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Chapter 3606: Chapter 3606 A Sad Possibility

After a few seconds, a voice resounded.

"Are these two even the same?" Niera raised her brows.

"If you follow the concept of yin and yang, yes." Davis turned to look at her, "It is way easier for a man to impose himself upon a woman, and it is way easier for a woman to spread her legs and seduce a man. The way I see it, both are the same. Only, the action of yin is more covert and has more space to maneuver and be deceptive instead of being seen as outright violence."

"…" Natalya looked away and acted like she wasn’t there.

Davis almost chuckled as he saw her reaction but raised his brows at Niera.

"So, who would you choose to encounter in this hypothetical situation?"

Niera’s cheeks flushed. She clenched her teeth, glaring at him, but eventually sighed out.

"A rapacious son…"


There was silence in the hall, but to Davis, the answer was just as he had expected.

"Why do you not want to encounter a promiscuous daughter?" He asked.

"Because…" Niera pursed her lips, "… her fate is as good as sealed when she sleeps with a man. Nothing can change that fact… and if she fails to pin her said partner down, she brings disgrace to the family, but more than that, to herself. This would get increasingly worse if she does it multiple times."

"But of course, I will do everything in my power to discipline our son’s wrongdoing, even castrate him if he doesn’t change his ways!"

Niera became emotional, as though saying that she didn’t favor the rapacious son over the promiscuous daughter.

But in the end-

"So you choose the rapacious son because the situation is somewhat salvageable? He is not losing anything other than his own reputation, while the woman has lost her virtue? The former is restorable while the latter is not? Is that correct?"

Davis asked with an indifferent voice, causing Niera to nod lightly.

"Hatefully, yes."

"However, we’re not going to have such sons or daughters, so don’t-"

"This was Mingzhi’s reasoning, and I found it apt." Davis interrupted, "I approved of it even before this reasoning, so it doesn’t matter to me, but that doesn’t mean I would turn a blind eye to my son’s wrongdoing. If one of my sons did such a vile act, there would be retribution. I would basically give the cleaver to the victim and ask them to sever their rapist’s privates down or kill them."

"As for promiscuous daughters, they deserve a similar punishment for spreading their legs carelessly to many, but it could also be taken as going astray, so we really can’t do anything about it other than convince them, can we? But even if they did change, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a man of good character would accept them, as all they would get are buzzing flies and greedy pigs wishing to take advantage. All they can do is live in disgrace, miserable until they can find peace within themselves or finally get a man who would understand their circumstance to the fullest and still accept them."

Niera trembled as she heard his words. Her expression sank with some sadness.

"It’s sad for her, sad for us…"

"Exactly." Davis heavily nodded, "Either that or she accepts who she is and turns into an unhinged prostitute who lusts after countless men, which neither of us would want to face. That’s why if it comes down to these two evils, you and I will choose to face a rapacious son over a promiscuous daughter. Am I wrong?"

Davis panned his gaze, hoping to meet someone who said otherwise.

But they merely accepted his words, appearing like they would also face a vile son than a vile daughter because the latter couldn’t be dealt with.

"You can do nothing about the latter but the former, you can discipline your son to the fullest and have him change and still get a good companion for him with significant chances than the other scenario or just end him without remorse in the name of justice or the honor of the family."

"But for something covert such as yin, justice will never be on your side to end it."

Davis shook his head, heaving a sigh as he felt like this shouldn’t be talked about in this private setting that was supposed to send off the big three. However, considering the anarchic nature of his family, he really couldn’t say if his sons or daughters would go astray.

It was common in ordinary families, so why wouldn’t his descendants go vile or crazy?

This was a hard conversation that he should have sooner or later, something he had done with Mingzhi when creating the law but not with others.

"Not really. Numerous women have been put to death for promiscuity in the name of honor." Bylai said out loud.

As though catching onto the last hope, everyone nodded.

"Not from where I am originally." Mingzhi stood up, "There, it was allowed for women to be as promiscuous as they want with little consequence to their actions, almost negligible. Such free reign devolving to degeneracy would be quickly tantamount to suicide in a small family like ours."

A hint of disgust flashed past their faces.

Davis also stood up, "Therefore, to stop our possibly arrogant sons from acting overly tyrannical and imposing their wills on seemingly innocent flowers, Mingzhi and I came up with the concept of three wives. If they see their father having so many, they might want as much or more, so we decided to limit it to three or impose severe punishments."

"I see." Niera nodded, finally understanding the whole gist of the rule.

"So this doesn’t apply to the men who marry into our family?" Sophie asked the main question.

"Nope." Davis smirked, "You haven’t gone over the clauses, have you?"

"…" Sophie’s cheeks burned.

"I can see most of you didn’t go through." Davis chuckled, "Well, I don’t blame you since legal jargon makes your head go dizzy. Unless they can defeat me in a battle and manage to convince our daughter and earn her seal of approval, they shouldn’t be thinking about any other woman other than our daughter. Hahaha!"

He laughed out loud, making Lucian smile as he echoed an infant’s laughter before going back to sleep.

"Truly tyrannical," Zestria sighed, "But this is way better than to let our descendants do whatever they want and bring harm to themselves and those around them…"

"Indeed, if they did whatever they wanted, that would be the quick downfall of the Davis Family."

Fiora also nodded, rubbing her tummy as she waited for the day her child would be born so they could have a better life here, protected yet not spoiled.

Davis couldn’t help but smirk as he knew his women were like this, highly conservative.

If he were to ask if they would choose between a gay son or a lesbian daughter, they would definitely choose the latter as the former was more shameful in their eyes. On the other hand, a woman scissoring on a woman was something they would hear from time to time.

It was a bit common among palace maids or even in female-only sects.

For the same reason, they would glare at him with warning signals if he talked about some vile woman or even some woman who’s even the least bit promiscuous.

There was nothing he could do about it since he reaped what he sowed, but then again, he wasn’t interested in such women from the beginning, especially with his ailing lifespan that wouldn’t have amounted to much. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have used Fallen Heaven to kill himself and move into another world.

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