Pei Qianhao loosened his hands . "It's nothing . Wear your s . h . i . +rt properly . Return to your room after you have delivered the medicine . "
He then turned to leave, leaving the door wide open .
Peering out, Su Xi-er saw that all the palace maids in the vicinity had already been dismissed . Gazing at his retreating figure, she mused over what he had said just now . "Wear it when I tell you to do so . This Chinese bodice is even…" What came after that?
Don't tell me that he hadn't secretly hidden it, but specially searched for it?
Su Xi-er knitted her eyebrows as she recalled the Lucky Knot Yun Ruofeng gave her . He specially searched for it and there is only this one pair in the whole world . But what happened afterwards?
Hehe . In this lifetime, I can't repeat the same mistakes .
Her fists were tightly clenched as she remained frozen on the wooden stool . Only after 15 minutes had pa . s . sed did she realise that her clothes were still dishevelled .
Using both her hands, she rapidly straightened them out and couldn't help but curse in her heart . What a splendid Prince Hao . You dared to pull my clothes off . You even left the room door open when you left!
With her clothes tidied up, she poured the medicinal extract in the gallipot into a few large bowls .
Just as she had finished pouring all of it out, a palace maid came . "Su Xi-er, Old Maidservant Li instructed you to look for Eunuch Zhang at the Imperial Household Department in order to get two new well buckets for the Laundry Service Bureau . I will deliver the medicine instead . "
The palace maid placed the few large bowls containing the medicinal extract onto a wooden tray before taking it away .
Su Xi-er contemplated for a moment before heading towards the Imperial Household Department .
Eunuch Zhang had long prepared for her arrival . The imperial bodyguards at the door only asked for her name before letting her in .
The room was the place where she had met Eunuch Zhang for the first time . While he had tried to evaluate her in the past, the gaze that Eunuch Zhang trained on her was one of surprise and confoundment .
"Su Xi-er, there are no outsiders here . Tell me the truth; were you the one who caused the incident in the Laundry Service Bureau?"
Su Xi-er slowly answered, "So you've already deduced it, Eunuch Zhang . Indeed, I was the one who did it . However, regardless of the means, Ruo Yuan has returned to the Palace Side Quarters . "
"Are you sure that you have managed to retreat unscathed? The Imperial Physician Inst . i . tute has already found that the gra . s . s came from the woods beside the Palace Side Quarters during their investigation . "
Su Xi-er smiled . "I have already been taken back to be questioned by Imperial Physician Zhao; yet, am I not standing here safe and sound? As for whether I can retreat unscathed, aren't you the clearest about that, Eunuch Zhang?"
Eunuch Zhang's expression became solemn but it returned to normal in a moment . "To have come up with such a method, I don't know if I should say that you are audacious or courageous . Nevertheless, I mean what I say . Feel free to instruct me should you need my help in the future . "
With the help of the Head Eunuch in charge of the Imperial Household Department, she would be able to receive news in the palace faster in the future .
"You have already heard about the Empress Dowager going to the Beauty Palace, right?" Eunuch Zhang suddenly mentioned the Empress Dowager .
Su Xi-er nodded in affirmation .
"The Empress Dowager was obstructed by her father, Lord Pei, on the way . The only reason that this matter didn't blow up is because Lord Pei suppressed the news . And yet, Prince Hao didn't pay any attention to it . Right now, there is almost n . o . body who knows that the Empress Dowager is not in the Compa . s . sionate Peace Palace, but the Pei Residence . " Eunuch Zhang sighed .
"On the day of the incident in the Laundry Service Bureau, I had gone to the Compa . s . sionate Peace Palace and found the Empress Dowager completely incensed with Prince Hao . The conflict between these two siblings is too huge; either one party will concede or…""
Eunuch Zhang stopped to look at Su Xi-er carefully .
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