P. 87
Around the time when the moon had risen into the heavens, and the surface of the water shined with its moonlight, that bright light, that was like small sparkling crystals, was so strong it even brightened up the surface under the water.
Kelpie was at the very depths of the lake, and thought the shades of countless particles of light appeared like they were floating in the water.
The moonlit nights in London were one of the good things about this place. Kelpie popped his face above the water surface which was covered with the tree leaves that came falling down and creating small shadows to quietly gaze up at the moon.
(Hey, is it that way?)
(No, this way.)
(Ohh, which way?)
There were voices coming from the grassy bushes by the rocky bank of the lake.
The shrubs rustled and shook.
Dam, there’s noisy bunch out tonight. Kelpie tutted in irritation. Smelly and ugly goblins can pop out anywhere you go, but it was the first time he saw them in a place like this.
P. 88
The tiny evil-hearted fairies were brown and had a squashed face. There were a kind who wore old rags or were completed naked, and there couldn’t be anything good to happen when they gathered together.
Kelpie was the same Unseelie Court, but while he could change into a dignifying form of a magnificent horse, these goblins were like crawling maggots.
Even if they had similar characteristics, Kelpie wouldn’t feel disgusted by hobgoblins or brownies, but he was irritated by goblins for just even existing.
He eyed them while he planned to stomp and squash them if they came anywhere near his territory.
(Hurry up and find it. We’ll be scolded by Master.)
What are they looking for?
Just when he thought that, there was the loud splash of something dropping into water.
It seems like something fell into the lake. It turned out to be a small human child that was gasping for air at the surface.
(There it is.)
(Hurry, to the lake.)
He didn’t want any filthy goblins to enter his lake. So, Kelpie created a rising wave around him and pushed the drowning child up back onto the bank.
He watched as the goblins hit and kicked the resisting child and pulled him back up from the lake, but came to think it might have been better for the sake of the child to be eaten by him, then to be captured by the likes of them.
P. 89
But, now, I don’t want any meat with the finger marks of a goblin.
“Help me….”
A small wrapped-up bundle fell out of the clothes of the young crying boy. It unraveled and something shinny rolled out of it and fell and sank down into the lake.
Chasing after it, Kelpie picked it up.
“Isn’t this a diamond?”
When he went back up to the surface, he saw that there was a man approaching the little boy who was still crying, begging for his life by the bank of the water.
The man, who also looked like he was still young enough to be called a boy, had a unnaturally bitter, cruel smile on his face.
So, he’s the master of the goblins. Kelpie kept watching.
“Boy, tell me who told you to do this?”
He sounded like he was asking in a gentle voice, but there was something threatening in his voice.
“Wh…..what are you talking about….”
“If you play innocent, you’ll get your punishment. Wasn’t this the man who handed you that parcel and told you to deliver it somewhere?”
P. 90
After the young man said that, he threw something over towards the young boy.
It seems like it was the head of some human. The boy froze from terror, unable to even let out a scream.
“He’s the friend of Duke Barkston. Which means, is it the duke who was the one sneaking under my nose and trying to hide the diamond?”
“Di-diamond…..? But they said it was just a glass ball….”
Like he couldn’t believe it, the man let out a sigh.
“What a pity, just because you happened to be the duke’s errand-boy, you were taken advantage of. Any kid would easily believe that a diamond was a glass ball, so I guess there wouldn’t be any danger of it being robbed. And to top it off, they had the nerve to think you would be able to sneak out with the diamond without me noticing.”
Then, he ordered the goblins to search the boy.
(He has nothing with him, Master.)
“Where did you hide the diamond? Or, did you already hand it to someone? If you don’t want to die, tell me what you know.”
The master of the goblins kicked the boy without any mercy at all.
The boy couched in pain and murmured something under his breath.
“Hmm, so you were told to go to Charing Cross Station? Do you think someone would come there?”
The blond-haired young man shrugged his shoulders a little and turned around.
P. 91
“They would be taking precautions now, so no one will show up.”
The one who stepped up to the young man and answered was a creature covered in black fur.
“A black dog,” gasped Kelpie. Then the dog immediately transformed into the form of a skinny young boy.
There weren’t that many fairies who took the form of a dog. Even if they could be seen as the same dog fae, they each had different characteristics, with many of them being evil-natured and in most cases, feared by humans.
This human not only had goblins working for him but he also had a black dog under his control.
“There’s a possibility that the duke is hiding somewhere in this vicinity. I guess I can have the goblins search for him.”
“What shall I do, Sir?” asked the black dog.
“Well, let’s see. It would be entertaining to mess around with the Earl a bit more.”
