P. 47
That man is too suspicious.
However you look at it, he’s too suspicious.
Lydia was standing in the kitchen of her house and couldn’t contain the bubbling irritation building up in herself as she was waiting for her baking biscuits to be done.
She had the feeling that her suspicion about Edgar might actually be true after she heard Nico's story.
According to Nico, Edgar had met the baron daughter, Lady Doris Worpole on the day she disappeared. Even if he had only invited her onto his carriage, Mrs. Marl wouldn’t have known that and most likely Edgar didn’t let her know.
“Oh, no, did he kidnap her?”
He could have put dangerous stories about the fogman into her head, scaring her, and made it seem like a fairy was involved and took her away.
P. 48
Even if he was a former criminal…., but as she thought that, she was still confused.
“But, then, for what purpose?”
“Of course to sell her off, since young, pretty girls would make good money.”
Nico magically appeared on top of the kitchen counter. He had one of the secret scotch bottles that was hidden by her father.
“Money, huh, well, I don’t think it would be that.”
He was sure to have plenty of it and as an current Earl residing in England, it would be too much of a risk for him to dirty his precious hands in crimes again to go after money.
At the present time, there should be no reason for him to cross such a dangerous bridge.
But there were many peculiar points.
“But, well, he would frequently disguise himself to go to the harbor and the downtown areas. That smells like when a criminal is planning to do something. It also seems like he’s been going in-and-out of the expensive casinos and it seemed too suspicious for him to be just a simple gamble-lover. I’m sure he’s trying to focus people’s attention away from himself by having you search for the where-abouts of that baron daughter.”
Lydia swipted the scotch bin away from Nico’s paw as he was about to open it.
“Now, don’t go stealing away Father’s delights.”
Nico tutted in frustration and threw a piece of paper in Lydia’s direction.
P. 49
“Then, look at this. I found it in his room.”
She picked it up and saw that it was a cut-out from the tabloid.
“[The children who disappeared into the London fog…. Could this be the work of a white-slave trade organization or some sort of secret underground operation?]”
The story was written about a boy who was rescued by a Briton in Brazil who claimed to have been kidnapped from London and sold off to a farm. On the ship he was put on, there apparently were many other boys and girls who had been through the same experience.
“[From the corners of London, there are endless number of disappearing children. It has come to the point where people are starting to believe the rumors that they were kidnapped by the imaginary “fogman” and in most of the cases, the location of the missing children are never found.]”
It ended there.
“He had a collection of other clippings from similar articles. There’s no mistake that he’s planning on doing something bad. How you were nearly kidnapped could be somehow related to this .”
“……Are you trying to say that Edgar was behind that? The attacker was killed by Raven.”
“Hmm, well, I’m not sure, but I still think it’s dangerous to be around that man. Lydia, why don’t we hurry up and return to Scotland? Well, it may not be so easy to end your enployment from that earl.”
Edgar said that he had been sold as a white slave in the past. There could be a possibility that he was collecting these because it was related to his tramatic past.
P. 50
Would someone, who went through the horrible experience of being sold and robed of their free will as a human being, do something like sell another human being?
The ignorant and optimistic part of Lydia made her didn't want to believe that.
“Miss, your biscuits are going to get burnt.”
The maid’s notice made Lydia rush to look into the iron stove. She pulled out the iron plate to see her biscuits had managed to escape from being scorched.
“Thank goodness. It’s been a long time since I baked anything, I hope they taste like Mother’s.”
Today was Sunday. And an unusual day when her father was home. The two of them went to church early in the morning and Lydia decided to bake some sweets from her mother’s recipe for their afternoon tea. If there wasn’t the the thing to worry about Edgar, it should have been a perfect day off from work to get some relaxation.
Their town house wasn’t something that could compare to Edgar’s palace, but this house that Lydia’s father lives in, employs a maid and a cook. There wasn’t any need for Lydia to stand in the kitchen, but just like her mother did, she thought it was her duty to bake the biscuits.
Because her fairy doctor mother baked biscuits with herbs as offerings to the fairies.
Lydia threw one into the fire of the stove and one on the window sill. Nico was already helping himself to one.
P. 51
She left the maid to prepare the tea and headed to the drawing room with the plate of biscuits in her hand.
She heard a male voice talking with her father; it seems like Mr. Langley, her father’s student had come to visit.
