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Seemingly introducing them, Kaiser held out his hand.

[From the left———– Diaz Family’s Head, Hausen Diaz-dono.]

He was an elderly man with gray hair elegantly brushed back.

His hair was long and tied back like a tail.

He was dressed in black, reminiscent of a military uniform.

He was tall and his back strengthened out———– He’s standing rather too straight even.

From his appearance, one can imagine that he must have been very popular in his youth.

[Ord Family’s Head, Yoyo Ord-dono.]

This one was an elderly woman, with short, trimmed gray hair.

Her face had quite the wrinkles on it, but that doesn’t hide the sharp eyes she had.

You could define her as a smart, dignified beauty.

Perhaps, she had always been like that since she was young.

What is surprising is that she stands as tall as the nearby Diaz Family Head……

No——- There’s her stature.

She may be taller than the Diaz Family’s Head.

No, is she even taller than Wright……?

Anyhow, she’s taller than anyone here.

[And the last one is the Seat Family’s Head, Rinne Seat.]

A middle-aged woman.

She looks like she’s in her 40s or early 50s.

She’s slightly plump.

She was wearing the most flamboyant dress in the place, with a soft and wide skirt.

She looked strong-willed.

Her hair is well-groomed and shiny, although there’s some white hair in it.

The Diaz Family’s Head———— Hausen held out his hand, offering a handshake.

[Ahh, you must be the rumored Fly King-san, aren’t you? Take good care of his Majesty, will you? Please, please.]

I returned the handshake.

He was acting humble, but he was showing no weakness.

Standing tall, the next person to greet me is the Ord Family’s Head———– Yoyo.

[You had your face hidden and voice changed, and yet, to have actually gained the trust of his Majesty…… His Majesty isn’t the kind of person who would fall for a con man. You’re one real piece of work, aren’t you?]

[Ahh! Geez, I can’t stand it anymore! Hey, you! Seras Ashrain!]

The person approached by the Seat Family’s Head———- Rinne.

When I was about to intervene, Kaiser stopped me with a look and a movement.

“It will be alright”, or so his eyes told me.

[Y- Yes. My apologies for the late greeting…… I’m Seras Ashrain of the Fly King Squadr———-]

[Hey, what’s with the dress!?]

[Eh……Ah, I borrowed this from his Majesty…… Ummm, if there’s a problem———–]

[It looks really great on you!]

[Huh? Ummm……]

[It was my creation! My- cre- a- tion! Well, isn’t it lovely!? I knew the Seras Ashrain would be able to pull it off so well! Right!? You think so too, right!? Come on, say it!]

Plak plak plak!

Two women of about the same stature began running towards our direction, slightly lifting up their skirts in a curtsy with both hands.

[My, oh my, my, my, Esteemed Sister! You have called for us!? Ara, indeed! Seras Ashrain!]

[I- It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Fly King Squadron’s Deputy Head, Seras Ashr———–]

[Geez, move yourself back a bit, Josette! Here! This outfit here…… I created it! My, Seras Ashrain! For you to have expressly chosen this dress, you have the talent! You should come to my house as soon as possible! Now, which one of my sons will you marry————]

[Stop there, Camilla! Seras Ashrain is the bride of the Fly King over there! This dimwit!]

[Keh! You’re always denying everything without listening! Are you that envious of my talent!?]

[Wha!? What’s with that attitude!? Keh! That dress isn’t something you created all by yourself! It’s thanks to Esteemed Sister Rinne! In the first place, an outfit’s beauty stands out along with its wearer! Isn’t that right, Seras Ashrain!?]

[No…… Before I say anything else, I think this dress is a very magnificent———–]

[A bundle of humility, Seras Ashrain! Oh my! That’s right! The outfit his Majesty wears today…… It was all me too! Fufun!]

[Haaahhhhh!? Half of that is created thanks to my efforts!]

[Indeed, I see that!]

[In that case, that is a victory for the two of us!]