Earl? That word caught Kelpie’s attention, but he let it pass since there was more than one Earl in this city.
“This errand boy, he has the similar appearance, age and height as you. Hey, Jimmy, how about I burn off his face and use his corpse as you and send it back to them?”
“That wouldn’t be a bad idea, but if you do that, then I wouldn’t have any more jobs to do.”
“If you bring too much attention to yourself, then you might be noticed by that little chit. If it were now, they would still be able to believe you are this boy in their group.”
The black dog in the form of a young boy made a grin on his ghostly white, pale face.
“No worries. Well, I admit I thought I was done-for when I suddenly met her, but she was just an easily distracted girl who didn't even notice such a detail once I vexed her.”
P. 92
“Then, you better continue acting as Jimmy and pretend to be human for a little while longer. Go ask for help from one of the men working for the Earl. He’s sure to be cautious of you, but that would create a fall-out between him and his group. I’m sure he’s making them search for the whereabouts of Duke Barkston, so if I go and expand the maze and drag them all in it, then I’ll be able to get rid of them all at once.”
“Understood, Sir. Please let me use that errand boy.”
When the man nodded, the black dog gave an order to the goblins and had them carry away the boy.
And then, the man shifted his eyes over to the lake. He walked over to the water bank, probably because he thought there could be a chance the diamond he is after could have dropped somewhere near that spot.
“Hey, search inside the water,” he ordered to the remaining goblins.
How annoying, felt Kelpie and rose up to hover above the surface in his form of a horse.
“Take one step inside my territory, and I’ll crunch those goblins of yours and ripe your head off.”
“Kelpie, a water horse….,” whispered the young startled man. The goblins all shrieked out loud and made off in a run in the opposite direction.
“Why, why would a kelpie be in a place like this?”
P. 93
“Where I am, is my choice. Hurry up and scram.”
When he glared at the young man with his black pearl eyes, the man seemed to be cautious, but wasn’t quick to back off.
“Did that kid drop a stone here just earlier?”
“How dare all of you disturb me when I was enjoying looking at the moon.”
“It’s a stone that is meaningless for a kelpie. If you’re able to find it for me, then I’ll prepare delicious-looking women for you every night.”
That was a tempting offer, but if Lydia found out, she would cut her ties with him, so he fought against the urge.
“Shut up. Don’t ever come near my territory again.”
Kelpie made a huge violent splash and disappeared under the water.
It was true; a diamond had no appeal to a kelpie and it was the same as a pebble at the bottom of the lake to him. However, for most humans, this was something they had a particular taste for.
He held up the clear diamond to draw in the twinkling moonlight, shining in through the bubbles in the water, helping it create a rainbow of different colors.
It was the same size as that black diamond. If it were this, then Lydia might like it.
He recalled her saying something like she wanted a diamond.
P. 94
When he realized that, Kelpie suddenly began to feel this diamond had more value than one of the pebbles at the bottom of the lake.
The place that Lydia sneaked into was the butler’s office of Tomkins.
It was the butler’s duty to manage the earnings of the estates and savings of the Ashenbert family. She came up with the idea that there may be some kind of record of who Edgar could have sold off or gave the diamond to.
If he was going in and out of a harem, then there should be some kind of clue of the address of that business.
Using the time when Tomkins was out of the building, Lydia searched the room, but when she realized that the pile of paperwork, which showed no signs of ever being organized was covering the desk, she gave up.
“Is something the matter, Miss Carlton?”
Lydia whipped herself around in a fury to face that voice. Raven was standing there.
“Mr. Tomkins will be returning in the afternoon, do you have business that needs hurry?”
“Eh, no, uh……, oh, yes, there is paperwork that I asked him to help me with. It’s a written petition from one of the Earl’s estates; they said they needed the permission from the Earl to make a pathway for the fairies…..”
Even though she was in a panic, Lydia managed to come up with something related to work as her excuse.
P. 95
“When did you ask him for that?”
“I think, it could have been three days ago.”
Raven walked over to the desk and pulled out a sheet of paper from the pile.
“Here you go.”
It had today’s date and already had Edgar’s signature.
“…..Thank you, uh, it’s amazing you were able to find it in that mess.”
“It is not a mess. This is the perfect condition for Mr. Tomkins.”
“O-oh, so it is. Well, I could understand it if it was him who found it, but it’s surprising that you knew its location.”
“That is because I am learning how to work as a butler.”
“What, you’re going to be a butler?”
“If it is anything that will be useful to Lord Edgar, then I’ll learn anything.”
When she thought about it, Raven was only taught how to kill anyone who was close enough in his reach in the beginning. Lydia only knew the Raven who understood the proper behavior and conducts as Edgar’s valet, but that part must have been what he learned after he met Edgar.
