Volume 1 Chapter 86
[TN: Sorry so late! BUT IT’S FREEE!]
It was the van from before. To think it was only just arriving. It seemed late.
I guess driving on the dirt road was even harder than I thought it would be.
“It doesn’t look like they’re going to slow down any time soon.”
Sooah said in surprise.
No matter how fast a hunter’s reflexes were, it wasn’t impossible to hit and kill them by running them over with a car or van.
They probably saw that we had quite a few people on our side and decided to reduce our numbers by running some of us over.
“It’s dangerous!”
“Partyhead, hurry and get out of the…”
“It’s alright.”
I lightly shook my head before bringing out the Toyul Hammer from my manual.
“Sunbeh Oppa! What in the world are you…?!”
The van continued to rushs at me full speed. I could hear a violent rattling noise leaking through the suspension.
A ray of lightning fell straight down from the sky with a roar.
Crackle! Crack!
The vehicle, ripped apart into a wreckage of parts were scattered everywhere.
The burning debris was still smoking from the fire lit by the diesel, and all 6 hunters who had been riding in the van were now in such a condition that they were unbearable to look at.
I, on the other hand, apart from some minor scratches made by the flying debris was almost entirely unharmed.
“What, what the hell were you thinking?”
Sooah said with a stutter. She looked as if she were on the verge of tears. Was she that worried?
“If it’s a level 5 Toyul Hammer, there’s no way I wouldn’t have been able to handle something so benign as a van. The hunters who decided to come at me full throttle in the van were the idiots.”
“But what if something went wrong?!”
“Well…I guess there was a light chance something could have gone wrong. Like if I didn’t strike at the right timing…or if the impact of my strike was off…I might have gotten hit and died…”
“And you still did something stupid like that?”
“But it’s fine as long as it’s just that one time right?”
Because I had the Immortality Skill in my possession. If something happened where I were to incur enough damage to warrant “death”, my skill would kick it and bring me back to full health.
Like, for example, getting hit by a car.
It was dangerous, true, but I was able to kill 6 hunters in just one blow.
And this was a group of hunters that had a level 4 hunter among them too. Though I didn’t check all of their stats one by one, I knew that that group of 6 was far stronger than the group of 30 hunters we faced just a moment ago.
How did I know this? Because if they weren’t strong, they wouldn’t have gone off on their own to search the Southern Marshes.
“It’s not fine.”
Her hand, which had been grasping mine, squeezed hard.
She looked as if a tear would spill out right that instant.
Did she not understand what I just told her?
“What I’m saying is, I wouldn’t have died…”
“There, there’s an item here!”
Park Hanbum, who had been inspecting the wreckage let out a yell. The bulk of the items were found inside a broken wooden box that had been in the van. There were probably close to 20 items that spilled out of the broken vehicle in addition to those found in the box.
We first picked up all the equipment. The equipment we picked up in this manner in addition to those that were used by our enemies was tallied at a total of 35.
We assumed they were all initially from the wooden box.
Just from looking at the type of items, it was hard to tell whether they were obtained by killing other hunters or by killing monsters.
And we couldn’t find out for sure by any other means because the ones who knew were now all dead. But quite a number of equipment had been stained by the black blood of men.
If they were obtained by fighting monsters, there was no way the items would have come discolored with blood in this way.
“It seems they had been hunting and killing hunters who seemed relatively weak. From the number of equipment, they killed a smaller amount of hunters than expected, but this is a problem we cannot overlook.”
If the number of equipment was 35, then we could safely say they probably killed between 10 to 20 hunters.
“But there could also be more of these guys…”
Han Joonseok spoke up.
“I don’t think that they would be so bold as to send several teams. If they were, it would have been hard for us to see any monsters near the bridge.”
“Ah, you’re right. I didn’t think of that.”
“Well, I think the important thing right now is to make all of this known to the others. Luckily I have a contact within the police force so….”
“Do you mean that lady officer from before?”
Sooah sniffed. As soon as I nodded my head, her expression turned to stone.
“Stop thinking stupid and unnecessary thoughts. It’s not like that.”
“Ah…then why do you feel the need to explain yourself?”
“In case you get it in your head to do something stupid.”
“Me? What would I do?”
Sooah stared at me with a big smiling face. It seemed I got her to calm down.
“Anyway, let’s start moving. It’s a shame that we came all the way across the bridge only to turn back but…”
“Right. Since we can’t confirm the scale of infiltration by the Chinese in this area, it’s best to err on the side of caution.”
Han Joonseok finished as he nodded his head. No one disagreed. Cho Youngoo didn’t have an opinion on the matter while Jong Sawon rarely, if ever, spoke his piece. Since Park Hanbum was still new to the group, he mostly kept his opinions to himself. Sooah pretty much always followed whatever decision I made and Yeonkyoung was busy spacing out.
Meanwhile our Manager Kim….wait.
“Manager Kim?”
I turned around to look at the huge bundle behind me. The bundle of cobweb began to squirm.
After Manager Kim kicked up a big old fuss once released, I put all the equipment into my manual before we headed out.
If we stuck around any longer, we could end up unnecessarily bumping into more enemies.
Though Cho Youngoo drove with an anxious face the whole time we crossed back over the wooden bridge, we were able to get over it without any problems once again.
In the truck, I took out my phone and made a call.
[This is Lieutenant Sohn Aram.]
“Hi, it’s Jeon Sangmin.”
[Oh, and why are you calling out of the blue?]
“There is something important I felt you should know.”
I briefly recapped what had happened earlier.
How the Chinese hunters had occupied the forested area and how they had probably attacked and killed the missing Korean hunters in the new land.
[How sure are you?]
“Very sure. We even fought against them firsthand. They were all Chinese.”
[And proof?]
“If you need proof…”
[Something that could identify them. It could even be a dead body.]
“That’s…not possible.”
Bringing over a dead body was impossible. Since they had all evaporated already.
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