Chapter 83
Chapter 83 – Blocking with all my might .
Side: Yuki
Well then, hello . Today’s the day I’m going to meet the seventh Princess .
Anyhow, regarding the divine protection, I wanted it to end peacefully but alas……
(King)「Alright, okay . I didn’t expect Seraria to get angry here . Even though I tried to think about the Dungeon’s future and was thinking about how to deal with the bomb Galtz sent… 」
Somehow, the King of Rochelle was fidgeting .
Oh oh, Seraria seems to be pretty irritated from seeing his appearance .
(King)「…… Because I don’t want to be hated any more than this, I will return to the country after dealing with the affair regarding the Princess of Galtz . 」
What’s the deal with this old man1), solve things by yourself!!
And now it would be very troublesome to return the seventh Princess back to her home .
She received Lilith’s protection, it caused great confusion on the day it was professed .
(King)「I understand Seraria’s feelings, but for now we need to take care of the Princess some way or other… . . 」
(Seraria)「… I understand… ho」
While talking about it, her face became stiff and she compromised halfway .
(Seraria)「O-otou-sama . This matter regarding the seventh Princess, I will accept it . 」
(King)「… Do you hate me?」
You brat!!
Seraria’s determination to expel you is going to rise even further .
(Seraria)「… From the beginning… No, I don’t dislike you . Rather, I am very happy about this relationship . 2) 」
(King)「Really!! I’m delighted!! Then tell papa you love him!! 」
The air froze .
Oi oi, the daughter is higher leveled than the King at this point .
There shouldn’t be a reason for him to not understand that……
Or is he actually provoking her… . ? No that doesn’t make sense either… .
(Seraria)「… Pa… 」
I beg you Seraria .
This is for the sake of the peace and security of the surrounding nations!!
(Seraria)「I love papa! 3)! 」
What a magnificently cramped face, but she did the job .
She’s kind of cute when she laughs normally, so what have you done to be hated this much…
The members of the different delegations also watched this with stiffened faces .
Well, he probably just doesn’t know how to associate with Seraria .
It seems that his relationships with his wives are bad .
Around now, I’m getting the impression that polygamy is normal . 4)
(King)「Hoho~!! I’m super delighted!! Well, but I was ready to accept it if you said that you hated me though . 」
(Seraria)「… Ah?」
(King)「I’m somehow pleased with my son-in-law on the flip side . He said that he would accept the marriage and after that he didn’t say anything . As a matter of fact, it’s more convenient for our side this way . 」5)
Oh, here was the effect of Lilith-sama .
I wondered why but she got irritated .
This will turn out in justice for my wife!! Probably .
(Seraria)「Th-then, the meaning of those words earlier…… 」
(King)「Because I am glad!! 」6)
Seraria put her hand on her sword .
(Yuki)「Yes yes, calm down!! I’m asking you, calm down!! 」
I restrai- I mean hug her from behind .
(Seraria)「… . . uh, I’ll get him for his deeds today . 」
(Yuki)「I understand . Just step back and listen from here on out」
(Seraria)「I won’t step back . I won’t stand down in the middle of this . 」
(Yuki)「It would only hurt you Seraria . 」
(Seraria)「That won’t happen . Or perhaps I should say that I will put the other side to sleep . Yes, that would be nice… . . I’ll leave it to you then . The blood in my head is about to explode . 」
I had made arrangements for Seraria’s libido to take over earlier, so thankfully she’s being surprisingly docile .
Oh, it seemed that the event concerning childbirth today lifted the weight on her . 7)
It seems that they had also decided something at the wive’s meeting . 8)
Also, they came up with something like a wife rotation, someone always has to stay with me to prevent various problems .
A harem is a harem, but a harem is a hurdle . 9)
I wonder what would normally happen regarding punishment if a master buys and abuses slaves .
By the way, I was removed from all work shedules for 2 weeks due to child-making 10)
(King)「Fumufumu . Seraria surprisingly listened to you . As one would expect of my son-in-law . 」
Noisy, if the ministers weren’t around you would have already heard my thoughts by now .
(Yuki)「I am thankful for your words . However, my wife is a good wife who always hears me out . 」
(King)「Umu . There is no problem within my marriage either . Which is regrettable, truly regrettable . Then Son-in-law, as a reward for this, the seventh Princess of Galtz will enter from the side of this room . 」11)
(Yuki)「Well, this time you decided there would be a reward?」
(King)「Umu, but this time Seraria went on a bit of a rampage . Seraria will thus receive a punishment and therefore no reward, but I must reward the one who helped Rochelle reach it’s recent results . 」
Hahaha, it’s with that sort of theory that you would push Galtz’s Princess to me?
The ministers also nodded in harmony .
(Minister A)「If it’s you Yuki-dono, then you’ll be able to cope with Galtz’s Princess properly . 」
(Minister B)「Exactly, because thanks to Yuki’s tactics, he withstood the strong army from Ritea!! 」
(Minister C)「There’s no problems with this arrangement . Because it will be balanced with the Princess as a reward . 」
You guys were saying such generous things, only because you didn’t want to handle her yourselves……
(King「Then, we can’t make you wait for too long . Come on in . 」
After the King of Rochelle finished talking, the doors of the conference room opened, the Princess and a person who is most likely her maid came inside and knelt before me, lowering their heads .