[Ara, you’re right! Now that you mentioned it, that is indeed the case!]

[Keh! You two are getting annoying, shut up! Get along with each other!]

[ [ We already did, Esteemed Sister. ] ]

[Stop making excuses! You look really unsightly!]

[ [ Forgive us, Esteemed Sister……! ] ]

[That aside, gaze upon her…… Look! Look at her! This is a miracle talent who can make full use of her dress…… Seras Ashrain! One, two, say it!]

[ [ Seras Ashrain! ] ]

[Hmmm, Seras Ashrain is a very good girl! That’s why, I also approve of Fly King-chan!]

[Esteemed Sister, I think you’re judging too quickly……]

[Ahh, I love it when you give out such candid advice, Josette! In that case, let’s talk a little more with Seras Ashrain, shall we?]

[Ara! Oh my! Hey, get out of the way, men! You’re in the way, hindrances! Can you not sully the scene with your presence!? You’re ruining the beautiful composition!]

[Go do your gawking far away! Shoo! You’ll disturb the picturesque work of art! Do your heads not get it!? At the moment, this table will be the ladies’ flower garden! Keh!]

[The only men allowed near this table are his Majesty, Kaiser-dono and Fly King-chan! Ah, guess old Hause can too! ……Ahh, putting them aside, you’re so beautiful, Seras Ashrain! Can you try making this pose please? ……Ahh, how lovely! Hey, call the royal painter! Quickly call them!]


Kaiser’s look seemed to ask me, “Didn’t I tell you?”.

These women held quite the power to them.

Well…… If they’re like that, I’m sure it will be alright.

It doesn’t seem like they have any bad intentions anyway.

[Fo fo fo. She may look like that, but she’s said to be the most outstanding head of the Seat Family in history. She manages her household very well.]

Hausen stroked the white beard on his chin with two fingers.

Yoyo, at his side, snatched up an empty chair and pulled it closer to her.

[The support of those excellent sisters is quite great. All three of them enjoy making clothes and other things, and they are all artists in their own right. They have talent in that area too.]

Yoyo crosses her long legs.

Even when she sits down, her back is straight.

Her line of sight doesn’t feel too low even when sitting in a chair.

[As I have already told you, she is also a talented head of their family. Even though she acts like that. Appearances aren’t always what they seem.]

Hausen laughs like a good-natured old man.

[Though she says that, we have now left the management to the next Head of the family. The battle against Urza is left to the next generation. Usually, we old people would just stay at our home here in the imperial capital. We’re old. We’re already retired.]

At his words, Yoyo frowned, looking displeased.

[And who the heck did you say is retired, you sh*tty old man!?]

[H- Haha…… She has always been a foul-mouthed woman. I’m sorry if she’s being rude, Fly King-dono.]


Yoyo sat up and kicked Hausen’s thigh.

[Stop talking in that creepy tone, you sh*tty old man!]

[……The heck are you on now, you sh*tty old bat?]

The elegant old butler vibe he’d had earlier vanished in an instant.

Haisen glared at Yoyo with cold anger on his face.

[Go die in a ditch already.]

[Ah? You asking to die right here?]


The two Family Heads butt their foreheads against each other and started exchanging taunts.

While all of these were happening, Kaiser looked at them warmly.

[The two of them have known each other since childhood.]

[One of those with inseparable relationships huh.]

[That’s right. However, despite what Hausen-dono said earlier, being how they passed the responsibility to the next generation of Heads, they still have a huge influence on them…… Well, I think his Majesty thought that this time, the Anti-Alion movement would be done while those three are still alive and well.]

[He thinks they can handle any complaints from the other nobles?]

[That is indeed the case. Of course, the country wouldn’t have been united without his Majesty’s prestige. However, the groundwork was supported by the Heads of the three Elected Imperial Households.]

[So———- Fly King.]

After the both of them spat at each other (which the both of them dodged), Yoyo turned to me.

