Eternal Melody - Chapter 133

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Sumire glanced over at Yuhi who was surrounded by a huge group of people. Of course some people praised her for getting Yuhi to come here.

But many were jealous girls, so the majority were sending death death glares in her direction. So it turns out they only used her to get Yuhi here. She deeply sighed, well it cant be helped.

Not everybody has accepted her yet. She managed to win over the hearts of her classmates with that painting yesterday, and most of the art students. But there are still many who disliked her.

During the commotion online last night Sumire noticed one thing. Several usernames stood out to her. These people were members of her school. They tried to be clever but it failed.

Logging on using a school computer… It seems like they had no idea that there is a small star next to their names that symbolizes which organization they came from.

It was amusing to see which individuals thought they could trash her.

Clearing my name huh?

Such a thought never crossed my mind before.

After what happened with Ru, Sumire thought it was fine for people to continue trash talking. She did not see the need to correct them, since there are more important things to deal with. Who caused Rus accident? Why did they do it?

Her thoughts broke off when somebody placed a small box on her lap.

She looked up and found Yuhi.

"I thought you were too busy flirting."

"Hey now it isnt my fault."

Sumire sighed. "Whatever, is this a bribe?" She pointed to the box on her lap.

"Mm, open it."

She opened the box and a familiar aroma caught her attention.

"Your forgiven."

Yuhi chuckled, he bent down and kissed her lips. "Mm."

Her eyes widened. It was only a brief kiss and yet.. What is with this guy? Why does he randomly kiss her out of no where?

"Say Yuhi-san, why are you so popular?"

His sweat fell at her question but Sumire continued. "I am serious about this. It does not make sense for somebody like you who has a bad personality to be popular and yet here you are enjoying your harem everyday."

"You need to do something about that foul mouth and wild imagination of yours. Maybe if I keep kissing you, you will say sweeter things."

Sumire sighed. "If that is what you want from me then I am afraid you will have to break up with me. You should know by now that I have a difficult personality." Her sentence fell short when Yuhi leaned forward and took a bite out of the manju in her hands.

She immediately froze at this action of his.

"Too sweet."

Aagghhh, she underestimated him. Yuhi-san is more shameless than she thought, or mayb this is normal behaviour for people like him? It is difficult to say.

"Yuhi-san, shouldnt you be helping?" She pointed to the group of girls who were looking over and glaring at them.

"Na, I was thinking we should go elsewhere."

Her eyes widened when she heard these words. "You turned them down?"

"Since they tricked you." Yuhi stood up and extended his hand out. "You can eat and walk cant you?"

Sumire nodded and they quickly left the classroom. Out on the corridor it was still bustling with life. Though the main attractions are outside due to the good weather, there is still plenty of activities inside. Sumire looked around curiously. For an arts school the decorations are more extravagant, bright and colorful. Each piece is decorated with care.

It seems like they went all out. She didnt get a chance to look around properly yesterday, so this was the first time she could look around. Her gaze fell towards Yuhi.

He looks bored, does he not like these events? Or maybe he does not want to walk around with her?

As she thought this Yuhi suddenly pulled her into his arms. Sumire looked at him puzzled when she saw a couple walking past. Ah, did she almost bump into them?

"I know you are excited. But is this stuff that exciting?"

Sumire nodded happily. "Yes, I never went to school events before. So this is the first time for me."

"Not even last year?"

"All that stuff with Sano happened in June, so it was difficult for me to concentrate."

"I see. Well you will like it here then, we have two grand festivals and the regular one in June."

Her eyes brightened at that. It seems like she chose a good school to come to after all.

"I see. Then I'll have to go to all the places you want today."

Sumire smiled at him. "Really? Yay."

"But sometimes weird ones slip in to these cultural festivals. So you better be careful." He explained.

Her eyes went wide, at his sudden serious tone. He looks really concerned. It's almost like that time.

That moment in the infirmary. If Shin never came back with the guys, what would have happened? The brunette tried to forget about it, but it clearly wasn't possible. They were so close to each other then, and he even kissed her.

Ah her completely messed up heart. These feelings are weird. Now that she thought about it, she had that trial date with senpai. It was then she realised she didn't love him in the same way he loved her.

When senpai said he loved her, why didn't it make her happy? When senpai was about to kiss her, why did she push him away?

In the end she concluded it with she no longer has any feelings for him. It is different with Yuhi though.

Yuhi hits her head. "You okay?"

"Ah yeah. Sorry I just spaced out for a second"she said with a nervous chuckle. Before Yuhi could respond, somebody tapped her shoulder. The two turn around to see someone head to toe in a black cloak.

"Pardon me you guys. What did you have to eat this morning?

"Eh this morning? What was it again?" Sumire pondered. Atushi prepared such a feast this morning. So she couldn't really remember. He always does make a big deal out off her breakfast for some reason.

She turned to Yuhi. "What did you eat?"

"I don't eat." He said casually. He doesn't eat breakfast? She was sure to lecture him about it later on. Now that she thought about it, normally he is too busy fooling around and flirting with her.

"Ehhh! Oh no a great disaster will fall. For today beware off your surroundings."

Their surroundings? The person puts her hand out. "That will be 1000 yen."

The two of them gave their money, and the cloaked person rused over to a group. "I spoke with Yuhi-sama."

"Kanako your so lucky."

Kanako? Ueda Kanako from Class C. So that's who it was.

"What on earth was that though?"

"I told you to watch out for the weirdos."

Yeah but she had no idea that they would show up so soon. "But anyway shall we get something to eat?"

"I'd like something to drink first before having something to eat."

"Hmm. I'll get some stuff so wait here."

Sumire nodded and watched as Yuhi disappeared into the crowd. What a strange feeling. Is this a date?

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