Naturally, after a good rest at night with each member taking turns to do the night vigil, the group woke up refreshed.
However, something strange happened.
When Ainsley was sleeping and the sun was slowly going to rise, the girl felt a sudden dizziness out of the blue, as if she was thrown to another place within seconds without her knowing.
At first, Ainsley only felt that she was having a headache or a nightmare, but soon, the surrounding temperature that should not be too cold suddenly plummeted like crazy.
The whole body felt as if it was thrown into an ice cellar or drowned into a cold lake in winter.
Ainsley had 'felt' this feeling before when her body was thrown into the glacier for tempering.
Back then, she didn't really feel anything because the connection between her soul and her body was cut off, but now, she could feel with every inch of her cells.
The baby couldn't endure the biting cold and immediately opened her eyes in a frown, thinking that the cave was too cold because the fire went out or something.
Or maybe it was raining out there and the temperature at night in the forest changed drastically or something.
But when Ainsley opened her eyes, all she saw was pure white 'land' with tall strange trees at the distance.
But as far as she could see, she only saw a snowy mountain and a land full of thick snow.
The baby, who was still a bit groggy after waking up from the cold, suddenly opened her eyes even wider than before.
She abruptly snapped awake from her sleepiness and hurriedly stood up.
In an instant, a cold wind blew her hair and her skin. Snow sprinkle from the sky and the previously blue sky turned a bit gray, as if lacking sunlight.
Ainsley subconsciously exhaled and a mouthful of mist came out of her mouth within seconds.
At that moment, only then did Ainsley realize something was wrong.
The baby immediately looked around and discovered that she was still inside a cave, but the cave was so small that it could only fit one kid like her.
After that, all that greeted her in front of the cave was not the bonfire lit by her teammates but the vast land of snow, so white that it was a bit dizzying.
Seeing the completely different environment from the one she was in before, Ainsley's heart skipped a beat, but she suppressed her panic and tried to analyze her situation calmly.
It didn't seem like she was kidnapped or something because she was not tied at all and she was free to do anything.
She was also not thrown out of the cave and was still put in the cave, albeit the whole cave was different from the one she used last night.
It should be morning already, but the environment abruptly changed, as if a maze shifted or something.
But it could be that she was the only one being teleported away.
Ainsley didn't know whether this was her enemy's trick or what, but when she saw the familiar three floating cameras not far from her place, she threw away the hypothesis about being tricked by her enemy.
This place should still be on the Four Seasons Island and she was still doing the assessment. did she suddenly come to this place that was 180° different from the hot Sun-kissed forest?
Ainsley thought about the only person in the team who could use space element ability and that was the sonic guy.
She suspected that the sonic guy teleported her away, but thinking again, there was no need to do this and the sonic guy didn't have any reason to do this.
So...the sonic guy might be innocent.
Then, if the sonic guy was not the culprit, there must be another reason why she suddenly woke up in another place.
Maybe all of this was just an illusion and she was actually still at the cave in the forest?
Ainsley thought about this, but when looking at the active cameras, she felt that illusions should not imitate the cameras as well.
The holographic screen was still there too, so this should not be an illusion.
If it was not an illusion...could it be that the map changed?
After all, the Four Seasons Island was known for being 'unstable' and it was common for one place to suddenly disappear and be replaced by another area.
But if that's the case, the other teammates should be there with her too...
Yet they were nowhere to be seen.
Ainsley had a feeling that it was indeed her who was teleported away, but maybe it did have something to do with the island's strangeness.
Ainsley actually didn't guess wrong.
The Four Seasons Island often shifted map like now, but aside from that, everyone's location would also be reshuffled by the island's teleportation array that the island's caretaker controlled.
It was just that, this action was not done for no reason at all. In previous assessments last year, there were many cases when the contestants were 'reshuffled' and were thrown to different areas every single day.
If the contestants only stayed in the same place, how could the judges examine the contestants' ability to adapt to different situations and different environments?
Aside from that, there would be no entertaining element if the place didn't change for more than a day.
That's how the contestants were all 'reshuffled' along with the map switching and now, the previous complete map might not work anymore.
And the season that the Island 'chose' this day was not summer anymore but winter.
WANT MORE CHAPTERS?! Vote for our little Ain and take her to the top 20 of ReadNovelFull world.
And don't forget to follow our baby's nanny's Instagram, @Zehell2218. The great nanny will provide you with baby Ain's rare photo shoot sometimes.
PS: If you guys don't read this on and read somewhere else, Ain will HWUNT u and KWILL you!
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