Death… And Me - Chapter 2418

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Rean immediately commented from inside the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. 'Hey, I truly like this guy!'

'Fuck you!' Roan immediately shouted back before looking at Kafan with an angry expression. "So that was what happened back then, uh? Very well. From now on, we are strangers. I don't know you, and you don't know me."

Kafan laughed in response. "Hahaha! Come on, there is no need to be this angry. Look, you are alive, have your memories, and are much stronger than when you left. Isn't it a much better outcome than simply waiting to one day dissipate?"

Roan wanted to refute, but he couldn't. It's just that he truly didn't like the methods Kafan used. "Fine! I probably would have gone out to look for a way to save myself if I had known about this information in the past. The fact you found a way to save me can be considered an acceptable outcome."

"Right?" Kafan nodded, satisfied. "That's how much I consider your talents. I wouldn't have done it for any other Death Spirit in this organization."

Roan calmed down a bit and continued his inquiries. "I understand the results, but there are many areas unanswered. For example, you had no guarantees that I would become part of the system. As far as I can tell, I might have simply turned into more Death Energy and disappeared."

"True," Kafan didn't deny that. "But the chance still existed. It was that or simply wait for your existence to disappear. As the saying goes, all is well when it ends well."

"You truly haven't changed a single bit, have you?" Roan couldn't help but comment. Even though he didn't know about Kafan's real power back then, Kafan's personality was still the same. Knowing about it now didn't make Kafan change that side of him at all. "Forget it. It's meaningless to keep dwelling on it."

Kafan agreed with him. "So, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Roan pondered a bit and continued. "Yes. There is something that doesn't make sense in my mind. If the souls are being transformed into Death Energy... then how are new souls being born on this side of the Universe? After all, the dead souls aren't turning into new ones anymore."

Kafan was happy Roan noticed that point. "Smart as always. However, you are forgetting a very crucial point."

"Which is?" Roan immediately asked back.

Kafan smiled in response. "There are a lot of dead souls now that can turn into new souls by reincarnating, right? It's just that this side of the Universe doesn't have a Reincarnation Path. HOWEVER! Tell me, where did souls come from in the first place?"

Roan immediately understood. The souls at the moment, if they had a Reincarnation Path, could turn into new ones without memories and reincarnate. But when the Universe started, there weren't souls ready for it to use. Souls had to initially come from somewhere. At the very least, they had to be created from zero. "Then... all new lives on this side of the Universe don't possess reincarnated souls. Instead, they are brand new ones."

"Exactly," Kafan confirmed Roan's words. "In fact, this phenomenon also happens on the other side of the Universe. After all, how many souls are destroyed in the cultivation world without a chance to reincarnate? At some point, there wouldn't be enough dead souls to create new ones. That said, souls are also born from zero, without relying on the Soul Energy of dead souls."

"How does it work?" Roan couldn't help but ask, and Rean was just as curious inside the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm.

Unfortunately, Kafan shook his head. "That is one secret of the Universe that I truly have no answer for. Believe me, I tried to uncover this mystery many, many times. I did thousands of experiments, trying to find some clue as to why new souls simply appear inside newborns when no dead soul energy is used."

"Yet, all I can tell is that at some point during a new life generation, there is some kind of selection. I can't even tell if calling it a 'selection' is the right thing to say. Anyway, in this 'selection,' this new life will either use the Soul Energy from the reincarnation path or it will simply appear out of nowhere. Of course, I don't truly believe souls can materialize out of nothing, but I still haven't found how it happens."

Roan pondered a bit about it. "Could it be related to the Chaos Source? After all, all cultivation energies of the Universe come from it. Perhaps newborn lives that don't use the Soul Energy from the Reincarnation Path use the Chaos Source energy to generate their own souls."

Kafan shrugged his shoulder. "I obviously thought about that possibility. However, I'm at least 99% sure it is wrong."

Roan smiled. "So you do know the Chaos Origin Source exists, uh?" Back then, Sister Orb told them that no one was able to prove the Chaos Origin Source existed. Yet, Kafan seemed to be sure about it. (Chapter 2055)

"Hahaha!" Kafan laughed in response. "Isn't that obvious? Even though I don't know where it is, I always believed it was there. I'm absolutely certain our cultivation energies come from such a place. It became pretty obvious to experts of our level. Also, didn't you talk about it as if you knew it existed?"

Roan had to admit he did. "Fine, I agree with that. Let's go back to the previous topic. Why are you 99% sure it is not the Chaos Origin Source that gives birth to new souls from zero?"

"There are two reasons," Kafan lifted a finger. "First, on this side of the Universe, there are no cultivation energies. Spiritual, Divine, Devilish, Heavenly, or whatever. They simply don't exist here. If a soul is made out of these energies, how can new souls appear here?"

Kafan then lifted the second finger. "The second reason is that I have been to the other side of the Universe before and checked it up close. Not only did I check it, but I checked it in the Underworld, Heavens, Realm of Gods, and even the Mortal Realm. I purposely sealed pregnant females of many different races, preventing the Soul Energy from the Reincarnation Path from reaching their fetuses. If new souls were formed from any of these energies, I would notice a change in the concentration of these energies in that sealed space I put them. Guess what happened."

Roan already knew the answer. "All of them had new souls generated from zero, but none of the sealed spaces lost any amount of energy."

"Exactly," Kafan confirmed Roan's words.

Roan then remembered something. Kafan said he was 99% sure about this, even with his tests. How come he was not 100% sure after such results?

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