“Oh, Miss Carlton, I’m sorry to intrude so early in the day.”
“Hello, Mr. Langley. You have perfect timing. I just baked some biscuits, please have some while you’re here.”
“Thank you very much. Professor Carlton, this house has surely become much brighter ever since Miss Lydia has come to live here.”
“Was this house that dark?”
The drawing room of this house was filled with rocks, skeleton specimens and rare animal stuffings, so normal visitors would flee within five minutes.
“It’s not dark, more like unapproachable for ladies with ordinary sense. Why don’t you at least put away the sculls? Even for the sake of Miss Carlton.”
Carlton made the look like he was shocked and looked around the room as he pushed up his round spectacles.
“This is quite a relaxing space for me, but, Lydia, does this room actually disturb you?”
“No, father, not at all.”
P. 52
“Hah, now she really is the daughter of a natural historian. If all ladies were as understanding as you, then there would still be a ray of hope for scholars who are resigning their fates as bachelors.”
Langeley himself was a twenty-seven-year-old bachelor.
“Oh, so you're here to court Lydia, are you?”
“Professor, are you worried? If you’re nerved by someone like me, then it'd be quite a commotion when Miss Lydia will bring her suitor.”
“Lydia is still a child.”
Since she came to live here, Carlton had been treating Lydia like a child, probably because he suddenly realized that his only daughter, who had been living a far distance away from him, had reached a marriageable age.
It seems the attitude of that naturally-born ladies-man earl towards Lydia had given quite a wake-up call to Carlton.
Just at that time, the maid brought in the tea and Nico was the quickest one to bring his cup to his lips. Nico sat next to Lydia and held the cup and saucer with his paws but that sight didn’t appear in Langley’s vision. He might be aware that there was a cat in the room, but the reason he wasn’t acting surprised was because his brain probably didn’t registering anything more than that.
But according to Nico, it had taken two years after her parent's marriage for her father to even realize that her mother’s cat was a magical speaking feline, so she could understand that Langley was also that sort of person.
Lydia thought that since her father and Langley were in the same academic field, they shared similar characteristics.
P. 53
Like how they both seemed a little bit unreliable. Or like how even if they were incredible scholars, they were incompetent in everything else.
Putting a biscuit into her mouth, Lydia was satisfied as it didn't taste that bad and as she sat watching her happyingly smiling father, she basked in the peaceful afternoon of her day-off.
The best part about it being Sunday is I don’t have to see that criminal’s gentleman face, she thought reflectingly in her mind.
But her peaceful day quickly vanished at the announcement of the maid.
“Sir, the Earl Ashenbert is here to see you. He says he has business with your daughter.”
“What, oh, no, send him away!” gasped Lydia in reflex.
“Lydia, we can’t turn the earl away at the door. Show him in.”
It was natural for her father to say that, but Lydia felt the strength drain out of her and slumped down weakingly into the chair.
Carlton should have vaguely realized that Edgar wasn’t a true earl. However, as he was acknowledged by the College of Arms, he seemed to have no issue in calling him as earl.
Because to Carlton, either way, people in the nobility were incomprehensible to him and beyond his grasp.
And so, he silently gave his authorization for Lydia to be hired by the earl as he knew she wanted to be acknowledged as a fully-fledged fairy doctor.
P. 54
It was a forcful hire that didn’t give her the choice to refuse, but there were no problems in the working conditions for Lydia and it was her decision, in the end, to accept the position after much thought.
And so by acknowledging that, Edgar was the employer of his daughter and a respectable earl to Carlton and so he must have thought that he needed to pay his respects.
After a few minutes, Edgar stepped into the Carlton house drawing room in his usual sleek and elegant grace.
He was dressed in an attire like he was going to an evening party, with a black evening coat and a nicely fitted, wine-colored gilet. But the most outstanding feature about him, was his shining blond hair and his sparkling smile that was like an angel.
Although there was probably a devil hiding behind that face.
“Please excuse my intrusion, Profession Carlton.”
“Welcome, my lord. I hope my daughter hasn’t been causing you any troubles.”
“Oh, no, she’s doing wonderfully.”
Lydia gave a gloomy side-glance over to Edgar, who handed his top hat to the maid and was giving a few innocuous greeting words as he shook hands with her father who stood up in a tired manner.
