddenly wanted to protect this girl??
The domain masters weren't so naive to believe that the Legendary beasts did this out of compassion for the younger generation.
Could it be that these beasts already got some benefits and information from the girl, so they decided to protect her?
The beast race was the only race who didn't join the World Union despite being one of the biggest races in the world.
After all, most of them couldn't transform to a humanoid form despite having a high intelligence on par with human beings.
So, the beast race never took the World Union seriously.
Still, if they wanted to develop something behind everyone's back...
The domain masters all had a chill down their spine.
They never thought of a possibility when the beast race collectively went against the World Union.
Maybe they would secretly collaborate with the Beastman race and the Merfolk race or with the celestial race to create a brand new alliance.
As long as they got those important secrets from the mysterious girl, it was not impossible to start another era of interracial war.
After all, the beast race probably suffered the most in the hands of human beings.
Other non-human races usually lived together with beasts and weren't as cruel as human beings.
The world union appeared to be a joint organization of all the big races in this world, but because other non-human races rarely cared about such a gathering...
In reality, most of the activities and regulations came from human beings.
Those non-human races could leave the World Union anytime, but human beings couldn't, because the World Union was one of their attempts to survive against non-human races.
The domain masters didn't dare to question the Legendary beasts out loud, but they immediately sent the news to the headquarters.
The Legendary beasts rebelled, and it was suspected that they already joined forces with the mysterious girl.
There might be an intention to cause trouble and break apart the World Union! Enjoy new stories from m-v l'e|-
The World Union's higher-ups, who were mostly human beings or halflings with the blood of human beings, were terrified on the spot.
They knew how much the World Union meant to the human race.
Without this organization, other non-human races wouldn't pay attention to them, or they would want to make humans as their slaves.
If those non-human races joined forces with the beast race relying on the secrets of that mysterious girl...
The higher-ups broke in a cold sweat and they sent an ultimatum to the domain masters and everyone inside the domain who worked for the World Union.
Of course, except for the unreliable Mr Griffin who defected on the spot.
[Capture that little girl at all costs! If we can't capture her alive, it's okay to destroy her so that no one can get her.]
The world union hardened their hearts and became ruthless.
If they couldn't get it, then they had to destroy it so that no one could get what they couldn't get!
WANT MORE CHAPTERS?! Vote for our little Ain and take her to the top of the world.
And don't forget to follow our baby's nanny's Instagram, @Zehell2218. The great nanny will provide you with baby Ain's rare photo shoot sometimes.
PS: If you guys don't read this on and read somewhere else, Ain will HWUNT u and KWILL u!
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