Chapter 4 ♦ Queen and the Fairies
Once upon a time, living hidden in the forest, an elderly old man said:
“Ah, that child has a fairy living inside his body. He’s fated to become a warrior for the king.”
At the time, his sister knew the secret why her younger brother’s black eyes held a mystic-green essence.
This cynical old man appeared to have deep knowledge of the place named Hadiya, fully aware of its famous legend across the land.
The white, pale sister along with her younger brother with brown skin had come to visit the elderly man several times before.
The boy was already five years old but was not able to laugh or speak. Because of that, he treated as taboo by his mother. And, as his mysterious sister was also the same, she was despised in the same way.
Shortly after the mother gave birth to the elder sister, they were driven out of the farm the English were managing. It was said that the reason was because the child resembled the man who fooled around with the woman there.
The siblings did not know who their father was.
The elder sister only knew that her younger brother was a special child.
Although they were young, his strength was commendable.
Once, a ruthless man had intended to attack the sister, but instead was killed by her brother using a large stone.
The sister covered the body with leaves and threw the blood-stained stone into the pond.
If her brother was discovered to be his murderer, he would surely be apprehended.
However, she believed he committed no crime.
The small country no longer existed now. However, in order to protect that nation, the brother was granted an enchanted power by the heavens.
It was said to be a horrendous sprite.
However, in the past, an ancestor of the royal family surrendered himself to the sprite, forcing it to vow to forever serve the royal family.
Because its power was used for a protection, it couldn’t possibly be evil.
The words the elderly man said had given the young older sister great courage.
Though the younger brother couldn’t speak, he understood the words of others well. His face may have lacked expression, but it didn’t mean he lacked feelings.
As they returned on the trail from the depths of the forest back to their cottage, he stretched out his hand, gingerly grasping his elder sister's hand.
From that moment, she was determined.
‘I must let you see the king. He is the one whom you must serve.’ She had said to him.
When Ermine woke up, she found herself lying at the bottom of a lake.
The colors of dark blue surrounded her, filling her vision. But in her fairy eyes, she could spot the swarms of small fish and the gentle sway of the seaweeds.
The water around her was cool and gentle to the touch. She felt at ease, as if the vitality of life found in the natural world flowed through her body.
The wound left from nightmare’s attack gradually became less painful as well.
She noticed the blood seemed to have stopped.
Therefore, she carefully confirmed her wound with her fingers. As she continued to think of what happened, she soon came to a conclusion.
This was the Serpentine Lake of Hyde Park.
In order to chase after Lydia, Kelpie settled here in London rather than his original home.
“Hey, you woke up?”
With a small splash of water, there appeared a jet-black, water horse.
Ermine looked up at the beautiful figure, at once remembering she had been saved by him.
Though he was clearly a fierce horse, he was unexpectedly very meddlesome.
“Since you are a selkie, you should remember: your stamina will recover rather quickly in the water. Seawater is much better for you, but there is no seawater in London.”
Needless to say, Kelpie didn’t want to simply help her for no reason.
Therefore, Ermine cautiously sat up.
“What happened to all of us?”
“All of us? Do you mean the Earl and the rest of them? Doesn’t your master, Prince, want to kill the Earl?”
Her concern for the Earl and his followers after betraying them certainly surprised Kelpie.
Prince does not want to immediately kill Edgar. And from Kelpie’s calm expression, it also appeared that Lydia was safe. Therefore, Ermine truly only cared for one person.
“That Raven brat was taken away by Ulysses.”
Though Ermine was aware and thinking of it in her mind, it was Kelpie who spoken the words aloud without much thought.
“That bastard Ulysses, he actually left you when you fainted.”
Ulysses did not trust Ermine. It was only by Prince’s order was Ermine assigned to him, so Ulysses was trying to use her as much as possible.
To have Ermine retrieve the Diopside after the murder of the man who held it, Ulysses intended to test the stone’s influence on Raven. As for how the event would turn out, he did not intend to inform Ermine.
However, the colour of the stone, and it’s unique trait of projecting a double image, was just like what the elderly man who resided in the forest had said. Since this was a jewel of the Hadiya's Royal family, she had learned that it must not be touched by Raven. However, the moment she realized this, Edgar had already discovered that the Diopside was in her possession.