(King)「This is Shera-dono . Shera-dono he will be your husband from now on, so you don’t need to go that far alright?」
But the Princess who is called Shera answered without raising her head .
(Shera)「No, King of Rochelle . This person . Yuki-sama will be my husband, to the point of being my master, but before that… . . 」
(Shera)「I’ll tell you the truth Yuki-sama!!12) Lili…… 」
Shera suddenly raised her head as she tried to spill the beans……
I embraced her in one go .
Yosh, the bombshell line stopped .
(Yuki)「Wh-what a beautiful Princess!! 」
(King)「Well, no matter how beautiful she is, she remains a child . 」
(Yuki)「No, I’ve never seen a woman this beautiful!! She’s like a deity14)!! 」
Ah, I used megami because I already knew an useless kami . 15)
When I spouted these random lines, the gazes from the various representative members stabbed me .
(Lutz)「Ehh, huh . Do you prefer such a tiny rabbit woman, onii-san?」
(Ellis)「Ca-calm down Lutz . A-are, was it decided there would be some acting?」
(Lutz)「I know Ellis . I know but, but this reaction cannot be helped . 」
(Tori)「Something feels wrong . 」
(Riel)「Tori that’s called jealousy . I feel it too . 」
(Labiris)「…… Unpleasant . 16) 」
(Lutz)「… I will report this to Aslin and Philia . They’ll certainly drown him in punishment tonight . Of course so will I . 」
Kya, I’m scared .
Very scared of going home tonight!!
I’m wondering whether I should go out and eat somewhere!!
Seraria and my gaze lined up .
(Seraria)『Prepare yourself . 』
I heard that a couple can communicate with their eyes, but this is something different, far too different!!
(King)「Umu, it seems that my son-in-law likes her, you being together with Shera-dono isn’t bad . My goodness it’s an engagement… . Speaking of which, wasn’t Shera-dono trying to say something a while ago?」
(Shera)「Oh, that’s… 」
Hii, the King of Rochelle just keeps spouting unnecessary things!!
Honestly, I don’t have the time to deal with this!!
(Yuki)「Shera!! 」
(Shera)「Yes? Ubuh!! 」
Mou, I violently kissed her .
Kusoo, Why did I have to imitate such a protagonist from a rom-com……
(Shera)「Umumu… Fuwa…… 」
Shera seemed to be stunned by the cuddle and the kiss .
Yosh, It’s fortunate she’s still a child .
Further investigation couldn’t possibly happen .
(Yuki)「So, as Shera-dono looks tired . Maid-dono please join us, I’ll lead you to your room . 」
(King)「Oh, okay」
As I’m carrying the Princess in my arms because of her condition, I tried to leave the meeting .
(Yuki)「I’ll take my leave, King . Shera seems to have fainted from the shock, so I’ll give you the details later . 」
(King)「…… Hey . That posture… son-in-law, something looks wrong?」
It’s because of you!!
It left without speaking my mind and after putting the Princess to sleep, I had to kiss with all my wives .
Huh, I survived?
Afterword of the author
There was no choice .
It’s for the sake of the country .
Don’t explode Yuki it’s not good!!
1 . | ↑ | Yuki used Oyaji, just like when Seraria used it . but here he is not using it to say “father”, well I don’t believe he would, so I switched to use “Old man” instead in this specific case but they are in fact the same word . |
2 . | ↑ | Editor note: somehow she seems to be forcing herself… |
3 . | ↑ | Papa daisuki |
4 . | ↑ | Chill: I wonder if it’s to offset how much of THAT they have to put up with? |
5 . | ↑ | Anth: I believe this King raised exactly 12 death flags, well maybe less depending on the number of girls at the meeting . |
6 . | ↑ | In other words he was not threatening them when he asked for her to say Papa daisuki |
7 . | ↑ | In other words she’s backing down because of happy things |
8 . | ↑ | Anth: Holy devil of hell, he KNOWS |
9 . | ↑ | What hurdle?? from getting a bigger harem?? you-…!! Face: well as someone who’s got one there is a few troublesome things most people don’t think about so a harem isn’t all positives |
10 . | ↑ | Anth: … . AHAHAHAHAH |
11 . | ↑ | Anth: I really feel like the King is just talking like a kid in every sentences… Chill: I feel a Pervert in their midst |
12 . | ↑ | she is thinking about confessing about the protection to Yuki, thinking he doesn’t know about it |
13 . | ↑ | High pitched female sfx |
14 . | ↑ | Chill: what was it again about those 12 death flags? |
15 . | ↑ | Kami means God but can Also mean Goddess . Megami means Goddess or Female Deity, Here Yuki didn’t want to call her Kami because of that useless Goddess… |
16 . | ↑ | Chill Fuyukai Desu~~ |
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