He might have started to want to learn more for Edgar’s sake who became Earl, because in the future, when their war with Prince would end, his fighting skills would become meaningless.
Lydia felt that if he was pursuing to learn something new and be happy about that, then he just might be one step ahead of Edgar in becoming free from Prince.
P. 96
“I see, I hope you’re successful.”
Raven’s expression didn’t change, as usual, but she thought she saw him smile just a crack.
“Is there anything else you need?”
Raven opened up the door, and he must have naturally held it open for her, but since she didn’t show any signs of leaving, he must have asked that question.
It would be awkward for her to stay in Mr. Tomkins’ room. But, there was something that Lydiawanted to know.
Oh, no, what should I do, she panicked.
“Uh, Raven, where’s his harem?”
Still hesitant, she asked anyway.
Raven was unsure how to answer. Even if she couldn’t see the change in his expression, Lydia was able to tell he was unsure, because of his complete silence.
Now that she could recall, Raven had the complete firm belief that Lydia was Edgar’s fiancée. He must consider her as the next important person after his master. Which means, he wouldn’t be able to ignore me?
This might be mean of me, she thought, but Lydia went on anyway.
“Isn’t there a business that Edgar goes to quite frequently?”
P. 97
Was he feeling it be rude to ask back a question in order to find out what the fiancée of his master’s intention was in her questioning that?
“It is the Madam Eve Palace on Charing Cross.”
As soon as he answered, he must have not wanted her to ask him anything more, as he swiftly disappeared, as if escaping from her.
And so, one hour later, Lydiawas standing in front of Madam Eve Palace.
It was a building that almost looked like a noble’s mansion with a marvelous, grand gate guarding the front.
Maybe because it was during the day, but there were no signs of people going in or out of the building.
Lydia climbed over the fence and headed around to the back of the building and looked for the backdoor.
“Young lady, are you not going to enter from the front door?” asked the coblynau who she brought along with her.
She couldn’t allow the cursed diamond to be as it was. Edgar didn’t show any signs of being worried about it, but if it was to be left un-dealt with, then terrible things were bound to happen, so Lydia brought along Coblynau so that this fairy would be able to calm down the power of the cursed diamond.
In no way, was she thinking about meeting the harem princess and do something to her.
She was also in a dangerous position, so if Lydia could talk to her, she was sure the two of them could come to an understanding.
But, I wonder if she’s very beautiful.
P. 98
So why would she be sense her motivation withering away when she thought about something like that.
“Places like this won’t give you a warm welcome if you suddenly appear at their front door,” said Nico acting like the senior fairy.
But, it was true what Nico said. That’s why Lydia borrowed uniform from a maid who worked at the Ashenbert mansion.
Maid clothing should look similar at any place. She wasn’t sure what exactly a harem or whatever it was, looked like, but it was sure to be a place that hired a load of workers, so she guessed that if she pretended to be a maid, then she could sneak in successfully.
“But, I cannot understand why the young lady, who is going to be the wife of the Earl, would need to enter through the backdoor like a servant.”
“More importantly, what’s the reason for you to have to come to a place like this?” asked Nico.
“Would you be quiet for a while? And, Coblynau, you absolutely, cannot, by any means, reveal to the woman in the harem that I’m the fiancée of the Earl.”
“Why is that?”
“Just because.”
Anyway, if it was the coblynau, then he should be able to revert the diamond back to its harmless state. Since she had the perfect fairy for the job, Lydia felt she needed to do something about this situation as a Fairy Doctor.
From behind the corner of the building wall, she peeked around to check on the back door as she swiftly put on the apron and white cap.
P. 99
Just then, a maid came out the back door, and Lydia watched her go around the corner towards the street and then rushed to the open back door and slipped into the building.
Inside was quiet. She would periodically walk past another maid, but they went by her in hurry, so no one ended up paying any attention to Lydia.
“Young lady, I feel the energy of a jewel. It’s this way.”
The coblynau went ahead and lead the way.
He was a fairy skilled in finding where minerals were buried.
After they passed through a door way at the end of a corridor, the grade of the interior suddenly changed.
It was a hall with a magnificent, bright chandelier hanging from the ceiling and statues lined up against the wall, with high ceilings and long curving staircases that connected to the floor above.
The colorfully designed mosaics tiles covering the entire floor added an irregular feel to the symmetric design, making visitors feel like they were suddenly thrown into a dream.
It wasn’t just lavish but very man-made and the decorations confused visitors’ senses.
“Such bad taste.”
Nico, who was invisible ever since they entered the building, suddenly appeared out of nowhere to voice his opinion.