And once the Diopside matter was discovered, she could no longer stay by Edgar’s side. Despite this being Ulysses’s rash miscalculation, because he was unable to confirm the effects of the stone, he was enraged.
Originally for Ulysses, the sprite was a mere weapon. If it became of no use, he would discard it.
“......Raven was caught?”
Instead of being concerned of her abandonment as a sacrifice, she was more worried for her younger brother, Raven.
Then she remembered, suddenly the ballistic power of the Nightmares escaped and met against Raven and, at that point, Kelpie had appeared… ...After that, she had lost consciousness.
Raven gave up the chance to kill her.
It was either his own will, or he was just obediently following Edgar’s command. But whether what he did was good or not, Ermine did not know.
She chose this path. Now, she still didn’t know where it would lead to.
Perhaps if he died, that was better for them.
“I must go......”
But in spite of all this, since she was still alive, she couldn’t possibly wait here and remain idle.
As she was standing up, she was abruptly blocked by the water horse’s forefoot.
“Not so fast. I also have something to say to you. There are things I must ask you.”
Not allowing me to leave, that was to be expected. Ermine thought.
She decided to give up and hoped that everything would end.
Perhaps he would never forgive her. If one were to anger a water horse, what would happen? As she mentally prepared herself, she moved her line of sight towards the two pearl-black eyes that gazed at her.
“Is Ulysses planning to trick me? He said he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Lydia, but that was all a lie. You knew?”
“It is not Ulysses who orders Ulya, but Prince.”
“Do you plan on deceiving me with this sophistry?”
“It is Miss Lydia you wish for, correct? Prince was only practicing his torment to torture Lord Edgar. Although he wishes to capture Miss Lydia from Lord Edgar’s side, he does not necessarily need to kill her. One day, you will be able to take her to the Highland Lake or any other place to live.”
“Practice of torture to torment the Earl? Won’t Lydia also be tormented by his tactics?”
“It is possible.”
It was very likely it would make Lydia wish to die than live.
“This guy Ulysses said that up till now, because of the earl, a lot of women have already suffered.”
According to Ermine, after fleeing from Prince, Edgar was very careful not to remain close with a particular lover. Or perhaps she should say that in general, he often treated several women at a time as lovers. If he cared strongly for one, she would surely be targeted by Prince.
That was why the so-called “women” Kelpie mentioned referred to the time of Edgar’s imprisonment. Those girls had been arbitrarily assigned as his own.
Nevertheless, those close to him always met with a miserable fate. In turn, Edgar most certainly was hurt by it all. However, no matter what time, regardless of who was punished, Edgar had to keep his composure.
Because only through this, Prince would stop resorting to such measures. Eventually, Edgar became a soulless, living breathing doll, which was exactly what Prince wanted.
Of course, Edgar only pretended to be what Prince hoped for in front of Prince himself, but in truth, he had not lost his soul.
“Well, for me, I don't want Lydia to get hurt and that was the only reason why I made a deal with him. Ulysses, however, that guy used my tamed Nightmare to attack Lydia!”
He gave a wild and dangerous look, his mane flared out fiercely. The dark water horse then reverted back to his human form and gripped Ermine’s throat.
“You wanted to give me a broken and tattered Lydia, didn't you? You clearly knew this much, and you still asked me to help Ulysses?”
Had Ermine been human, his brute force would have choked her to death. She gasped, not being able to breath. It was not because of suffocation but because of the deep pain at which Kelpie’s nails dug into her throat.
For all of this, she was enduring it patiently. She had already expected him to be very angry.
She was ordered by Ulysses to propose the idea to Kelpie and build an alliance. And it wasn’t because Kelpie couldn’t go back on his words and would be obedient in order to ensure Lydia's safety. It was in order to get Kelpie involved in the whole mess.
Of course, once he was involved, it was not known how he would have behaved. Nevertheless, she believed that the uncertainty of it was perhaps better.
Because he intended to protect Lydia, his will and magic would make it impossible for Ulysses to predict.
As she continued to endure it patiently, Kelpie suddenly threw her to the side, releasing his grip.
“Why do you have that expression? It's like you're already dead inside.”
It seemed that Kelpie thought she was no longer worth his anger. Therefore, he shoved her away from him. This hurt her more deeply than the nails that pierced her. At the same time, in her heart surged with feelings she could no longer suppress.
