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Chapter 154

“Go and sleep . It’s late . ”

I pushed her into the open door . But instead of going in, she closed the door and stood with her back on the door .

“What are you doing . ”

“Just admiring your face . ”

“Hah…… . ”

I sighed and scratched my head . I thought she was staying quiet without saying anything but it seems that wasn’t it .

“Say it if you have something to say . You’re not planning on staying like this all night right?”

“I don’t have much to say . ”

“Then go in and sleep . ”

“Can’t I sleep with seonbae oppa?”

“…… You’re drunk aren’t you?”

“I’ll just sleep holding hands . Really . For reals . I swear to god . ”

“Say appropriate things . You look idiotic . ”

I carefully approached her .

“Ah…… . ”

She twitched and got surprised but then suddenly closed her eyes and held up her head .

I then reached for the doorknob behind her back and turned it .

“Go in and sleep . ”


I pushed her into the room and closed the door .

It was a somehow dangerous moment .

I was sighing while leaning against the wall when the door opened slightly and Soo-ah peeked out .

I didn’t even have the power to scuffle though .


“Sl, sleep well . I’m not going to remember this tomorrow after all . I think it would be good if seonbae oppa didn’t remember this either . ”

“I didn’t drink any alcohol . ”

“Hik . ”

She closed the door again and disappeared .

It was a pretty embarrassing moment . If I was her I would want to die . I didn’t know why I was pushing her away when she was going so far .

What should I say . I had the feeling I wasn’t prepared to take in someone yet .

It was a job where I could die at any time after all .

I went into my room and spread out the blanket and lied down . It wasn’t tomorrow but thinking about how I had to soon go far away exhaustion overcame me .

I could hear the sound of people repeating pour and drink outside . If they regained themselves they should have gone to sleep, were they planning on staying up .

I plugged in earphones into my ear .

With quiet music the surrounding sounds disappeared .

The moment I thought I had fallen asleep, something soft and wet could be felt on my mouth .

It was too realistic for it to be a dream .

I opened my eyes wondering what it was .

Eyes that seemed to be greatly surprised could be seen .


A person’s shadow retreated as it got surprised . It was dark so I could only see the silhouette but I could know who it was immediately .


“Hah? Yes? You weren’t sleeping?”

“Ah…… I think I just woke up . But what are you doing? At this time . ”

“It, it’s nothing . I just opened the wrong door when trying to go to the bathroom . ”

“The bathroom is on the left at the end of the hallway . ”

“Yes . I’m sorry for waking you up . ”

Bow .

She opened the door and went out with careful steps .

Then, a dashing noise could be heard . It wasn’t in the direction of the bathroom .

This…… It doesn’t seem like I can sleep .

Day of departure .

Team 1 finished preparations for the level 9 dungeon they reserved and team 2 to go to the Yellow Sea . In that time, I had applied for a travel visa to China and Russia which I got immediately .

Han Joon-suk opened his mouth .

“When are you planning on returning?”

“I’m not sure how long it will take . If short it should take half a month and a month at the most . ”

“I will report everyday . ”

“Yes . I will ask that of you . ”

Even if I was at a separate place on my own I still had to know how the team was doing so I exchanged email addresses with Han Joon-suk .

Since he said he would take responsibility for team 2’s matters, he is basically the one managing our team .

It was a position with much authority but there was no one that wanted it .

In the first place, the one that would be best at such work would be Manager Kim who had experience at a large company but he backed down saying he couldn’t do it due to age .

“This . ”

Soo-ah handed me the Necklace of Confinement .


“It doesn’t really have much ability if seonbae oppa isn’t there anyway . Give it Edward or something . ”

That was true . Soo-ah’s overwhelming close combat abilities had this Necklace of Confinement as the basis after all so there would be quite a bit of difference in total strength .

“Thanks . ”

I nodded and accepted it . I did leave Kelby with them but it was uncertain how much Kelby would be able to do in a level 9 dungeon .

“I also have level 10 equipment so I can do it . I will have grown enough for seonbae oppa to be amazed . ”

“Yeah . You’re all grown up now . ”

“You don’t really think that though . ”

“What . ”

“It’s nothing . ”

Soo-ah said so and smirked .

I started thinking that she was a person that knew how to make a person feel better . It is normally a situation where it wouldn’t be weird for one to get angry several times over .

Then again, I guess that’s why I’m taking this girl around . I did act like she was annoying but she somehow came all the way here .

“Then let’s all not get hurt and meet with healthy figures . ”

I said so and took out the van . By the way, I got a van each for team 1 and team 2 . It belonged to Delta anyway and 100% of the share was mine so I was just taking credit for it .

Alos, I was able to unlock more things in the Delta Store thanks to that so the item list increased by quite a bit .

