Chapter 80
Chapter 80 – Wives’s meeting .
Side: Seraria
(Seraria)「…… That’s the story . So, what do you girls think?」
I talked about the meeting I had with that kuso oyaji earlier and about the Princess that was forced upon us .
I was now asking about everyone’s opinion on the matter .
(Riel)「That’s a hunt!! A huuunnttt!! For a girl like that, it’s absolutely a hunnntttt!! 」1)
Riel said that loudly but on the contrary .
(Ellis)「But, if we refuse the Princess here, then there’s still another matter we’d have to deal with right?」
Ellis asked .
She’s right .
If we refuse the princess here, it’s simply moving the problem further into the future . And that kind of problem grows over time .
(Seraria)「You’re right . After all, we have no easy way of rejecting the Princess . 」
(Lutz)「Well then again, she’s pitiful . I wonder what we should do?」
Lutz also made a difficult face .
(Lulu)「However, the Kings circumstances are understandable . If things are managed poorly and the truth about Herge is revealed, even if Gai was forgiving, they wouldn’t be able to suppress an uprising aimed at Herge-sama and Roshuru . Realistically, it’s doubtful they would even try as well . 」
Lulu added as well .
That’s right . Kuso oyaji was at least thinking about some things .
He can’t afford to carry such a bomb . Should he let it fall, then it would break the alliance and very well may devolve into war again .
Therefore, they needed a place which fulfilled two conditions, A, It imprisons her in such a way that she either loses contact to her home country, or she loses the ability to spy and B doesn’t cause a national level incident . Conveniently they have such a neighbor and the solution they he came up with was to marry her off to Yuki, effectively imprisoning her in the Dungeon, or so he must be thinking .
(Riel)「But there’s something I don’t quite understand, why would there still be a problem if she doesn’t marry Yuki-san?」
Riel tilted her head .
Oh, indeed I have to explain the events surrounding Ritea in detail .
(Ellis)「Seraria, can I talk about it? If there’s a mistake please correct it . 」
Ellis said that and stood up .
Well, I guess I also want to know how much Ellis understands .
Also, everyone has started calling me without “sama” at the Inn .
(Seraria)「Would you please take over then?」
(Ellis)「Yes, please excuse me . 」
Ellis walked to the position of the white board .
Presently, our main gathering point of the Inn is the banquet hall .
Yuki is currently bathing Aslin and the others, so he isn’t here .
(Ellis)「As Riel said, there are things that are difficult to understand, so I will try to summarize as concisely as possible . Everyone please ask me if you don’t understand something . 」
Ellis said and everyone nodded .
(Ellis)「So, this topic doesn’t only concern Yuki-san’s potential marriage with a royalty . It also concerns the return gift from the country Gai to Roshuru . 」
Yes, this marriage and the previous hostage repayment2) for Ritea’s damage are the same .
(Millie)「I know that, but why a princess in the first place? It seems like there would be plenty of other options of people they could send . 」
Millie asked back .
(Ellis)「The fact that she’s the Princess is essential . What’s important about a return gift, is whether or not it corresponds to the amount of compensation the other party sent first . However, it would be rude to deliver a large number of daughters from the aristocracy, since people are not currency and also because it would also look like sending a lot of spies . 」
That’s the problem, the other side can’t afford to pay reparation with normal means, since they lack the funds .
However, it is also regrettable to deliver talented people, so it would need to be a woman, but then the daughter of some noble wouldn’t have matched the amount of compensation Roshuru sent .
Therefore, it had to be a daughter to the royal family . But such a gift can’t be treated in a crude way .
(Riel)「Indeed, it would be better than placing a large number of spies . Humm, so if it’s a Princess, she has enough monetary value to equal or exceed Roshuru’s compensation?」
Riel didn’t seem to understand well too .
(Ellis)「About that, because it’s a story concerning the nobility, you should ask Seraria about it . 」
Ellis waved at me .
Well, I don’t understand all of that country’s rules either .
(Seraria)「It makes sense to hand over someone of the royal family . If it’s an ordinary noble, the meaning conveyed with the apology would be too thin . Well, maybe if you imagine an apology coming from this Dungeon, if we were to send me or Riel, which apology would look more sincere to you?」
(Riel)「If it is better for this feudal lord Seraria or I to apologize… ah I got it . It is meaningful for the people in power to stand behind an apology . 」
(Seraria)「That’s it . Ellis please carry on . 」
(Ellis)「Yes . Then the outward appearance of why they choose to send a royalty is now understood . 」
(Millie)「Outward appearance?」
Millie who heard Ellis asked in return .