She didn't want to give up hope, and so that was why she made a resolve to just bear everything on her own, suffer through her loneliness.
“What do you understand? Clearly, you place yourself above that of a dark fairy (Unseelie Court). Even though you are fond of Miss Lydia, isn’t it because you’re frantic you have nothing to pass your idle time with? You've never even wanted to sacrifice for her, and you've never felt the need to protect her!”
Unconsciously, she strongly raised her voice.
Kelpie gave a surprised expression and closely watched her.
“Is this because of the matter with your younger brother? I suppose your head wasn't only filled with the Earl.”
Then, he smiled knowingly.
“So, you were not completely obediently to Ulysses then.”
“.....If so, then what?”
“It doesn't matter. If you want to take advantage of me, then I will accept it. I don't hate strong women.”
“ that so.”
He was a water horse that liked Lydia.
“But I also want to make use of you. Since its like this now, I must know how those guys will act.”
“Do you wish for me to help you?”
“I just told you, let’s make use of each other. I don’t want to be assisted by Ulysses’s subordinate!”
Kelpie angrily said. But, she didn’t know why, he put his hand on her head and ruffled her hair.
Strange, I don’t know the meaning of this. Though Kelpie stared at her, Ermine felt he didn’t seem to mind her or appeared angry. And her hair became a mess.
“But then again, you'll probably be more reckless than Lydia. Be obedient for now and remain in the water until your neck injury recovers.”
Kelpie said these last words before leaving. Because he injured her neck, was this unruly attitude his way of expressing an apology to her?
For a water horse to actually be worried, she felt that it was all a somewhat strange situation.
Ermine sighed and gently combed through her hair, which was disheveled by Kelpie’s hand.
Why did Kelpie say such things?
No matter who it was, Ulysses or Edgar, Kelpie was not on either side. And Ermine was a traitor to both. Yet he was the only one who did not lie when he spoke.
With Kelpie becoming more involved, wouldn't the outcome of all this just become all the more chaotic?
Being too lonely and in need of someone who was neither friend nor foe -- maybe this alliance would be good for herself as well.
As he was thinking of Raven, Edgar’s expression contorted as he returned to his manor. Because so many things happened at once, not even able to organize their emotions, Lydia didn’t know how to open her mouth to speak to him.
His wet hair dripped water droplets. As if he couldn’t feel it, he stared straight ahead.
Anger made him even calmer and callous. His pale cheeks were like porcelain, and his eyes were burning.
He had given her his coat, so he must’ve been very cold. However, she had never seen him behave this way before.
In the end as they were reaching the earl’s manor, as they were getting off the carriage, she tried to say something most ordinarily comforting:
“Raven will surely return to you safely.”
Somehow, Lydia didn’t understand why Edgar looked so startled when he finally turned to look at her. Then, he suddenly grasped her hand.
“Your hands are so cold... I’ve gotten you harmed and through so much suffering, and yet you still worry for me?”
He painfully remained silent, and it seemed it had to do more than just the matter with Raven.
“You're not going anywhere...and if I have you, I can still fight.”
Although Lydia didn’t answer, but after hearing his words, she felt her cheeks become feverish. She took this as a sign that her body was warming up.
While in the manor, standing in her dressing room, she was finally about to take off her mud-stained clothes and change into cleaner, close-fitting undergarments. She went to the side of the heater to dry her dripping, wet hair. At the same time, while standing to the side, she took deep breaths.
Prince was indeed pushing harder at Edgar little by little. Ermine returned, but only to allow Edgar's pain to further continue. Moreover, Prince’s entourage had now taken Raven away from him as well.
And Lydia didn’t know whether she was as important to him as Edgar said she was.
Both Raven and Ermine are gone. Can she really become Edgar’s savior?
As she continued to think of all these things for some time, there came a faint sound from nearby.
Lydia immediately turned and found that the closed door had opened a crack.
“Ed... Edgar?”
Normally if it was him, he would openly speak up with sophistry, all dignified and imposing.
But, apart from him, there would have been no one interested in Lydia who was standing in the dressing room.
“......I’m changing my clothes, do you intend to peep!”
Just as she strengthen her voice to shout, a shadow of a human came from behind and tightly grabbed her, pushing her against the ground.