And then, he twitched his nose and started to wobble off in another direction.
“Wait, Nico, where are you going?” asked Lydia.
P. 100
“I smell something delicious coming from this way.”
“Oh, geesh….., you always go off on your own at times like this.”
“Young lady, this way.”
Lydia let Nico go, and followed the Coblynau deeper into the back of the building.
They passed by countless doors, and eventually the fairy stopped in front of a particular door.
“Is it here?”
Lydia softly and slowly opened the door.
The inside of the room was brightly decorated with gold and silver.
There didn’t seem to be anyone in the room, so she stepped in.
However, Lydia noticed the shadow of someone behind a thin curtain on the other side of the room and panicked and nearly ran out.
But surprisingly, the person didn’t show any response or signs like he or she was going to point out Lydia’s mistake of entering the room. She recalled how noble people from the upper class don’t pay attention to the entry or exit of servants, so she waited to see what the person would do.
She was able to tell that it was a woman beyond the thin curtain and sat leaning up against the arm of a sofa and it seemed like she was gazing at the golden bird that was set inside the birdcage hanging near her.
She’s blonde…..?
That feature of the woman what the first thing Lydia became puzzled about. Lydia heard the rumored woman was a pagan princess, so she imagined that she would have black or dark colored hair. Lydia wasn’t able to see the details of her face.
P. 101
Pretending to wipe the silver lion statue, Lydia slowly tried to approach her.
Just then, the Coblynau went walking straight over to the curtain.
She didn’t have a second to stop him. He wasn’t able to be seen by normal people, but still, the tiny fairy boldly crawled under the curtain to the other side.
To top it off, the fae climbed up the woman’s shoulder and let out a loud voice.
“Young miss, it’s the cursed diamond. I found it, its right here!”
Lydia saw that the fae was trying to pull off the woman’s necklace and rushed over as quickly as she could.
“Stop that, Coblynau. That’s rude!”
“There isn’t anything rude about it. You should give a whack on the head to a mistress like this who would push aside the future wife of the family and act like she is some noblewoman….”
Lydia picked up the coblynau and covered its mouth.
“I-I’m terribly sorry…. There was a prank-loving fairy that just…. Uh, I’m not someone suspicious…”
At that point, Lydia finally realized that the woman in front of her hadn’t move an inch.
“What, a doll…..?”
She was a wax doll made with immensely fine detail that no one would be able to tell it apart from a human, unless you paid attention to how she wasn’t blinking.
P. 102
“The woman in his harem was a doll? ……..What does this mean?”
It was a beautiful doll. With golden hair and blue eyes, dressed in an oriental outfit, like one of the outfits from the illustrations of the Arabian knights, and on the layers of clothing overlapping each other, there were gold and jewel beads sown into them, which made the doll’s whole outfit sparkle and twinkle from the light of the lamp.
“If a mistress gets this kind of treatment, like this dress and this room, then my lady would lose your standing. We need to have the Lord Earl put an end to this.”
Instead of listening to Coblynau’s mumble, Lydia was thinking hard about something.
If the owner of the cursed diamond was a doll, then like he said, its power would have no effect on her. But the reason why the power of the curse still lingered on Edgar was because the owner of the doll was Edgar.
Regardless, it was difficult to believe that he prepared this doll in order to keep away the curse of the diamond.
What if this was his image of the perfect woman?
Lydia stared at the doll.
Even the sparkle released by the undaunted large diamond seemed defeated against her wonderful grace and elegance. When Lydia first saw the diamond, she wondered if there could be someone who this jewel would match, but there wasn’t anything strange with this pairing, like the stone was hers in the first place.
Even the diamond looked pleased.
P. 103
I knew it. The reason Edgar kept meddling with me was because it was just one of his whims.
The doll’s beauty was that convincing, and she even came to think how the doll’s unselfishness and harmless existence to others seemed like it could save Edgar’s loneliness.
Because, even if he embraced this doll, she wouldn’t try to run away like Lydia would.
“However, Miss, this diamond is the ‘Nightmare.’”
“You know of it?”
“I was told about it from my Grandfather. Long ago, the Blue Knight Earl was asked by the King to repair a diamond. If one fails to take care of jewels like this, it would gather dark, evil powers, and easily be able to store a powerful curse. I recall there being another one in this pair, a large white diamond called ‘Daydream.”
Which means, this diamond could belong to the Royal Family.
“Regardless, are you able to take repair of this diamond?”
“I’ll need to call and gather a large number of my friends. Even during my grandfather’s time, I heard my whole clan had to go work on it in the Royal Castle.”