She waited to open her mouth after Carlton was finished introducing Langely to him.
“So, what is your business with me?”
“Lydia, don’t be so impolite all of a sudden. My lord, please have a seat. Would you care for some tea? We only have the biscuits that Lydia had baked.”
P. 55
P. 56
“How interesting. I would love to have a taste.”
There’s nothing interesting about it. He’s talks about it like it’s some unfamiliar food from a foreign country.
Lydia scrunched her brows slightly together.
Edgar smiled to her as she was glowering at him and chose to purposefully sit down right next to her. Even to go as far as to grabbing Nico, who was sitting in that spot, by the fur on his neck and moving him.
Nico made a threatening posture by raising the hair on his back and didn’t spare to throw invective words at him, but that must have only sounded like a cat was hissing and snarling at him.
“I see, it has a curious taste,” remarked Edgar once he took a bite of a biscuit.
“You’re fine to just say you don't like it.”
“It’s just like you, once I have a taste, I crave for more.”
Carlton cleared his throat in an obvious cough.
“By the way, Professor, I happened to read your newest article the other day."
Edgar swiftly changed the topic by turning his attention and making a serious look at Carlton.
“Oh, so you have an interest in natural history.”
“Nature is profound the more you delve into it. The word incredible was made for the study of natural history as it always astounds me. I particularly enjoyed reading the part about your analysis on crystal structure.”
P. 57
Once he’d open his mouth, it was easy for him to grab Carlton’s attention. He acted like a humble young student asking for answers from his teacher, but also managed to give back smart replies and ask questions that were right on the mark to liven the conversation.
It seems like it wasn't only women that Edgar had an art in winning over. Most likely, he knew the most accurate way to present himself in order to win the favor of any type of person.
It may have been natural for someone like him who knew how to get on in the harsh, real world successfully, as he really did seem to have read the article, and he had hit the right buttons to gain the favor of her father, who even she thought was obsessed with his own field research.
Now, father, you really shouldn’t open up to him like that, was what she wanted to say from watching the two of them.
“By the way, Professor, I happened to come across some old documents on this subject, it said that there is a stone called the “fairy’s egg” or something like that.”
Lydia was drawn into the men’s conversation at the new subject brought up by Edgar.
Talking about fairy’s egg, there was one involved in the case of the disappeared baron daughter. A case that Edgar was suspiciously involved in.
“Why, yes, there indeed exists a stone with that name.”
“Father, is that fairy egg real?”
“It’s only a mineral. It has that romantic name, but it’s only just a rare agate stone.”
“An agate, like that?”
There was an agate gemstone the size of a child’s head on display in the cabinet along with various other colorful stones.
Carlton stood up and took that large gemstone out of the cabinet and placed it on the table.
P. 58
The outer surface of the stone only appeared like a black, coarse rock. But, one wouldn’t be able to imagine that it was hiding a multi-colored stripped pattern stone on the inside.
“When you look at it like this, it looks like there is an agate trapped in a rocky egg. Only after you crack the shell are you able to see what’s inside.”
Edgar curiously stared at the agate on top of the table which had already been split open in two to reveal the sparkling crystal layers in the cross-section of the agate.
“But, the agate that’s called the fairy egg isn’t a stone like this, is it?”
“The name that was given to those certain type of agates are proper nouns. It isn’t related to its species. According to literature, it is a beautiful milky-white stone that has a green pattern on it. That coloration is a rare one called ‘peppermint leaf,’ and the ‘fairy egg’ is an agate with water trapped inside it.
“An agate with water in it?”
Although it was Edgar who started this topic, Lydia was the one actively asking the questions, probably because Edgar must have already looked up what a ‘water-sealed agate’ was.
“When you look at an agate gemstone, you can see how there is a open cave in the center of the stone, right? There are rare cases when water is trapped inside this. But if you cut it in two like this, you can’t checked if there is water. Because it evaporates in the instant you crack it.”
“Then how can you make sure that there is water in it?”
P. 59
“When you shake it, you can hear the water in it. If you find a stone like that, you carve off the exterior slowly. When you get near the center of the stone, you can transparently see the center of it. There will be the ancient water swaying back and forth that had been hidden asleep within the deep earth for hundreds and thousands of years.”
Imagining that, Lydia let out a sigh. She wondered how the light would look when the first ray of sunlight had reached its center and shined through the color of the agate that was probably like thin frosted glass.
