Hullo! Kumo Kagyu here! How did you like Volume 11 of Goblin Slayer? In this story, goblins appeared in the country of sand, so Goblin Slayer had to slay them.
I poured my heart and soul into writing it, so I would be thrilled if you enjoyed it.
When you do a job long enough, you find yourself having to do more than just your so-called job. Like say all you want to do is slay goblins, but somehow other things seem to keep coming up, too. Like maybe you were supposed to be slaying goblins, and suddenly something totally unexpected happens.
Like a surprise dragon.
So suppose you stay alert at all times so as not to run into any dragons. You take every precaution, prepare for every possibility, and are always careful not to have anything to do with them. But then one morning, you wake up, and for some reason you’re in the morgue, with no memories, and your brain feels like an explosion!
…And then you find out it was a dragon pulling the strings all along that’s left you like this, and all you can do is put your head in your hands.
A world where you can just bump into a wandering dragon is a pretty scary place, huh? No time for whining then. It’s do or do not, kill or be killed.
However, it turns out dragon slaying isn’t that easy!
But maybe you work really hard at it, and as a result, you find yourself involved in all sorts of things. Wouldn’t that be nice? Heh!
Over the last several years, to my amazement and gratitude, I’ve received invitations to go to Taiwan, the United States, Germany, and Switzerland. The novels I wrote have been turned into manga then anime; they’ve been translated, and I have overseas fans now… It’s like the ripple effect, or, you know, that thing about a butterfly flapping its wings. It’s amazing to experience.
I’m utterly grateful for all of it, and none of it would have been possible without the support of everyone who has known and encouraged me. Thank you all so much.
I’m happy to report that we have another side story in addition to Year One, called Dai Katana. Again with your collective support, I hope this one will likewise be translated and introduced to readers overseas. Call it another “butterfly effect.” It’s really something.
Oops, I went on too long, and now I don’t have room for all my usual thank-yous. Believe me, they’re still there in my heart. Thank you to all my creative friends and gaming buddies. Thank you for the efforts of the aggregator blog admins.
Immense appreciation to Kannatuki for another volume’s worth of fantastic illustrations. Thank you to everyone who was involved in editing, publishing, distributing, and marketing this book. And finally, profound thanks to all the readers who have encouraged me. I’m considering a short-story collection for the next volume, but rest assured that goblins will appear and have to be slain.
See you in Volume 12!
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