Hello, I’m Hiro Ainana.
I want to thank you for picking up Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody, Volume 19! Including the EX volume, that brings the series to a total of twenty books! I can’t thank all of you readers enough for following Death March all this time, and I hope you’ll keep reading it for a long time to come.
I’m running low on pages this volume for the first time in a while, so I’ll keep the highlights short.
In the previous volume, Arisa and Lulu gave the Prayer Ring to Hikaru. This time, Satou will take action to free those two kindhearted girls from the Geist that keeps them bound as slaves.
I used the web version of the Kuvork Kingdom arc as the base, and included the Vistall Duchy storyline that was mostly ignored in the web version, restructuring them as a completely new story. That means the writing is almost entirely new, so I think even web novel readers will find plenty to enjoy.
And don’t worry—there are plenty of heartwarming scenes with Satou and his friends, too!
Since I’m running out of room already, I’ll skip right to the thank-yous! To my editors Mr. I, Mr. S, and A-san, illustrator shri-san, and everyone else who was involved in the production, advertisement, sale, distribution, and tie-ins related to this book: Thank you so much!
And of course, to all of you readers. Thank you for reading this volume all the way to the end!
Let’s meet again next volume, in the Parion Province arc!
Hiro Ainana
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