Kazuya and Izuna are at the outskirts of the streets walking on elevated ground.
The castle is located on top of the elevated ground, so the slope is serious.
With a body that got tired with just half a day of shopping, the slope is extremely serious.
「Weee, both of us chatting while shopping at the same time is really enjoyable!」
Izuna is really lively.
Although it has been said that she is very lazy, she seems to have lots of physical strength. [TL note: Google グータラ~ It’s self explanatory.]
As expected of a demon queen.
「Nothing matters more than you being happy. But as I thought, wouldn’t it be better if I pay for that icebox…」
「Please do not worry about it! That is my way of expressing my thanks to you.」
*Don* Izuna puffed out her chest. It’s true that she’s got a considerable amount on hand, so the bill was easily settled. Even so,
「… Are teleportations really that profitable?」
That’s the area that caught my interest. As a person who is living as a pet, I need to learn my Master’s economic conditions.
「Nn? It’ll be about 100,000 dorato per month.」
「Wait!? Isn’t it the same amount that you’ve given me! 」
On top of handing your monthly salary to me, you had used up many times over? You’ll go bankrupt!
「Well, it is like a side job, so don’t worry about it . Don’t worry about it.」
「Side job… Where does your money supply come from then?」
「ng? Eh, Ah I get it. I had forgotten to explain it to you. I am the one who manages that gate.」
And the thing Izuna point at is the opposite side of the high ground, away from the streets.
Over there, a huge sword was thrusted into the ground.
From a distance, it roughly has a diameter of 100m. It’s already a building.
「Etto, That sword is a gate? Is it something like an establishment?」
「Un, with the crystallization of our tribe’s power, we bring forth the 【Summoning Sword】.The Kings will summon heroes and sages once every few years. Despite being retainers, pets, and colleagues, everyone has a contest against each other. It is really enjoyable. 」
Hou, such an installation exists huh.
「So, Regarding that service charge, each time a summoning takes place, I will receive 1,000,000 dorato 」
「Isn’t it unexpectedly expensive?」
「I think’s it’s inexpensive though. Like, about 50 people use it anually anyways.」
I’m surprised. It’s being used that many times, huh? On top of that, there are more than 50 kings/queens in this town. No, there probably is.
Taking a look at the town from this elevated position, there aren’t even 50 palaces and pagodas . To begin with, it’s not like they have to live in palaces or castles.
「Well, that’s the reason. It’s best to spend it without worrying about it, Kazuya.」
「If goods were not going to overflow in the house, i would definitely agree with her with all my heart. 」
What greeted her and Kazuya when they finally got home, was Sefina polishing the Ace High in front of the gate.
With wings that seemed like that of a bat on her back, she was flying with a *patapata* while cleaning the roof of the car with a cloth.
Because she’s wearing something similar to a maid’s outfit, the skirt would turn inside out now and then, making the situation dangerous.
Even still, it’s really convenient compared to using a stool. While Kazuya was thinking so, it seems that she noticed them.
「Welcome home, Maou-sama, Kazuya-san.」
The girl who landed onto the ground gave a deep bow. It’s a very polite bow indeed.
In addition, the car behind had became *Pika Pika* sparkling. She seems to have really polished it really well. [ED Note: I imagine the van with a pikachu paintjob personally >_>]
Speaking of which, during the time when I was kidnapped, the car was also sparkling clean as well, Kazuya reflected.
「I’m home, Sefina. ――I see that you’re taking care of the car’s maintenance.」
「No, I’m only polishing it.」
「Umu. That’s right, Kuzuya. Among my retainers, there is no one who is able to do maintenance!」
「That’s not something you should say proudly…」
Hearing this, I might really have to take a look at the car later.
Because I only have basic knowledge however, I doubt I’ll be able to do much maintenance.
「Iya, nevertheless, thanks as always, Seffi. Always, always, having you take care of the car, because I can’t do it.」
「I don’t mind, Maou-sama. Because I like to polish it. The feeling of seeing it gradually become clean, is really pleasant.」
「Nn? Sefina likes cleanliness? 」
「No no, I only like polishing ( ・・ ).」
Laughing with a “Fufu”, she glanced toward me.
What a captivating glance.
Being look at by an older lady, is unusually erotic.
Although she is obviously older, she is extremely erotic.
At that moment, Kazuya slightly trembled.
It was not sexual.
It was not a chill that belonged to sickness either, but that which belonged to an ominous foreboding.
However, that sense of foreboding, when I made eye contact with Sefina, it disappeared instantly.
It’s probably, because I felt that it was too erotic.
It’s definitely due to her eroticness which made my heart go *doki doki*.
While thinking of that, I passed by Sefina and casually extended my hands to the gate. At that moment,
「――Ah, you can’t enter there, Kazuya!」
Izuna shouted. And then, I remembered.
That “We don’t usually use the door”. However,
I opened it. It’s been opened.
It seems to be that it wasn’t locked.
…Shouldn’t it be not used?
The very moment after thinking that, Kazuya knew the true reason why it wasn’t used.
――Momo momo (Light: Sfx. needs real, creative thinking.)
If I were to imitate the sound, it’ll be something like that.
Simultaneously as the gate has been opened, an avalanche occurred.
But the things falling down weren’t snow,
「Gefu, Gofu!」
It was dust.
Although its weight is small, this amount of it isn’t ordinary. (Light: To be honest, I want to say “Nothing to laugh about.” However, the raw doesn’t say that… .__.)
「Goho, Gofua…」
「Ahh. That’s why I told you…」
While looking at Kazuya, who is being buried by the dust avalanche that was sweeping down, Izuna called out.