If she could recall, the Coblynaus lived in the provinces of Wales. If he were going to call his kind, then that was something that was going to take some time. But, she couldn’t allow herself to ignore this cursed diamond.
“Could you let your friends know about this?”
P. 104
"In the meantime, my Lady, Bow should be able to hold down the curse. I would recommend for you to stay as close to the Earl as you can.”
“What, this moonstone can do that?”
But, to be by Edgar, it’s not like she could be by his side around the clock.
Just then, Lydia heard the sound of talking voices approaching.
There was the sound of the doorknob turning. Someone was coming in.
Lydia panicked and tried to hide, but her apron got caught on one of the sculptures and her hands landed on a large mirror hanging on the wall.
The mirror moved.
At the same time she fell down into a small hidden room behind the turning mirror, the door in the large room swung open.
The mirror must have been a turning door and it swung itself back into place. The glass that was supposed to be a reflecting mirror was just a transparent window, and it allowed her watch what was happening on the other side of the wall.
It looked like this was a hidden, secret room. She could only guess that it was made for people who wanted to eavesdrop on what was discussed in the large room.
She held her breathing and peered into the room beyond the glass, and saw that the ones who entered was Edgar and Raven.
“The duke has disappeared?” yelled Edgar.
“Yes. We are able to figure out that Ulysses is searching for him.”
“So, he failed…”
P. 105
“I believe so. He must have failed to move the ‘Daydream’and so he needed to hide himself from Ulysses.”
It seemed like they were talking about the other diamond that used to be with the Royal Family with that black diamond.
And, Ulysses? So he’s also going after that diamond.
“Then, the Daydream has fallen into Ulysses’ hands.”
“We are not sure.”
Edgar closed his eyes, and went into deep thought.
“We still have the black diamond in our hands.”
What on earth was Edgar plotting now?
“We need to find out the whereabouts of the duke before Ulysses. Ulysses shouldn’t know about the duke’s harem here. And that the duke is obsessed about a particular woman.”
“So, you are saying that the duke will eventually show himself here.”
“He’ll come here and beg to Jean to save him. Keep your eyes open around this area.”
Edgar looked over beyond the calico-printed colon curtain.
It seemed like that was the wax doll’s name.
Raven bowed and left the room, and Edgar sat himself down on an ebony black chair and rested his chin in his hand and seemed to be thinking about something.
P. 106
“Young Miss, I think you should go ahead and vent your anger out on him. Since you have him meeting his mistress.”
Now didn’t seem like that was the case.
“You need to make your relationship with him clear before your marriage, or there will be more troubles lying ahead.”
“Be quiet, he’ll find us.”
Edgar looked over to their direction, like he noticed.
She wasn’t allowed any time to react, as he immediately opened the mirror door. She tried to dash into the back of the small room, but he swiftly grabbed her arm.
“What are you doing?”
Since she was dressed like a maid, and was in a place like this, he was sure to think that she was jealous of the harem princess. Lydia tried to escape as she hid her face.
But, the more she struggled, the more she realized it was a mistake to hope he would let go.
Usually, Edgar would just be goofing around, but right now, he had just caught a woman who could possibly be his enemy’s spy.
Just when she tried to swing away his arm, he twisted it around so tightly that it felt like her bones were going to snap. He restrained her from behind and grabbed her chin with his other hand.
P. 107
Lydia had never felt her body as fragile and weak than at this moment.
If he were to tightened his grip just a little more, she felt he could snap her neck and arm.
She let out a scream from the immense pain.
“No-----! Let go! It hurts!”
He must have recognized her voice and swiftly let go in surprise and Lydia slumped down to sit on the floor.
"Lydia? Why are you….”
Tears came out of her eyes from pain and misery.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t think that it was you. …..Are you all right?”
“I’m not all right. It’s horrible of you to inflict such violence on women!”
Lydia learned from her own experience, that even if it were a woman, that didn’t matter to him as long as it was his enemy and that terrified her.
To begin with, she was already confused from things turning out not what she imagined, like this building and doll that was supposed to be a harem, and the Royal Family’s diamond.
To top it off, she experienced immense pain inflicted by Edgar and that made her be filled with distrust towards him.
Right now, Edgar was kind to Lydia and treated her like his fiancée, but she remembered how he originally approached her in order to manipulate and take advantage of her.
Lydia did pity Edgar’s life, including the heartless part of him which he needed to be in order to survive, but she also knew he wasn’t a naturally cruel person, and that was why she wanted to help him as a Fairy Doctor.
P. 108
But, in reality, she didn’t know the truth about Edgar at all.
“Can you stand?”
He offered his hand to help her, but Lydia stood up on her own.
“To begin with, what is the meaning with that doll? Do you know that there’s a rumor you’ve made a harem and are keeping a pagan princess in it? So that doll is your lover?”