In her vision was not Edgar’s golden blond hair, but jet-black long hair.
Mr. Ulya!
She heard that he had been brought back by one of the members of Scarlet Moon and locked up in his room.
But he was right there. On top of Lydia, covering her mouth with his hands.
“I’m sorry, Miss Carlton. Please do not make a sound. There's something I need to tell you.....”
However, Lydia was terrified, so she continued to struggle under him.
“Please listen to me.”
“Don't....! Help......”
“I was just used by them.”
She was in no mood to listen to him. Fearful and ashamed for wearing nothing else but her undergarments, her mixed feelings made her tears well up even more.
She wanted to yell out for help, but she couldn’t. If only Ulya could let her make even a peep.
“I don’t wish to assault you. I am also a woman.”
Lydia stopped struggling, and so Ulya slowly opened his hand.
With long hair and a neutral face, it would be no surprise if he was a woman.
The shoulders and waist were also too slender for a man. Ulya had similar skin tone as Raven, and compared to the English men, he was slender and had skin that was rather fine and delicate.
A woman disguised as a man. Because she was always around Ermine, she thought that there was no way that even men's clothing could hide the exquisite curves of a woman. She had since been in such an impression. So to face Ulya now as a woman, seemed a bit unfitting.
However, Ulya’s figure was indistinguishable.
Ulya pulled the doubtful Lydia’s hand into his coat jacket inside.
Through the thin shirt, Lydia could feel the protruding chest. And then, she finally understood.
Since the other person was a woman as well, her shame disappeared, and Lydia was able to calm down.
“Miss Carlton, I am sorry to deceive you. However, at the time, I was unable to disobey orders.”
I see, Lydia thought.
Because Ulya was the container for Nightmare.
But you could at least still dress as a woman.
“Why do you wish to dress as a man? Was it because women cannot go to University and my father was a professor there … …. In the end, was all this a facade so you could approach me?”
“Those were one of the reasons. However, I am always in disguise. That is our family custom. When the family has no male heirs, the eldest daughter shall be the heir and, until marriage, we are to be in disguise.”
“But, didn’t you become the adopted son of an Englishman?”
“Even though I was born in Bombay, India, it was rumored that my ancestors lived in the mountains of Ceylon island, led by the later generation of the small clan’s leaders. Even if I were English, I also must not lose their native tradition.”
“Ceylon......? That can’t be. Then, the one who was recently murdered, he was also part of the royal family...”
“Yes, he was. Before the death of my father, he told me of my relatives who had migrated to England. Although I wished to look for them in England, I had little money. I had no one to turn to, and then that was when an old man appeared.”
“An old man?”
“He adopted me and brought me to this country. Not only that, he also helped me return to the country of Ceylon and to the land name Hadiya... It was then when I heard that he was the leader of a very large secretive organization. Although he was American, he had royal blood, and was known as Prince.”
Then, Lydia was reminded of what happened at the London Bridge. She shivered as a chill ran through her body.
It wasn’t the real Prince, but for him to have been so close to her, it made her tremble with fear.
“Even though he did not become the king, he became a Lord and recovered those ancestral lands for generations to live upon. Today, the English run the mines there. If you are able to buy it, those people’s livelihood problems would be resolved. Therefore, he said if I helped him, he would agree to also help me in return. There was one condition though. I had to hand him the green stone, which was my family treasure. But I've been thinking, wouldn't I also become a victim like Mr. Kent after holding the Diopside?”
“Is it a green stone? The size of an almond with symbolic engravings?”
At Lydia’s inquiry, Ulya showed an inscrutable expression, as if to say ‘How did you know?'
“Yes… ...”
“Please tell me then, what was the word that was written?”
On Lydia’s palm, Ulya wrote down the ancient Nordic text, NMM.
Nemain --along with Macha and Badb, she was one of the Celtic war goddesses. Lydia thought.
However, the problem she and Ulya had to face was not the Nordic text itself.
Ulya quickly returned to their conversation.
“That man, Prince, didn't only want my gem. He had my body become a vessel to imprison demons, and I could only obey him.”
Then, she sat on the floor, grasping Lydia’s shoulders with both of her hands.
“Miss Carlton, please help me. The Earl of Ashenbert is competing against Prince for the rival position as the leader, right?”