「Because you told me… What, Gufu…」
[TL/N: The continuation of the line is “What did you expect…” I think. Or, “What do you mean…”]
Covering my face, it’s obstructing my breathing.
Not only that, because it’s overflowing, I’ve been caught by the current.
That current only stopped when my head hit a very soft cushion.
「Hold on, cushion?」
Looking back, my head, is buried in Sefina’s chest.
The soft sensation, cushioning both sides of my cheeks.
Although she has blue skin, the sensation is nonetheless that of a human’s.
Rather, the smooth feeling is more pleasing than that of a human’s.(Onion: wow Seffi is hawt!)
「Arara, how audacious.」
「Nuaaaaa?! I’m So Sorry!」
Kazuya was surprised, and apologized involuntarily, then sprang back.
Thinking, ‘How could I crash into a woman’s chest while being covered in dust?’
「No no, don’t mind it… Because it was right on target…」
I was about to ask, “what are you talking about”, when,
「Muuuu! Kazuyaaa, how could you head for Sefina’s direction?!」
Izuna broke in, while pouting.
「Shouldn’t you have come towards your master’s direction, huh?!」
「Don’t be unreasonable! It’s an act of God!」(Light: Raw specified 「Don’t be unreasonable! It’s an act of God!」And fairy quite liked it. However, I wanted 「Don’t be unreasonable! It was unavoidable!」But fairy’s puppy eyes won against me…)
While still pouting, Izuna directed her scornful glare at me.
Nothing can be helped, even with that glare. Rather,
「To start with, what’s this dust?」(Light: wanted to say “What the hell is this dust?” … .__.)
If it wasn’t for this dust, I wouldn’t have had such an unfortunate event happen.
「It’s only dust, that’s been piled up because I haven’t used it!」
「”Have not used it”, for how long?!」
Having dust pile up isn’t normal.
Even having it pile for years won’t turn like this.
「――Probably, around ten thousand years.」
「To be exact, 10 thousand and 53 years, Maou-Sama.」
「T-ten thousand…?」
(Onion: I’m pretty sure that even after 10,000 years, the dust wouldn’t be THAT high. Even the pyramids that were untouched for at least that long didn’t have that much dust…)
It’s went through this many years.
This castle, and this Maou and co.
Or rather,
「Cleeeeaaaan uuuuuuupppp!!」
To begin with, if you’re able to do something like transfer, isn’t it just fine to transfer this dust somewhere!
「Once it piles up, removing it somehow or another turns annoying…」
「Just touch it…?」
「But, here, how do I say this. Touching something that moves is troublesome, yup.」
Cleaning it up easily and the willingness to clean. Both seem to not be equal.
In the end, the result is this sea of dust.
The entire hall is being buried in a whole lump of dust.
「Why? Why, this disastrous scene…? 」
Passing through the main gate being buried in dust is yet another pile of dust.
「The 2nd and the 3rd level are in a similar condition. No rooms can be used except for one room. 」
「Isn’t that just about a single area of the castle!?」 (Light: That is useable. As in, only a single part/area of the castle is useable XD)
It’s not a dirty room but more like a dirty castle.
「We-well, don’t worry about it! Dust can’t kill people.」
(Onion: I’m allergic to dust, it could kill me, maybe -_-) (Light: Insensitive Izuna. *Directs a scornful glare at her* How can you make onion this angry *Pouts*)
「That’s not the problem!」
「Well well, I will transfer myself to my room. So do you understand the reason?」
「N-No, Even if Izuna is okay, what about Sefina?!」
「I live on the third floor so I will fly in using this pair of wings.」
Speaking of which, for some reason, during evening dinner time, she came in through the window. I see. It’s because she could not use the corridor. I understand.
These 2 people have such convenient powers.
Well, that’s because they aren’t humans so they are probably able to produce such feats. But unfortunately, I am a human.
「From now on, in order to enter through the front gate. it’s necessary to clean bit by bit…」
If I were to clean up this mess, how long will I take? It’s probably impossible to finish it in one day.
I thought as I gazed at the sea of dust nonchalantly.
In the interior of the hall, towards the sea of dust, I was able to see something solid.
That is an item which brings back memories from awhile back.
「Ah, That Icebox is over there. Oh no, What should we do, Kazuya?」
「Umu, Because it was heavier than I had expected, It was better to drop it in a place with cushions. Under the supposition to transfer the item to a soft place, therefore, it had transferred the icebox on top of the dust, since it’s soft. 」
Although I am quietly analyzing the situation, but please wait a moment.
「The room and over there are not connected, am I right?」
「Umu, As the room is on the second floor and this is the hall.」
「So, What are we going to do about that?」
「…….At this point, there’s no choice but to leave it be. There’s nothing to carry it with.」
Izuna’s words are probably, mostly correct.
In front of my very eyes, buried in a sea of dust…
Within that huge wall, there exists my icebox.
For some reason, the icebox floating in the huge sea seems really pitiful to Kazuya and,
「YOSHAAA! I will do it. I will really do it――!!」
「~ait! Kazuya?」
「Wait for me! My refrigerator――――!」
Kazuya as he is dived deep into the sea of dust.
As it is, it is best to go full force from the gate and get rid of the garbage outside.
「Oooh, the Cleaning King rises again…」
「Don’t call me by that name――!」
And with that, spending half a day, Kazuya managed to retrieve the refrigerator from the sea of dust.
Author’s note:
With the pet’s love of furniture, he had cleaned about 5 % of Level 1. He is now completely able to use his refrigerator.
Incidentally, including the basement, there are 5 stories.
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