“No, you’re wrong, Lydia.”
“She’s beautiful and doesn’t say one complaint, and that diamond looks wonderful on her, so this situation is perfect. Oh, yes, why not? From society’s point of view, you would have strange tastes, but if it was a doll, then she wouldn’t be angry no matter how many other lovers you make, and nobody would get hurt, so this is just perfect for a flirt like you.”
The pain in her arm was starting to go away, and yet for some reason, she couldn’t stop crying. Lydia tried to hide that by wiping her eyes.
“What nonsense about calling me your fiancée. I’m not a doll! If you did something like this, I would be hurt….”
Why am I feeling hurt?
He had a beautiful doll living in a marvelous room, and treated her like his lover….
Wearing such plain maid clothes and being in front of him when he was with such a finely dressed doll made her feel even more miserable.
P. 109
To top it off, this scoundrel used violence on me.
That’s why.
Is that why I feel hurt?
“……That’s not what I meant, I-I just came to make sure who your lover was. Yes, that’s right; I came because I just wanted to do something about that cursed diamond!”
“Lydia, calm down and let’s talk.”
“I’m perfectly calm. Besides, what do you really think of me? It seems like Ulysses is making his moves, and yet you don’t let me know what’s going on. So are you saying that you don’t need the help of a Fairy Doctor? Is it because I’m unreliable? Then, I would like it, if you would not force me to stay by your side!”
She turned her back to him and dashed off.
Edgar didn’t stop her and that made her even more furious.
She should have stayed with him or handed Edgar the ring so that it would protect him from the curse of the diamond, but she had completely lost her calm, so she couldn’t care about that at all.
“Hey, Lydia, this building is so strange. It’s filled with dolls,” said Nico who appeared next to Lydia as she came running into the hallway.
P. 110
“Do the men in London play with dolls? In a room back there, there was a grown-up adult who was trying to seduce a doll, and another one who was preparing tea and pastries even though the thing can’t possibly eat it. Although, I went ahead and ate it all while being invisible.”
The owner of that doll was sure to be surprised.
“Which means, is the Earl here playing around with dolls as well? How disgusting.”
When she was finally able to calm herself down and recalled the conversation he had with Raven, it started to seem like it was a different situation from that.
The doll’s name was Jean? But, it seemed like Edgar had the doll prepared in order to lure out a man who the two of them were calling duke.
Who is Jean?
Was the doll just an imitation of an actual living person?
“And this place, I can hear the chanting voices of the goblins underground, digging a tunnel. I wonder if it’s just a passage for them. This building is in such a bad location. Hey, Lydia, are you crying?”
Or maybe, Edgar’s real lover, who looked exactly like that doll, was hidden somewhere else….?
She grew even more furious at why he would go and try to flirt with Lydia.
That low excuse of a man should just get into deep trouble from the curse of the diamond.
“I-I’m not crying at all. I tripped and fell over and it just hurts tremendously!”
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P. 112
She said that in a hurry as she took off her apron and cap and rushed out of the building through the back door.
“My Lord, when your affair is found out, you shouldn’t go and do something rash like coming up with an excuse.”
The invisible fairy had taken one feather accessory from the doll's veil and tried to show himself by waving it back and forth in front of Edgar.
“……Uhh, you were,”
“Oh, yes.”
Because he didn’t anticipate Lydia disguising herself as a maid and sneaking into here, Edgar was experiencing a small shock and was left standing in the doorway.
“The best thing to do is just keep apologizing.”
“Did you give that kind of advice to one of the Blue Knight Earls in the past?”
“I have indeed. I just cannot understand why on earth human men would go and have an affair when they know what kind of storm they have to go through when their wives find out.”
So the Ashenbert family tree had henpecked husbands.
“I have to ask you one thing; did Lydia come here because she was worried about the cursed diamond? Or to find out the truth behind my rumored affair?”
P. 113
If it was the later, then he thought he might have a chance.
“She came because of the cursed diamond. But, it is impossible for a lady not to be worried about the unfaithfulness of her fiancé. Well, I hear there are those kind of cold engagements within society.”
That was the problem.
The positive feelings Lydia felt towards Edgar was under the categories of pity and kind meddling, and the root was her soft-hearted personality, so he wondered if her feelings had changed or grown into something different.
He had the feeling perhaps her feelings haven’t changed.
And it looked like Edgar ended up making Lydia cry and hurting her.
He thought it would be easy to make their engagement official. When he spent his time with her on a daily basis, he felt he wasn’t being disliked, so he thought that he would be able to pull it through somehow. Even in regards to the doll, if he just explained its reason, she might come to an understanding. And yet, Edgar let her run off because he also lost his calm composure.
