Chapter 532: 532
Chapter 532: Yeah, But It Is Going to Be Hard (Part One)
Fei heard it, and he smiled and shook his head . "Right Deacon, your tone seems casual . Although I only need to do one thing, most of the talented geniuses on this continent couldn't achieve it . Billions of geniuses on this continent had tried to become the Pope, but less than 300 people made it . Asking me to become the Pope is similar to asking me to swim in a volcano . Could it be that Right Deacon think my fist is bigger than Blatter and my waist is also thicker than his?"
Batistuta laughed after hearing that . He paused for a second before saying, "It is hard . However, it would be easier with the full support of Black-Cloth Shrine .
"Really? Although there is the saying: a dragon that starved to death is still larger than a horse, but I really doubt Black-Cloth Shrine's ability after falling for more than 100 years . How could it fight against the Pope? If I'm not wrong, Platini's betrayal harmed Black-Cloth Shrine greatly, and it almost got whipped out . " Fei wasn't trying to be polite at all! He instantly revealed the most significant scar on Black-Cloth Shrine's body .
What Fei and Batistuta were talking about was shocking .
They were addressing the Pope of the Holy Church and the Bishop of the Northern Regional Church by name, and they were talking about overthrowing them . If this information got leaked, a storm would arrive .
Therefore, before they started to speak, they each released an invisible energy sphere and enveloped the four o them . The people outside the sphere could only see their expressions but couldn't hear what they were talking about .
Among the four of them, Fei and Batistuta were the two decision makers . Jessie was the talented genius whom Black-Cloth Shrine was trying to nurture, so Fei wasn't worried about him . Holy Knight Alan was only a new member of Black-Cloth Shrine, and Fei didn't know why Batistuta trusted this young man so much . However, Fei didn't mind this Nine-Star Warrior and didn't hide anything from him .
Even though Fei and Batistuta weren't arguing ferociously with red faces, they were bargaining and negotiating intensely . After hearing this for a while, the young priest couldn't hold back and said, "Your Majesty, please don't mind my opinion . We represent the G . o . ds, and we should be spreading the G . o . dly light to every corner of the continent . Our mission is to spread the G . o . dly messages to billions of people . Even if we must sacrifice our lives, it would be worth it . It is an honorable and glorious mission . Your Majesty, you are a [G . o . d's Favorite Child] and are beloved by the G . o . ds . You should take on this mission and not bargain like the farmers in the markets . "
If anyone else said this, Fei would have laughed and slapped them .
However, it felt undeniable after being said by Jessie .
It gave Fei the illusion as if this young priest was stating the truth and reality .
This was the case because there was a bright and sincere aura around this young man . Ever since he opened his eyes, he had been living with what he just said as his motto . He believed in it, and he measured every single one of his actions by comparing with it . Unlike most of the members of the Holy Church who just spoke and never showed in action, Jessie indeed operated by this phrase and never did anything against it .
Fei smiled and didn't doubt what Jessie had said .
Although he didn't agree with Jessie, he genuinely admired people like him .
There were a bunch of people who were just like Jessie . This world sometimes looked cute and lively because of these naive people . The King held respect for people like Jessie, but he didn't want to become one of them . In his mind, living that lifestyle would be too tiring .
Batistuta lightly shook his head after hearing Jessie's words .
He could clearly tell that the King of Chambord wasn't a young man who could be stimulated by inspirational words . Although this king was only a little over 18 years of age, his sly thoughts and new ideas made Batistuta feel like he was talking to an 80-years-old man .
[Sly and gangster-like…… Never step back down when talking about values and principles . ]
This was Batistuta's comment about Fei .
A big shrine in the Holy Church required a [G . o . d's Favorite Child] who was just, empathetic, kind, forgiving, polite, humble, tolerate, and willing to sacrifice oneself . Compared with these criteria, Fei didn't fit Black-Cloth Shrine at all . However, Batistuta has lived for more than 100 years, and he believed in his own judgment . His sharp instinct was telling him again and again that perhaps a unique [G . o . d's Favorite Child] like Fei was the best option that Black-Cloth Shrine, a fallen shrine, had at the moment .
As Batistuta was about to say something, Fei laughed and said, "Let's talk about a simpler topic . For example, does the Bishop of Black-Cloth Shrine need to ditch all his possessions? For example, do I need to ditch my family, my kingdom, and my subjects? Do I need to eliminate the desire of mortal?"
What he said surprised Batistuta and the other two young man; they all understood what the King meant .
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