Finally, all the kids were reunited once more. Obviously, their numbers had decreased by a lot too. Still, the ones who survived seemed to have a different expression from when they departed. The constant killing without any adults to defend them made those kids mature a lot during this time.
Hulian then stepped forward to announce the results.
"From the 1587 kids who joined in this last exam, 429 perished while 157 were crippled. Still, the Sect had never hidden the danger of its entrance exam, so they can only blame themselves for being too weak. Anyway, let's go to what matters."
"There were a total of 182 teams that had between five to ten members each. Only 106 achieved the 1000 points necessary to pass the exam. However, that doesn't mean that everyone in these groups has passed the exam. I told you before, the entire forest was being observed. If we noticed that some of you were purposely letting all the work to your team, you would be eliminated."
All the kids felt the tension. Even after reaching this point and being a qualified team, they still might get expelled.
Hulian then looked at one of the disciples behind him.
"Have you finished?"
The disciple immediately nodded.
"Yes, elder Hulian."
"Very well, show them."
The disciple complied with the order as he activated a formation.
Suddenly, all the kids' bracelets began to lit with Green and Red lights. However, the number of green lights were definitely higher than the red ones.
"Those with Green Lights have passed the entrance exam and are now members of the Outer Sect. As for those with Red Lights, they can go back home and try again next year."
A lot of kids were surprised by those results. There were kids who were inside qualified teams who failed. Although they were few, they still existed. But the surprising thing was that some kids in groups that didn't get 1000 points passed the exam.
Obviously, it raised an uproar between the kids who failed and those who didn't.
However, Hulian immediately made all of them shut up.
"There is nothing wrong with the results. Sure, 1000 points were the criteria to pass the exam. But I'm someone who loves effort. So I had the outer sect disciples pay close attention to all teams. During the watch, there were obviously a few kids in loser teams who did great. These kids would definitely have passed if they were placed in a good enough group. That's why they were accepted."
"At the same time, kids who were part of excellent teams just had to pretend to help while they left everything for the other members to deal with. My Dalamu Sect doesn't have any need for these trashes, so they are out! Anyway, that's all. Everyone, return to the Sect!"
The parents, relatives, or protectors of the kids who failed quickly came forward to prevent them from complaining. This is the Dalamu Sect, if they throw a tantrum here, it wouldn't be weird if they lose their heads. Over 400 kids died during the last test, so no one would say anything about one or two extras.
As all the kids began to teleport away, Rean's group and the others who were in the top 10 were called to another corner. There, they received their prize for finishing in the first 10 positions.
Agis didn't mind receiving less Spirit Stones for his second position. After all, with his background, it wouldn't be hard to get even more than it. What hurt him was to see Rean's group to get the first place prize. He didn't dwell there for long and quickly moved back to the teleport formation to wait for his time.
Rean's group received their Sprit Stones as well. Rean then gave the 2/5 of them to Lenna and Julio since they were part of the team as well. However, Julio didn't accept them.
"I'm far from having contributed enough to get these spirit stones. If anything, Roan trained me all this while for free. Take my Spirit Stones as payment for everything I learned during this time."
Lenna also did the same.
"I also grateful for everything. So I won't take them either."
Rean smiled and took them back. He won't refuse these Rank Two Spirit Stones since he really needs them.
Roan didn't say anything while Malaka simply didn't care. Malaka heard Alanda and Roan saying thousands of times that everything related to Spirit Stones is Rean's business, so she should not bother about them.
The group then returned to the queue of the Teleport Formation. After waiting for some time, they stepped on it and were teleported back to the Dalamu Sect.
But just as they arrived on the other side, Sister Orb noticed something.
[Hm? That again?]
This time, Rean and Roan heard her voice.
"Sister Orb, is something wrong?"
[Nothing much, it's just that someone is trying to use a few seals to check your bodies.]
"Check our bodies? No, wait! You said 'that again,' didn't you? Did it happen in the past?"
[It did, but I blocked those seals since I didn't know what they were about.]
"Why didn't you tell us?"
[Did you see any killing intent like back then during the Tribe War?]
