I Am the Fated Villain - Chapter 1025

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But when all that in blast Ancient City has, in various muddy clan area places trigger the earthquake.

It is of bleak, in the middle of the length and breadth boundary not many habitations.

Wears the slender form of homespun cloth hempen garments together, drops from void, then quickly changes to spirit light, staggers along, coughs up blood unceasingly, escapes to this place.

Behind this form, the square vault of heaven is shining, shines upon the radiant ray, resembling was shone to be transparent.

One and dazzling fearsome Great Dao rune, glitters above the vault of heaven, if the stars are common, rouses Chaos Qi, flows endless divine might.

Each Great Dao rune, contains the strength of fearsome suppress and seal, prohibited ten side universes, any life is unable to escape.

This is the ten side universes of muddy clan seals the ban, the prestige can be dreadful, was known as that may prohibit ten side universes.

But this so-called ten sides, then mean the east, west, south, and north high and low, is the either one space and time in the true sense.

„You will very run away actually, does not know, currently you have what method. Dares to provoke my muddy clan, you must prepare for putting in heavy price.”

„This place had also been controlled by the people of my clan, if you do not want dead, that advised politely you to be without a fight.”

Above the hill of this length and breadth boundary, many streams drip the glow form to rush, the facial features were covered by the ray, is unable to see clearly.

Their true bodies or the human form, or different race, the pupil is very cold, is glittering the cruel and callous meaning.


After these forms rush fast, other directions, have spirit light to plunder.

These form were being wrapped by the star splendor, some people of aura ups and downs that if one round of bright big day, rushed blazingly, in the pupil light cold intent appeared, focuses on that form that below is escaping.

Obviously, they are knew that the muddy clan muddy black Elder warrant for arrest, tracks down to come specially, wants to take the sky-high price to post a reward.

Especially knew, after muddy black Elder must bestow next named doing the rare treasure of day of bag, countless people are the heart movements.

even/including Yixie endure compared with exist(ence) of accurate immortal emperor, in the place of cultivation from the ordinary day goes out, spans in every way the universe, arrives to catch up.

„Space offered a sacrifice to the symbol to disrupt, is it possible that will I also really suffer disaster today here?”

The form that below escapes, naturally is and Gu Changge and the others separated later bathe Yan.

For she does not involve the innocent person, seeks for some remotely, not the galaxy escapes of many habitations specially.

But does , the muddy clan influence is huge, seals the ban by ten side universes, suppress and seal lives in various space and times, she is unable to flee from this region truly.

But after going through going through many places, bathe Yan the form, was given to seek finally.

That muddy black Elder, specially with the aura that she caught at that time, promulgates the warrant for arrest.

This also means, bathe Yan wants also in the area range of muddy clan, will be discovered sooner or later.

She is also holding the lucky mentality from the beginning, thought that muddy clan the vastness of area, these people wanted to find her, being no different was in the sea fishes the needle.

But bathe Yan underestimated huge and terrifying of muddy clan influence.

Shortly after the posting a reward amount on warrant for arrest, just enhanced, her trail paid attention, unavoidablily starts to continue the road of escape.

But during this process, has helped her offer a sacrifice to the symbol in that space that the universes crosses transfers before, finally was racing Kui shatter.

„this time looked like me is really more unfortunate than fortunate......”

bathe Yan coughed several blood, the form staggering, nearly tumbled.

In escape on the way, she naturally can with chase down the enemy who comes to have the battle unavoidably.

By her strength, although fearless in same boundary anybody, but this time chases down her enemy number, was really many.

bathe Yan fights and escapes, has not prolonged contact, but received many wounds, originally injury of healing, deteriorates again.

At the present she as if also marched into the hopeless situation, cannot see many hopes.

„Tactful, is without a fight, your fellow will also run away but actually, under encircling of our so many people chase down, delayed obstinately was so long.”

A muddy clan clansman comes, she similarly white-haired, the facial features and muddy black Elder is somewhat similar, similarly is the muddy black Elder later generation, but the rank disparity is very far.

Before the washed rouge the killed muddy day was cloudy, was her younger male cousin.

She named the muddy ice, is sneering at this moment nearness, simultaneously in the palm, several strange crystal twinkle glimmer, change to a purple gold/metal the shackles and upper band.

Other directions forms, arrives fast, reduces unceasingly surrounds bathe Yan the range.

Can find to wash the rouge trail accurately, the strength will not be naturally weak.

Common of the same generation Heaven's Chosen, from the start is not her opponent.

