It was almost impossible to reach such a high strength realm within one or two years after an awakening.
Ainsley was definitely an exception!
The Dryad woman was only suspicious of Ainsley's deeds for a moment and immediately remembered that the fighters were indeed allowed to bring a certain number of weapons along with the type of the weapon.
The Dryad woman was not used to bringing weapons to the battlefield because their Dryad race relied on their natural race advantage such as creating whips out of their tree roots or something.
The Dryad woman suddenly regretted not taking more weapons with her just because she felt that she didn't need a weapon to deal with a little brat like this boy.
But who would have thought that this boy was so talented and he was not that much worse than her!
The audience felt that the act of sneaking a few elite weapons among the weapons made out of one's own energy was a clever trick and could be said as a trump card.
The so-called 'elite weapons' cut down all the tree roots and other attacks that the Dryad sent to Ainsley using her own special energy.
In this clash, Ainsley won, which was why those tree roots, leaves, or other tree parts could not be revived and the Dryad woman had to conjure new things from scratch.
It was obviously better to repair the damaged products than to create new ones from scratch.
The Dryad woman's attack failed, and she quickly retracted the rest of her controlled plants, trying to make new attacks that could work better than before.
However, time was ticking, and the Dryad woman was also anxious.
She underestimated the boy too much and now, she was caught in this situation.
Let's not mention whether the battle would be considered a tie or not because now, the Dryad woman felt that even just trying not to lose to the boy was difficult.
After all, if the situation kept on continuing, the Dryad woman could see her defeat.
Being defeated by a brat from a human race who had not even formally entered the Academy and was still an elementary school on top of that—
Her title as an Eltonian would be a big joke by then!
Of course, the Dryad woman was still worthy to be an Eltonian and she didn't rush to send another wave of attack after the first two attacks failed.
If the girl couldn't see the situation on the battlefield and foolishly rushed to attack Ainsley once more with the remaining tree's parts that she controlled, she would have been defeated faster.
Many instructors and special instructors who once taught the Dryad student or who were now teaching her in college nodded with a little bit of smile on their faces.
pαпdα Йᴏνê|,сòМ Although the Dryad woman was in a disadvantage now, her choice to withdraw and strengthen her next attack showed that she was a qualified Eltonian of their Elton Academy.
Ainsley also didn't bother about the Dryad woman's movement of withdrawing her other tree roots, leaves and so on.
She cared more about the possibility of the Dryad woman burying tree roots below the soil and although the soil was also a part of the holographic technology, it could indeed hide these huge tree roots.
The heavy rain was still pouring down the entire battle venue, and Ainsley never let down her guard just because she managed to cut down many wood-element attacks to pieces.
It would indeed be better if she had a fire-element ability, and her Realism Art could do this too.
But she had shown two abilities in this battle and it was quite a bit unbelievable if she had another ability which was related to fire.
If she had such an ability, why would she fight the Dryad woman with metals and irons?
Ainsley could only manipulate the so-called 'elite weapons' to return to the dagger wings and soon, those weapons hid themselves among many dagger feathers.
Ainsley was not someone who would be passive, so once she took back all the thrown weapons so as not to lack 'ammunition' in the future, the baby started to manipulate her metal wings to fly away from her original hiding place.
Since the Dryad woman had discovered her, it was better to find the Dryad woman quickly because this girl should not be used to melee and other short-range combat.
Her plants could prevent others from approaching their master, but Ainsley also had her tricks.
The audience watched Ainsley floating just a few meters from the ground but she moved fast across the battle venue.
The baby could accurately avoid many 'trees' and other plants that were parts of the holographic technology.
Judging from this speed, it would only take less than a minute for the boy to arrive at the Dryad woman's place.
The Dryad woman still had many plants spread around the venue to act as her eyes and ears.
She definitely saw the little boy's movement and as a qualified genius, the Dryad woman also guessed what the boy wanted to do.
The boy wanted to force her to engage in a melee battle because her weakness was indeed the melee battle.
The controlled plants could act as both long and short-range attacks, but the Dryad woman was more comfortable with a long-range fight than a melee battle.
Not to mention that the boy's ability was related to cold weapons, which was definitely suitable for a melee battle.
The Dryad woman didn't want to take a risk because once the system overlooked the battle venue and the judges outside saw that one of the fighters was declared 'dead', the winner would immediately be determined!
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PS: If you guys don't read this on and read somewhere else, Ain will HWUNT u and KWILL you!
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