(Ellis)「Yes, it’s probably only a facade . The Princess most likely came to explore the inner workings of Roshuru and it’s circumstances . 」
(Millie)「I can imagine that but, can she really just fumble around? Won’t she be monitored?」
(Ellis)「Well that’s true, but the thing is she’s a princess . It can be said that if you restrain her freedom too much, then the treatment towards the Princess would be reciprocated by Gai in an outrageous way . Additionally because of having a princess in Roshuru, Gai could publicly visit Roshuru frequently and at little cost . 」
(Millie)「Oh, I see . So it’s like that . She won’t become a bride for Yuki-san’s sake, but for Roshuru, effectively replacing a spy into the Dungeon in order to know about the inner workings and circumstances of this place . And Yuki-san after Lulu and Seraria would also be the husband of one representative from each country . That way, it would also be impossible for the Princess to complain about a lacking partner right?」
Millie was right on the money . Just like that kuso oyaji said, for Roshuru it’s best to put the Princess in here…
(Ellis)「Perhaps, Seraria . Do you think the King of Roshuru didn’t visit to start a war with Ritea, but instead to talk about the matter with the Princess?」
(Seraria)「The real purpose of his visit is as you assumed . The potential battle with Ritea was merely a bonus . For anyone who doesn’t understand the circumstances behind Ritea and Roshuru, they tried to squeeze us for a fight with the hardliners who had retired and thereby reset the alliance . But with a few simple words with that kuso oyaji it was suppressed . But, whilst showing his displeasure, he asked for… . . 」
(Lutz)「Oh, the King of Roshuru choose to scold his retainer at that time, telling a story to onii-san and the others then said that their own judgement was wrong . All to create an atmosphere where it would be harder to refuse the princess . 」
Lutz nodded, she hit the nail right on the head .
(Seraria)「Well, his vassal was also incompetent, to get shut-down so fast . If you didn’t know the circumstances behind this time, it’s natural to think of it as an arbitrary complaint, the one who started the fight without knowing anything, just got the tables turned on him . 3)While they knew, if we could not keep pace in the talk, the only outcome would have been a war with Ritea . 」
(Tori)「The King is serious about this then, right?」
Tori who nodded also displayed her admiration .
(Seraria)「So, in short, I’m not pleased to allocate my husband’s time to a scheming woman and a scheming King . 」
(Lutz)「You want to be the first one?」4)
(Seraria)「Of course . Lutz, I mean everyone here is probably the same? 5)」
All of them nodded .
(Lulu)「I would like master to embrace me soon . 6) 」
(Lutz)「So right, in that case wouldn’t Onii-san reach out his hand to touch us?」
(Seraria)「You’re right . In that case, pray that you become pregnant before the married Princess . 」
(Delille)「…… It was disclosed that Yuki recognizeth mine person and figure . 」
Saying only a few words, Delille looked at everyone in the room with flames burning in her eyes .
(Riel)「But, if this Princess meddles with Yuki-san, wouldn’t we have no more reason to not meddle with him? If a wife comes, he will have to make children wouldn’t he?」
Everyone followed onto the loophole explained by Riel .
(Seraria)「Please wait a minute . This is … . . 」
(Lulu)「Heh, it’s a big chance to conceive a child with master . 」
(Lutz)「Seraria, in the event that Yuki-san doesn’t turn his hand to the Princess, then the whole thing would be a smaller problem than initially expected… . . 」
(Seraria)「Don’t say that, that’s why you have a maid to check and make sure that everything is done properly . It’s the same as refusing to give thanks for not doing any work . 7)」
(Lutz)「In other words, if Onii-san makes the Princess pregnant, it’s not a bad card we can use as well? And if he doesn’t then everything is fine anyway?」
(Seraria)「That’s right . 」
(Riel)「Etto, in other words, if we welcome the Princess pleasantly, the situation of the Princess might improve and as the result we might be able to do ecchi things to Yuki-san!?」
(Lutz)「I know nothing about improving the Princess’s situation, but wonderful days awaits with onii-san if we decide to welcome the Princess . If he turns his hand towards the princess, he wouldn’t be able to say anything if we turn our hands towards him, Onii-san will love us properly . However, what if it’s an outdoor play?8)」
(Seraria)「Th-that’s different!! 」
I was only thinking about the disadvantages, but this was an unexpected blind spot .