"Well, no..."
[That's why. There was no malice on them, so I didn't tell you so that you could focus on the exam. Also, I wanted to analyze these seals first to understand what they were used for.]
"Then, did you find out?"
[Yes. Basically, they were used to check the connection between your body and soul, that's all.]
Rean and Roan got puzzled.
"It's probably something they want to check because of our display. They might think that our strength is related to this connection."
Rean nodded.
"Anyway, should we let Sister Orb block it again?"
Roan pondered a bit and shook his head in the end.
"If we keep blocking it, they will think that something is wrong. It has no effect on us, so just let it do its job. Oh, right! Sister Orb, there is nothing wrong between our connection of body and soul, right?"
[Yeap! I can guarantee that everything is normal.]
Roan then shrugged his shoulder.
"Well, then just let it go. Whatever happens, happens. It will be a lot worse if something that was supposed to work doesn't work anymore."
[If you say so, then so be it.]
Somewhere in the Teleport Formations Building, Hulian and several other elders were looking at Kassie. She was the Core Elder who said that she would test Rean and Roan's body and soul connection. If it shows a result much lower than 90%, then they are most likely reincarnations.
Suddenly, Kassie's expression changed. In fact, it looked like she had seen a ghost!
"This... Is it even possible?!"
Kassie quickly released the Seals and repeated the process, but the same result appeared again. She did that another three times, but there was no change. In the end, she used her Seals on the other kids to see if she wasn't making anything wrong. Sure enough, the other kids showed the natural value that they should. Kassie then rechecked Rean and Roan, and this time she was sure that it wasn't a mistake.
All the elders around her noticed that change. Finally, one of the Cores elders couldn't hold his curiosity anymore and asked.
"What is it? Are they really reincarnations? What was their percentage? Was it much lower than 90%?"
Kassie's mouth twitched.
"Much lower, you say? Those two freaks are showing a 200% of connection between their soul and bodies!"
All the elders were shocked by that result.
"200%?! Are you kidding me? How can someone reach 200%? You must have made a mistake!"
The other elders who also knew how to use the soul and body connection seals immediately tried as well.
"Unbelievable, it really shows 200%!"
"Yes, I got the same result here. Also, the other kids are all showing normal results, so I'm definitely not doing it wrong!"
"You too? I also tried the same thing."
After hearing so many identical reports, the Core Elder couldn't help but look in the direction of those twins.
In the end, the results were even more shocking than the previous 0%!
Still, Hulian was confused.
'Then why it showed 0% before?'
It was then that someone asked.
"So, they are not reincarnations?"
"Ha! If they are reincarnations, then I'm god!"
"I believe it has something to do with that connection between themselves. Can't they use each other's elements? They are also twins, so it is most likely related."
All the elder nodded at the same time. That could be the only explanation possible.
"Anyway, even if we share the values between the two, it would still give us a 100% each. In that case, it is simply impossible for them to be reincarnations."
That elder hit the bullseye. It was exactly because of Rean and Roan's Soul connection that they got that result. Also, their Soul connection to their bodies is indeed 100%. Obviously, they have Sister Orb and the Soul Gem System to thank for that.
In the end, Hulian decided to not mention the 0% he got before.
'Perhaps it was just a mistake. After all, so many elders tried this time, and they all got the same result.'
Hulian was already happy enough with those results. After all, reincarnations were a completely different story. They were beings who surpassed the Saint Realm in the past. Such experts coming to their Dalamu doesn't necessarily mean good fortune.
Hulian then looked at all the elders.
"Well, I guess we are concluded with the exam now. The outer sect disciples will organize the kids according to our agreement last time. So, have a good day, everyone."
Hulian didn't waste time and left immediately. He didn't want to give anyone the chance to talk about giving one of his twins away.
Only when he disappeared did the other elders notice his intention.
"That old fox! He ran away!"
In the end, they could only sigh and curse their poor judgment. There is no way Hulian will pass one of the twins to any of them. In fact, they would definitely do the same, so who can blame Hulian? As for Rean and Roan's soul and body connection, that is Hulian's problem to deal with.
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