Because he could still feel the twisting sound of the bone in Lydia’s slender arm near braking and it made him loathe himself.
P. 114
“Miss Carlton, what is the reason you have that on?”
The Duchess, Lady Masefield had noticed the thick bandage wrapped around Lydia’s left ring finger and made a worried frown.
“Oh, this, I was just a little clumsy. It isn’t anything serious.”
Since the ring couldn’t come off, hiding it was her last resort. By doing this, she would be able to carry on without causing anyone to become suspicious.
“Oh, my goodness. You bone isn’t broken is it? It is your ring finger, so if your finger thickens, you won’t be able to wear your wedding ring.”
“I-I’m completely fine. And I don’t have any plans to marry anyway,” replied Lydia in a hurry.
She had been invited along with her father to the duchess’mansion today.
Her father’s former teacher, who he respected, was the duke’s cousin and was apparently paying a visit to London from Cambridge, so they were holding a very small tea party, and Lydia had come straight from the Ashenbert house to here, but it looked like her father had arrived before her.
“I’m so happy that Miss Carlton was able to attend today. When it’s all scholars, you know how the conversation immediately turns to a technical topic, yes? That is much too boring for me.”
Perhaps, because of that reason, Lydia was first guided to the drawing room of the duchess and saw how she looked to have been eagerly waiting for Lydia as she closed the book she was reading.
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The duchess escorted Lydia and they headed to the salon. As they walked, the duchess made a pleasant smile like she had just remembered something.
“So, you still don’t have any intention of marrying. Ha-ha, it is such a spoil for me to be the only one to know that Lord Ashenbert is having such a difficult time.”
“Uh, Your Grace….”
“No worries, I won’t say a word of this to anyone. But, would you let me ask just one question?”
The lady whispered to her “What part of him are you unhappy about?” It was like she was enjoying a secret conversation with her.
“I prefer someone who can seriously love and treasure just one person.”
“Yes, well, that is quite a challenge for the Earl.”
“Uh, even from Your Grace’s point of view, don’t you think what kind of joke is it that Edgar would go and propose to me?”
“I don’t think he would ask me the favor to chaperone you as a joke.”
Well, that’s true.
“But, still, I in turn, would like to know what to do so he would give up the idea of marrying me.”
“If that’s what you want, then it isn’t difficult at all. Don’t you think he would give up if you loved someone else?”
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Something like that would work? thought Lydia.
“If I fell in love with someone, then I’m afraid he would just go cause trouble to that person. I’m sure he would try to drive off the man by pulling some strings behind my back or use pranks or harassments.”
“Oh, he would never,” laughed the lady.
That’s because she don’t know his true nature.
Even if he was of noble birth, he wasn’t an innocent rich boy. If it was necessary, he would use any foul, despicable kind of measure to get his way.
But, because he had that fragile dangerousness in him, Lydia was aware that she wasn’t able to strictly rebuff him, and turned her eyes away.
There were times when she felt pity for him and she knew there wasn’t that major of a problem in his personality.
Or was there something wrong with his personality? Putting that aside, she couldn’t allow herself to grow romantic feelings for him.
In the salon, there were three men in the middle of a lively conversation sitting around a table.
Lydia paid her greetings to the Duke Masefield and the respected teacher of her father who sat next to him.
“Carlton’s young daughter? Why, how big you’ve grown.”
“It has been such a long time since I saw you last, Professor Browning,” greeted Lydia.
“How big is not the way you should greet a young lady. You should have remarked on how beautiful she has become.”
P. 117
When the plump duke made that correction, the round-faced professor laughed out loud.
“Indeed. I’m pleased she didn’t grow up to look like Carlton.”
“I agree,” said her father.
Since Lydia didn’t really resemble either one of her parents, she grew up being called a changeling, so she was envious of children who looked like their parents.
“But Professor Carlton and Miss Carlton do share a resemblance,” added the duchess.
“Is that true, Your Grace?”
“How should I say it, the air they carry about themselves,” said the duchess with a soft smile.
“I wonder if that’s pleasing to the young lady. My daughter hates how she’s come to resemble me.”
“Oh, no, I’m very happy.”
When Lydia said that with a serious face, for some strange reason, everyone burst out laughing.
“By the way, everyone, what kind of topic were you talking about?” asked the duchess.
“Of course, about stones, Your Grace.”
“What a hard topic.”
“Then, we have a story about a jewel that even women might enjoy?”
“What sort of jewel?”
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“Since we have two mineralogists here, then they should be able to answer any kind of question.”