For me, no, for us, it is a good opportunity to be loved by Yuki .
(Ellis)「Pl-please calm down for a while . We might be able to see advantages for this, but how do we convince Yuki-san?」
(Seraria)「The problem is that we have to tell Yuki about where the advantages of dragging the Princess into the Dungeon lie, whilst avoiding the demerits… . . 」
Ellis put us into a stop as everyone was now trying to think about what to say next .
Side: Yuki
I was now suffering a lot .
The problem was that we would welcome the Princess as my bride at today’s meeting .
If I go back to contemporary Japan, I’d assume to be a bagman without motivation .
The current situation is an harem .
But to add another Princess to it seemed to oppose Seraria and Labiris .
In addition, the condition is a wedding .
Moreover, because it’s a negotiation on a country scale, unlike Seraria which I could simply like, it would be very bad if i didn’t lay my hand on her .
Although I did not offer myself to Seraria and the others, if I happened to give my hand to the Princess first, I’d likely be stabbed . 9)
I’ve been avoiding reaching out to the girls with my hand, but isn’t this the limit?
Sending a review to Luna10) per mail, I’m waiting for a reply . After I talked with Seraria and the others, it had been decided that we would put it on hold .
I didn’t stretch this mail too much, because if that useless god happened to stumble upon too much, she might just appear in front of Seraria and the others which is scary .
That useless goddess was truly disagreeable, I’ve hardly communicated with Luna since at all .
How can I explain it to a useless goddess… A god .
No no, first I must explain to Seraria and the others the benefits of welcoming the Princess into our Dungeon as a bride .
I can also make the Princess into my toy, hiya oups! 11)!
What, I sounded just like a brute .
Rather, let’s now talk about the matter with the Princess, that the King of Roshuru purposely brought to me . 「Make good use of it」, yes it would become easy to contact Gai if we have the Princess . Now that I finally knew about the circumstances between Ritea and Roshuru, the three countries are charging into a state of war and I had no means of communicating with Gai at all .
But, realistically since Gai didn’t know the truth behind all of this, they ended up having to investigate Roshuru, you have my thanks for noticing your lack of intel .
They don’t have any eyes .
That’s why they sent the Princess .
The Princess must check for her country, but in the end, they didn’t know if they would know the truth or not .
Because this times troubles were stirred up from within Ritea and Roshuru, it’s natural that Gai would have a limited scope of knowledge relative to the whole case .
The seventh Princess of Gai was now truly a walking bomb that tried to investigate and search .
She would be an obstacle for any country . However, it’s impossible to drive her out . It feels like they might think she’s a necessary sacrifice .
So it was through my Dungeon that this arrow of white feathers went through . 12)
I don’t want to hide the inner circumstances of the Dungeon, I would rather have them advertised .
If Gai joins the fray, more people will come .
A place that is convenient for the three countries outcasts and at the same time a place where they can entrust the Princess .
But, using those reasons… Would my wives be convinced……
So, no matter how rational I am, this isn’t convincing enough .
Especially this time .
A case like welcoming a Princess, in which I would need to take my hands out hasn’t come until now, but from the standpoints of my wives, they may see it as the Princess cheating her way ahead… That was some excessive thoughts but this time I might be done for .
Therefore, before I welcome the Princess, we have to love each other… . . But when we love each other, there would be little space bring in another person .
Ah, it’s over .
I’ll lower my head manly like and welcome the Princess as a bride, please allow it!! You know!!
…… Manly, right?
I decided to commit and entered the door of the Banquet Hall . I instantly completed a perfect dogeza . 13)
The series of actions had been done without any hesitation, the scoring must be a perfect 10 . 00 .
(Yuki)「Everyone, I’m sorry!! I will accept the Princess . I understand that everyone is dissatisfied, but from today… . . I will turn my hands to everyone, so please allow it!! 」
「「「Forgiven!! 」」」
I was prepared for them to need more of an explanation, but I was surprised at the reply that I received in return, I must be making a stupid face .
Afterword of the author
It disappeared at once .
Deprived of all powers .
However, here it goes .
Well, I left it there the wives’s meeting, don’t hate it lol .
Next time, the reason why Yuki didn’t handle the useless god until now will appear .
Are you still coming? Of course you will, lol .
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