It became possible to buy up to level 6 items so I am planning on unlocking more once I return from the next ruin . There is no actual profit from the equipment right now but the level 0 items had a lot of utility after all .

I drove the van on the free road . The place that was originally North Korea was blocked by the border of China .

Even if the hunters quibbled with each other the two countries were still friendly with each other so it was possible to pass without problems as long as one had a passport .

I pass Gaesung and continued on the highway to Pyongyang .

Driving continuously for several hours my back was creaking . It seems to be because I did it after a long time after usually leaving it to Cho Young-gu .

I hit Edward who was sleeping in the passenger seat and opened my mouth .

“You take the driving exam . ”

“Urg…… Why should I?”

“If you can work as a driver as well then I will raise your salary . ”

“You should have said so earlier . Change over . ”

“What, you know how to drive?”

“No, but how hard could it be . ”

“Nevermind . The fine for no license is no joke . ”

“Don’t you have enough money to pay for a fine?”

“That true but…… Well, whatever . Try it once . ”

I nodded and changed seats with him . I made him try since he was being rather confident but he was driving in a more proficient way than I thought .

“Have you tried driving before?”

“I just learned by watching . ”

“Is that even possible?”

“I’ll be down if you think that vampires and humans are the same . Among all races, the ones that are so slow are learning are probably only humans . ”

As a representative of humans it did affect my self esteem but since it was convenient I just let it slide .

I was a bit afraid about getting caught for not having a license but it was fine as there was no accident . There were not many vehicles in this place in the first place so it shouldn’t be much of a problem .

If there was a problem it was that the road network was a mess so monsters appeared from time to time on the highway . This van was tough enough to crash into monsters but the problem was other vehicles .

“Oh dear…… . ”

As expected . I could see several vehicles get damaged and entangled .

It seems a monster jumped on a passed vehicle while the people were trapped inside . A monster that looked like a praying mantis was stabbing down on the roof of the vehicle .

It was ripping it off like taking off the lid of a can but it was quite chaotic .

Edward asked .

“What should we do?”

“What, what should we do . Just crash into it . ”

“Very well . ”

As Edward stepped on the gas pedal a tremendous amount of torq was generated as the van shot forward like a bullet . It was acceleration that overshadowed a sports car .

Even so it seemed to be too fast so I tightly held the seat belt and handle above the window .

The mantis monster Tenodera turned its head this way .


Then its body scattered into pieces into the air . A level 3 monster just gets disassembled if they’re crashed into with such force I see .

Edward who crashed the van into the Tenodera stepped on the break moderately and rotated the van . He looked at me with a proud look after successfully stopping the car after weaving through the other vehicles on the way .

“Yeah . You did well . ”

“This much is a matter of course . ”

It certainly was amazing how he played around with the van like it was in a acrobatics parade .

This was something impossible to do even by learning it so I wondered if it was possible to get to this level just by watching . There was probably no choice but to accept it since he’s not human .

After getting off of the van I went towards the destroyed vehicle .

The vehicles blocking the road were three . One was flipped over while the other two were tangled up .

“Sa, save me!”

I could hear a peculiar Korean accent from inside .

It wasn’t the old North Korean and although close to modern Korean, quite a bit of the accent still remained .

“Please wait . ”

I pulled the door but it seemed like it got stuck as the car got crushed and didn’t open .

Looking below fuel was leaking and sparks flew from the hood . It seemed like it would explode if I left it so I put strength into it and pulled .

With a crushing sound the door got off . Inside was a middle aged man and a young woman that seemed at least 20 years younger than him . They seemed to be father and daughter .

Either way, why aren’t they getting off . I even kindly opened the door . Are they asking me to escort them on top of that?

“Please get off for now . ”

“Ah…… ye, yeah . You’re a southerner . ”

As he got out first, the girl followed after him . The other people also got off their vehicles .

There was nothing weird about it since they couldn’t come out because of the monster .

We moved to a place away from the vehicle in case it exploded .

“Thank you for saving me . ”

The middle aged man said .

Name : Kim Sung-hyeon

Equipment : None .

Skill: None .

Characteristic : Korean Immigrant Autonomous Region , Pyongyang Mayor .

It was pretty surprising that I could see a person’s name who was not a hunter . On top of that, it even showed what his job was .

It didn’t separately mention it but it seems this evolved with the upgrade .

Either way, Pyongyang Mayor you say . This guy was a really high ranking person .

The person that transfered to the Korean Immigrant Autonomous Region governed all of North Korea and that was the Pyongyang Mayor .

I started thinking that I would be able to get a lot off of this guy .

“It’s on the way . Please get on . ”

“Is that okay? There’s quite a few people . ”

The number of people that got off the vehicles numbered 10 . My van probably looked too small to fit all of these people .

It couldn’t be helped that it looked like that .

“Please get on from the back . The inside probably looks wider than you think . ”

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