[I’ve heard about you from his Majesty. He apparently knows your background and your goal, and he has decided to trust you. In that case, that’s good. We won’t complain. We, the three Elected Imperial Households, support you. If you have any questions, consult us. We will help you.]

Hausen, whose way of speaking became vulgar, followed suit.

[Yeah, you can use us old people as you like.]

Seemingly satisfied with me, I nodded.

[I see.]

Hausen and Yoyo nodded in response.

I briefly looked at the three sisters of the Seat family, who were still clamoring around among themselves.

Then, I turned back to the two old Heads of the Elected Imperial Households……

[After meeting with the three Heads of the Elected Imperial Households today, I think I understand why his Majesty has decided to wage this Anti-Goddess War.]


Yoyo raised her chin, urging me to go on.

[Mira doesn’t consist of just its young and talented Emperor. I’ve heard that Mira has an abundance of talented people but, I see…… Your side has so much talent that you have a good chance of winning even against the Holy Alliance.]

[It seems like you’re also good at flattery. You pass.]

“However……”, Hausen continued.

[We, the three Elected Imperial Households, aren’t unconditional supporters of the Emperor. If we judge that the Emperor isn’t worthy to succeed the will of the previous Emperors, we will not accept them. Even after he succeeds the throne, we will reject them. If we think that the situation is completely hopeless, we will even abandon Mira.]

[Successive Emperors are required to be “Perfect Emperors” to prevent that from happening. Of course, we, the three Elected Imperial Households, will support them in their efforts to achieve perfection. But if we think that the one sitting on the throne is hopeless, that would be the end of our assistance for them.]

[Of course, the three Elected Imperial Households also put a lot of effort into education to maintain the quality of Emperors. Families with power are prone to corruption. It’s surprisingly difficult to maintain a certain level of quality and sustain it for a long period of time.]

Upon those words, I remarked.

[If those who select the Emperor become rotten———- Everything it touches would be just as rotten as them.]

Propping her elbows on her spread out knees, the corners of Yoyo’s lips lifted a bit.

[Yeah, that is indeed the case, Fly King.]

If even entities like the judiciary and third-party organizations become corrupt.

The country and its system will lose their healthy functionality.

All that remains is for the country to rot and fall on itself.

That’s why the three Elected Imperial Households need to work tirelessly to maintain that “criteria” huh.

[Ahh…… I understand now. Your choice of words, your comprehension…… The speed of your replies, those were just the way his Majesty likes it.]

[However, while I’m grateful that you trust me…… I don’t really think this should be something I myself should be saying, but don’t you think I’m suspicious?]

[Of course, you’re suspicious.]

Yoyo immediately responded.

[But in this battle, if it’s useful, even if they’re a little suspicious, I have no choice but to use them. This isn’t a battle where we can win just by a frontal, fair-and-square clash. We would need to dye our blades with poison to win.]

[A person who is just idiotically honest and innocent is too weak against such enemies, ending up running around on their palms. Just like this sh*tty old bat.]

[An old man who couldn’t prevent the enemy’s invasion during that defense of the Imperial Capital can’t say that now, right?]

At this moment, Kaiser interrupted and gently settled down the situation.

[Now, now, Yoyo-dono. With such a large number of people pouring into the city, the remaining war potential of the Imperial Capital is probably limited to what we can handle. In fact, it was only because Hausen-dono took direct command of the battle in the middle of the battle that we were able to avoid a loss greater than what it currently is……]

[Stop pampering the old man, Prime Minister-dono.]

[Oi, Yoyo. Didn’t that ghost of Zera invade through your Ord Family’s territory and rushed to where his Majesty is?]

[If I had been in the Imperial Capital when that happened, someone like the Exiled Emperor would be crushed easily by me.]

Kaiser whispered softly to me.

[Yoyo-dono was leading the Ords’ soldiers and departed for the castle walls. Since the Ords’ territory is to the northwest of the Imperial Capital, it seemed like she was planning to go straight and gather reinforcements if the state of the war permits it.]