Lydia was asked by the duchess what kind of gems she liked, and she spoke the name of the first thing that came to her mind.
“Uh, how about diamonds?”
Wasn’t this the perfect chance to find out about the Royal Family’s diamond?
“I knew it; women are only interested in diamonds.”
“If you want to make sure if the diamond your lover sent you is real, then I could appraise it for you. Since that might be a difficult thing to ask of your father.”
When Professor Browning made a joke like that, Lydia noticed her father looking back at her nervously, so she panicked.
“Oh, no, that’s not it. I just wanted to find out about the diamond that’s said to belong to the Royal Family, the ‘Nightmare’ and the ‘Daydream’.”
Everyone made glances to each other.
“Lydia, where did you hear about that?”
“Uhh, just something that came up with some fairies,”
“You must mean the legendary large pear-shaped diamonds. I think I’ve heard that the one who possessed the black diamond and the white diamond is said to become the greatest King or something like that…..” said the duke, breaking the silence.
Carlton nodded.
P. 119
“It’s not exactly well-known how long ago the Royal Family owned them, but originally, they were separately owned by different feudal lords, and then they eventually ended up in the care of the royal family. When James the 6th from the Stuart family ascended the throne as James I, the King of England, I heard
that they had the two diamonds cut into the same shape. I guess they wanted them to be memorial tokens of when he ascended to the throne of two countries.”
“Then, Father, was it the King who made the legend that surrounded the diamonds at that time?”
“Just by existing, diamonds had the tendency to create legends about themselves, young Miss. If it were the queen of jewels, and such a high-quality and rareness large diamond, then only the supreme rulers would be allowed to get their hands on them. And so, the success and failures of their owners was said to be determined by the magic of the diamond, and that rumor continued and remained as a legend.”
“But, the two diamonds aren’t with the Royal family right now, are they?”
Because one of them is worn by Edgar’s harem doll, and Raven is currently investigating if Ulysses has the other.
“I hear that it was lost during the chaos of the Revolution era.”
“There is a famous theory that James II had taken it with him when he fled to France.”
“But, some years ago, wasn’t there news that one of the diamonds was discovered again and it became an article in the papers. They said it was found in the hiding courters of a gang of thieves who were arrested in Rome.”
“That was the white diamond, Daydream. And yet, it was stolen once again.”
“What! Is that true?”
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"It was debated that Her Royal Highness the Queen’s dignity was damaged, and suspicions if it really was the one, and gossip and press about it in the papers.”
“Yes, just because of that one diamond, I heard that a certain duke of a noble family was suspected.”
It seemed like the two scholars were unaware of that, as they looked curiously towards the duchess.
“Was suspected, as in?”
“Anticipating that the exiled King would one day return, it was rumored that he took the jewel with him to eventually use as proof to ascend back to the throne.”
“Which means, the one who has both of the diamonds claims to be the descendant of the exiled King, a war could erupt between the present Royal Family.”
“But, there shouldn’t be any direct living descendants of James II anymore.”
“It is just only a rumor,” reminded the duchess.
“Do you mean that duke was believed to be involved in the plot of Rebellion and stole it?”
Hearing ‘duke,’ Lydia suddenly had a bad feeling stir inside her.
“I heard that the noble who was entrusted in bringing back the diamond was Duke Sylvainford, as he happened to be in Rome at that time.”
Oh, no, thought Lydia, gulping down.
Learning about Edgar’s true birth was still a fresh memory in Lydia’s mind: that Edgar, who lost his family and name was the only son of the Duke of Sylvainford family, before his entire family was killed by Prince and his men, and society believed that Edgar had also died.
P. 121
“But, it seemed like the diamond was stolen from the Duke during his voyage back, and he was forced to take responsibility.”
“However, isn’t the responsibility of the stolen diamond and the suspicion that he was the thief a completely different matter?”
“Yes, of course. Only, because it disappeared without leaving a trace, it was suspected to be the work of someone from the inside. In reality, the Duke was not held guilty and an irresponsible rumor was just created.…But not long after that, the duke family’s manor house burned down, and the duke and the rest of his family all died. Even if it was just an accident, it was heavily rumored amongst the peerage that it was a rebellion or a conspiracy, but in the end, it just finished with a painful ending.”
Lydia tightened her hands together into a ball on her lap and took a small breath.
Edgar was searching for the diamond that had disappeared at that time. Most likely, because of Prince.
If Prince had once gone after the ‘Daydream,’ then Edgar must have guessed Prince would search for the ‘Nightmare’ as well, and so Edgar might be giving Prince a challenge.
In order to capture the culprit who sert his father into a trap and to recover the white diamond.
If so, then what was the purpose of that beautiful doll?
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