Lyu was aghast.
“Oh my gosh, Syr! Holding hands with a m-m-m-man…!”
From a safe spot, she spied on Syr and Bell. Lyu’s face was bright red, and her long ears were practically flashing.
Beside her were Ahnya, Runoa, and Chloe, each rambling on. “Syr’s serious about this, meow! Those are the eyes of a feline toying with its prey if ever I saw them!” “I was hoping that the Sword Princess would spark some drama…” “Syr’s a witch, meow!”
It was the first day of the Goddess Festival, and the staff of The Benevolent Mistress were still going strong with “Operation Watch Syr’s Date.”
If they get any closer, then Syr’s chest will…! Aaahh, Bell’s face is going red! It’s not proper! Both of them are acting improperly!! I would never do anything like that if I were in that position!
Just as Lyu was blushing over Syr’s outlandishly provocative maneuver (by elf standards, at least), there was a dramatic development.
“Wow! Syr’s hugging him!” cried Runoa, employing a tactical whisper.
Sure enough, Syr and Bell were face-to-face, their bodies pressed against each other. Under normal circumstances, Lyu might have noticed that this was because Syr was whispering something into the boy’s ear, but at the moment, circumstances were anything but normal.
All she could see was: A man and a woman! Hugging! In broad daylight! Right in the middle of the street! Where everyone could see! How shameless! How brazen! How lewd! All I’ve ever done is merely press my naked body against him to share warmth—
But if that was true, then what she did on the thirty-seventh floor was a hundred times more shameful! Even if it was a matter of life or death at the time, what she did was tantamount to a premarital affair!
In her mind, all she could see was the proud face of Alize Lovell, giving her a hearty thumbs-up, and the sneering grins of Kaguya and Lyra…
Lyu collapsed to her knees, burying her burning face in her hands. Ahnya took one look at her and cocked her head.
“What’s eatin’ Lyu, meow?”
“She’s malfunctioning,” replied Runoa.
“She’s just a malfunctioning elf,” replied Chloe.
It looked like Lyu would begin rolling across the floor like an embarrassed teen if they left her to her own devices for much longer, so Runoa grabbed her by the scruff and dragged her along while the other waitresses continued their surveillance.
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