According to her reasoning, Prince and Edgar completely became two violent factions fully immersed in battle.
“If this continues, I will be treated as a spy. I will be tortured and questioned, and killed to set an example as a warning for others.”
Unfortunately, Ulya’s fears may not be so exaggerated. And in a sense, Edgar had no mercy for those he thought were enemies.
“I can depend only on you. I hope you will be able to let me escape.”
What should I do?
When she hesitated, there came a knock at the door.
Ulya immediately gasped, and Lydia froze.
“Lydia, have you gotten dressed yet?”
It was Edgar.
“Ah, not yet, wait a minute.”
Frantic, she replied quickly.
“Shall I call for a maid to assist you?”
In the beginning, Lydia was firmly determined when she request someone for a change of clothes. She didn't want anyone to see her tattered clothing or the scars on her chest.
But in truth, Edgar had asked her again in order to search for Ulya who escaped.
If Ulya was also there, Lydia was probably held hostage.
“No need, it’s fine for now.”
“Yes, thank you.”
Just as her words left her mouth, the door was kicked down.
With her hands on Lydia’s shoulders, Ulya was still holding her breath and had no time to hide at all.
“I felt it was strange. The door was not closed, and if it was like usual, if I greeted Lydia while she was getting dressed, she would be angry as if I had peeped, but surprisingly, she thanked me.”
‘Am I normally that grumpy?' She thought.
As Edgar approached Ulya, at the same time, he drew out his sword.
Ulya, of course, would not stay there and await her death.
Quickly, she pushed down a small table beside her, using it to avoid Edgar’s sword.
However, Edgar easily skipped over the table and stabbed Ulya.
Lydia screamed in fear. However, the sharp sword had only sliced through her coat sleeve and embedded into the wall.
However, it was too early to feel relieved.
Nailing her, Edgar let go of his sword and kicked Ulya in the knees, so she was absolutely pinned against the wall.
“Stop it-!”
Lydia who, aside from her three overlapping layers of petticoats, wore only her chemise. She had forgotten all about the fact that she was only in her undergarments as she rushed in front of Edgar.
“Ulya was being used by Prince!”
“He shamed my fiancée. I must tear him to shreds.”
“Wrong, this person is a woman! She hasn’t done anything to me!”
Edgar didn’t release Ulya but stopped his attack. Then, from top to bottom, he looked at her several times and furrowed his eyebrows.
“She's a woman?”
“Yes. I beg you, listen to what she has to say!”
“Is it true?”
He glared at Ulya threateningly and suddenly reached his hand in between her two legs.
“You, what are you doing! Edgar!”
Shocked, Lydia was flushed with shame and cried out. However, his face was calm, and he pulled his sword out from the wall, releasing Ulya.
“I confirmed it. The words of the enemy cannot be believed too easily.”
Ulya, as if she was deflating, slowly sat to the ground where she was.
“So, Lydia, don’t be angry because I was touching another woman.”
Edgar said in a jokingly tone. Though he did not wield his sword, Edgar sharply peered down at Ulya with his eyes.
“It's still not confirmed yet. Miss Ulya, are you a homosexual?”
At the sudden question, Lydia didn’t understand what he was saying. Ulya had a startled expression and shook her head.
“Even though you stole a kiss from Lydia?”
“That was....the Nightmare’s doing against my will.”
“But that was a fact.”
“I only remember a little bit......”
Edgar, once again, slashed his sword at Ulya and a handful of her black hair fluttered down.
“The hair is compensation for the matter. No man could be so lucky. I was going to stab you to death with my sword.”
He finally put away his sword and lowered his head to look at Lydia.
“Well, Lydia, I still have some things I need to ask her. I'm going to call someone to escort her to another room. Can hide behind the couch for a moment?”
Lydia, who finally noticed her appearance, hurriedly left Edgar’s side and quickly ran to hide behind the couch.
About the same time, Edgar signaled someone from outside the door. The two large twins from the Scarlet Moon appeared at once.
“I’m sorry, Lord Edgar. Because the guards were carelessly absent-minded, he got away.”
She had probably used this gap in order to run into the dressing room Lydia was in.
“Please be careful. Also, because this person appears to be a woman, you must handle her accordingly.”
He eloquently said “accordingly ” the second time in a heavier tone, as if he was insinuating something.
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