Including as of a muddy day muddy clan present age most powerful Heaven's Chosen is cloudy, in having situation of muddy black Elder asylum, but also by its killed.

From this also its strength, indeed cannot be underestimated obviously the contempt.

bathe Yan the brow dying wrinkle, to at crucial moment, she is not naturally willing to ask.

But the present aspect, as if also becomes the dead end, by her strength, is almost impossible to collapse.


In the heart thought of anything, bathe Yan also sighed gently, gave up the resistance simply.

So long as is also living, hopeful, with its stubborn resistance, seeks in addition a slim chance of survival actually not.

If she is only the loner, pours also indifferently, but......

Saw with own eyes that bathe Yan gave up the resistance, on the muddy ice face sneered, as if had seen oneself successfully apprehended bathe Yan, found the muddy black ancestor, begged the advantage, its regard highly scene.

„You little have the crooked thoughts, this shackles and upper band, the little darling puts on, but can also be exempt from some physical sufferings.”

Her form is close fast, simultaneously transformed to a moment ago leave that purple gold shackles and upper band, throws, in washed in front of the rouge.

Other forms, look in side indifferently, to guard bathe Yan also to have other action.

In bathe Yanxin feels some humiliations, but to maintain a livelihood, does not have the means that can only lower the head, goes that shackles and upper band, picks to put on.

„Haha, tactful was good, living you, you but who you died are valuable.”

„Dares to kill my younger male cousin, you must pay the price, otherwise hate of difficult disappearing muddy black ancestor.”

The muddy ice sees this one, finally breathes a sigh of relief, laughs.

Then, her arm shook, lost cultivation base, imprisoned bathe Yan of spirit, immediately was held by her, changes to the flowing light, left this place directly.

Other forms follow similarly, also vanishes fast.

„Muddy Miss Ling, the muddy black ancestor had confessed before, after letting me and others held this person, first investigates its status origin.”

„The muddy black ancestor worried, perhaps this female back, has same level to lend a hand to plan, at that time the muddy black ancestor locked her wisp of killing intent, seemed also reduced and solved make a move......”

The muddy ice mood is joyful, planned that brings back to the clan, but several other muddy clan clansmen of her side, then several points were worried wear a look of, go forward to say.

hears word, the muddy ice brow wrinkled, swept the eye by she leads bathe Yan.

bathe Yan wears the homespun cloth clothing, the looks are seemingly delicate brightly, but is difficult to cover foreheads air/Qi between of Immortal Spirit rhyme show.

Even if under this aspect, not flustered, appears very calm calm.

This bearing, pours does not seem like the average person.

The most main point, washes the rouge strength also to endure compared with the True Immortal level, can actually kill one of the muddy clan present age most powerful Heaven's Chosen.

If said that she does not have the influence support or expert behind taught, the muddy ice does not believe.

„No matter these, the origin the muddy black ancestor will investigate when the time comes, moreover she has anyone to help her even after behind, forgives its does not have courage to come to make a move on my muddy clan grounds plate......”

The muddy ice shakes the head, dispelled misgivings at heart.

If with muddy black ancestor's same same level, in the event in the area range of muddy clan, that definitely will pay attention by the muddy clan.

Moreover, fate that does this, is no one can undertake.

Hears these people of talks, in bathe Yanyan the pupil actually flashes through an anxiety and puzzled.

Before muddy clan that Elder killing intent, was not the strength exhausts vanishes, but some people are helping her, reduced and solved it?

Who can that be?

Is it possible that is...... that clan?

„Are they still paying attention to me? Said the younger brother?”

Thinks of here, bathe Yanyan flashes through some hopes and appearances suddenly.


Meanwhile, in broad palace that in blast Ancient City, immortal fog indistinct indistinct, the spirit rosy cloud flows.

Many Elder of various muddy clan lineage/vein departments, rush to the gathering in this, takes a seat in the seats in turn.

This palace, is quite broad, the interior becomes the universe, resembles a side real world.

Fine spring day, the immortal waterfall lets fall, the purple light circles the mountain, the azure vine surrounds, not far away is accompanying the lake, is embellishing the Gufeng dark green mountain, just like the true Immortal wonderland.

The big stars, surround in the top of the head, sprinkle the magnificent brilliance.

Many younger generation of muddy clan, azure generation of Heaven's Chosen, follow in the elder behind, comes this to feast together, calmly sits the rear in seat.

But in the middle, many wonderful graceful moving muddy clan females, carries the song slow dance, brings the rare and precious spirit fruit delicacies, is shuttling back and forth at the session, just like the butterfly is ordinary, pleasant.