“Most likely, the 'fairy egg' name came from the peppermint coloration that covers it like the veins of a leaf and the water was compared to a mysterious, imaginary creature.”
“But, father, if it was a rare agate stone like that, then there could have been a chance that a fairy had sneaked into it.”
Langley, who was the only one not familiar with this side of the family, made a puzzled look from Lydia’s bizarre comment.
“Fairies love beautiful things, and doesn’t that mean that the water trapped inside the agate was the divine holy water from the six days of Creation? That would be enough to lure any faerie and captivate them. And gems are stones that absorb light and trap them within them. They even have the power to withhold magic. If a fairy were to enter one, they wouldn’t be able to escape.”
“There indeed are records that they were used for that purpose. I’m not sure about other agate stones that have water in them, but if I were to only say about ‘fairy eggs,’ then there anecdote stories about sealing harmful evil spirits in them.”
“Then, those stones that are called fairy eggs, are there some that still exist?” asked Edgar.
P. 60
“There may be. I have read there was a record one existed in an abbey in Canterbury somewhere around the 16th century. There is no record of any after that.”
After hearing all of this, Lydia became puzzled about something.
“But, Edgar, doesn’t the fairy egg fortune-telling game, that’s popular among the young ladies, use a glass ball instead of an agate?”
There was no way that people would use the precious ‘fairy egg’ gemstone for a fortune-telling game.
“Yes, well, all of this up till now was just for my interest.”
Interest? There is no way you would have an interest in faeries.
“About that fairy egg, I found the place that is selling them. Wouldn’t you like to go and see?”
“Eh? Right now?”
“I came here so I could invite you. I hear it’s a Sunday-only event at the Cremorne Gardens.”
Then Edgar turned to face Carlton.
“Professor Carlton, would you give me permission to take Miss Carlton? This is in regards to her work as my hired fairy doctor.”
“If it is related to her work, then there is no reason for me to hold her back, but, it’s already dusk. Do you anticipate that this will last till late?”
“I hear that the public moral behavior at those types of pleasure gardens has been getting out of order.”
P. 61
Langley looked over to Lydia worryingly.
“Once our business is done, I promise to escort her back home safely. And I will be by her side at all times, so there is nothing to worry.”
Lydia thought that even if she lost her way into a den of pickpockets or bag-snatching pilferers, none of them would be as dangerous as him, and that thought depressed her.
But if she were to investigate the case about the fairy egg, then she would need to get her hands on an actual one and find out how they are being sold.
And there was another thing she wanted to clarify with Edgar.
“I’ll go. Would you wait for just a little? I’ll go get ready.”
Langley opened his mouth to Lydia who was about to stand up.
“Umm, Miss Carlton, I had forgotten about this. If you don't mind, I wanted to present you with this.”
He held out a bouquet of a few Margaret flowers tied together with a ribbon.
“Since I’m always visiting without any gifts. Oh, and yes, thank you for the biscuits today.”
“Oh, my, thank you very much.”
She was honestly delighted by his present, so Lydia smiled gladly.
P. 62
After grabbing her hat and shawl, Lydia climbed onto Edgar’s carriage that been waiting.
He had apparently brought along Raven, as she spotted him standing straight and completely still, waiting beside the carriage as she run up to it.
The carriage pulled to a start on the road and Lydia felt the prickling eyes of Edgar gazing intently at her as he sat next to her. It was absolutely uncomfortable.
“…..What is it? Why are looking at me like that?”
“Now that I think about it, I never knew you could smile like that.”
“When you were presented with the flowers from Mr. Langley, you looked happy from the bottom of your heart. When I give you flowers, you never showed any signs of delight.”
“It’s not like that, it’s just, in your case, your presents aren’t really from the heart…..”
Once that left her mouth, she became worried if what she said was unkind. Because her first meeting with Edgar was such a dubious situation, it made her constantly act stern towards him. But to judge that he didn’t put his heart into his actions could have been prejudice of her.
“Hmm. Well, ladies would prefer flowers picked from the side of the road from their beloved than an extravagant bouquet from a man they don’t care about.”
She knew from experience that when he showed himself weak and depressed like that it was one of his tricks, but in the end, Lydia felt like she was the one who was doing the wrong thing.
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