The argument between the two family heads heated up.

Even so, these two……

[Let’s settle this right here and now, Yoyo!]

[Ahh, fine by me! Come on, Hausen!]

Moving my gaze to the side———- I saw Seras, standing at some distance away, her face looking pale.

Dealing with the excitement of the three sisters, she was looking at me.

Perhaps noticing this, Yoyo clicked her tongue and raised the volume of her voice.

[Don’t worry about it! This is just something like a greeting to us!]

[If we really didn’t get along, our relationship wouldn’t have lasted this long. Don’t worry, Elf girl.]

Hausen followed suit.

The atmosphere between the two of them was palpable.

Yeah…… They’re like them. Gio and Liese, I mean.

……No, there wasn’t a moment when the situation seemed a bit serious.

Because of that, Seras had also become concerned.

However, the people around us acted like “it was just the same as usual”.

Yoyo, who seemed like she was about to rise to her feet, sat back on her seat with a thump.

[Even so…… That Elf really is unbelievably stupidly beautiful, isn’t she?]

[Yeah. It’s the first time in my long life that I have seen a modeling beauty that looks as good as his Majesty. Her beauty doesn’t even allow the Seat family’s handmade dress to look like it’s wearing her.]

[Tsk, I’ll have to agree with the sh*tty old man here.]

[You sure can’t be honest even when you’re at that age, aren’t you? Good grief……]

[Shut your mouth.]

Brushing off Hausen’s words, Yoyo turned to me.

[And so, putting aside whether you’re from some group of sorcerers or not, if you’re deemed worthy in his Majesty’s eyes, we have nothing more to say. Today, you’re better off pleasing those puny nobles than us. Hmph, that would be quite a troubling matter to do though.]

[But now that we’re actually talking, I’d like to……]

As he shoves his hands in his pockets, Hausen’s gaze slips to the side.

……They’ve been watching over there for a while.

It’s “those guys” who arrived here in the midst of our conversation, people I’m also a little conscious of.

[I feel like it would be more dangerous to bring that girl to our side.]

At the end of Hausen’s gaze……

[In a way different from the Fly King, I just can’t sense what she’s thinking. His Majesty says he trusts her but…… I don’t think the trust he has for Fly King is the same as he has for hers.]

Standing there were……

[Uhyooohh!? Now ain’t this a luxurious meal! Hey, look here, Atsuko! Everyone! It’s a war! It’s a battlefield! Well then…… Let’s go nourish our energy.]

——–Asagi and her group of Heroes.

After that, as planned, we showed the people around us “the scene of my conversation with the Mad Emperor”.

In the first place, that was the purpose of this evening party.

“His Majesty seems to have his guard relaxed around the Fly King.”

The faintly audible conversation and the expressions of those around us.

I could feel such thoughts from them……

Whispering a few requests to the Mad Emperor, I then left my seat.

Thereupon, I gave off an air of wanting to be left alone and stood by the wall.


The “Don’t talk to me” aura seems to be having an effect.

As I had requested the Mad Emperor, Seras is at the same table as Munin.

The Heads of the three Elected Imperial Households are also present there.

Kaiser, who is also sitting at the table, said.

“You can leave the two of them to me. Ahh…… Don’t worry. I already have a partner in mind. Even with my position, I’m famed for my earnestness to her to the point of being teased. I have no desire to make enemies with the King of Sorcery.”

……I guess I can trust the Mad Emperor and Kaiser to handle the situation over there.


[Do you have some business with me?]

While I was giving off an unapproachable aura, she approached me, looking resolute.

While I was alone, trying to look for the right moment……

Even without her coming over to here————

She herself had approached me.

[U- Ummm…… I’d like to talk to you for a moment…… but would it be alright?]


<Author’s Notes>

The next chapter is scheduled to be updated tomorrow, July 12th (Monday), around 9:00 pm.

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