From many arrangement and formalities, the welcome of muddy clan, used the thoughts actually

Continually the generation of white Bone Ancestor king so ominous offense, nods secretly, then in the one side, thinks from drinking, chooses some immortal meat dishes of satisfying one's liking to eat at will.

The Gu Changge stance is seems optional, does not need the muddy common cold as Host/Master to say anything, just like regards oneself this place the appearance.

However his appearance, looks like in many muddy clan clansmen, is more like has not placed optional in eye the muddy clan quite the same as.

As if in his eyes, this world various clans powerful also good, small and weak, is actually same, will not cause any mighty waves.

It seems in the eye of Immortal, near the mortal and foot insect and stone, have not distinguished.

This is to make various muddy clan clansmen guess in abundance, thought that the Gu Changge origin is above the imagination.

The Gu Changge slender finger, the cups, is thinking in the conversations with the muddy common cold from time to time lightly.

But nearby spirit sovereign fills to the brim for him at the right moment.

Has the immortal fruit of skin, she will also refer to by clear such as the jade and slender busy jade, rips the skin for him.

This comfortable optional appearance, lets muddy clan many young people, the looked eye was straight, envies.

Without a doubt, the spirit sovereign absolutely is powerful exist(ence) that endures compared with Elder.

But this looks, even if wears the veil, it can be imagined, absolute world rare.

Young, the strength immeasurably deep black robe old man is a servant, protects its security in side.

The maidservant, is along powerful, beautiful peerless.

But they when this age, but also assiduous cultivation, powerful, even if disciple as muddy clan, does not dare to imagine has treatment and position so.

The muddy common cold looks at the facial expression of muddy clan people in the eye, pouring is not accidental/surprised.

But from this current understanding, he does not know the intention and goal of Gu Changge, after it seems like also needs the banquet to diverge, again peddler theory.

Moreover, the muddy clan people unexpectedly the young character who Gu Changge treats as a background terrifying, but the muddy common cold does not dare to think.

Even if the future successors in these super civilizations, is impossible to let exist(ence) that endures compared with the boundary, as the maidservant, urges to say a exist(ence) of boundary close to ancestor at will.

Gu Changge oneself strength, is absolutely more terrorist, may not guess, but their sensation does not come out.

By the true strength, he can let front female and old man, so submits.

The strength forever is boundless middle, most direct and basic relying upon.

At this reception banquet, the muddy clan people have not inquired anything to come, but knows the Gu Changge surname.

In addition, has no related news again.

But concerned about face, some Elder of muddy clan, does not feel better in urgently inquired, is only thinking behind asked it slowly.

„Young Master Gu does not come, these days might as well be listed my 2.8 muddy clans, if some dispatches the instruction, only need inform the clansman to be able.”

„Is muddy quiet she to mention Young Master Gu before me repeatedly, this time can climb up the friendship with Young Master Gu, was lucky muddy quiet.”

The banquet ends, the muddy common cold naturally does not know the Gu Changge purpose in coming.

But he worthily is a worldly person , pulls closer relations between oneself and Gu Changge in a few words.

Informs this place while convenient other muddy clan lineage/vein is Elder, because of the muddy quiet reason, Gu Changge will arrive at the muddy clan.

He said that also wants to let other Elder, certainly social climbing thought.

At this moment, the muddy common cold is indefinite, Gu Changge is the enemy is a friend.

„Such being the case, that trip talking on endlessly muddy common cold Elder.”

Gu Changge hears word, naturally listened to muddy common cold the implication, he did not puncture, smiled returned said.

This place several other Elder, were not at this moment good to say anything again, but is thinking, afterward must inquire that inquired.

The muddy clan in blast Ancient City, greets the honored guest incident, in the big piece area of Immortal Spirit civilization, caused the enormous stir.

Lives and influences in many universe, are paying attention to and discussing this matter.

On the same day witnessed muddy clan several Elder, came to the life that greeted the scene personally, is describing this scene vividly.

That is the white clothing man of head, lets various clan various influences, guessed in abundance, thought that he possibly came from the super civilization, was the supreme civilization.

Between the background and ancient civilizations of supreme civilization, it may be said that difference of heaven and earth, does not know that separated many natural moats.

If the Immortal Spirit civilization, actually attaches is hoping the Yuan civilization.

But hopes in the middle of the Yuan civilized attached civilization, such as Immortal Spirit civilization such civilization, quantity actually also many.

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