” .. Two Thirds of the Duke’s territory will be confiscated. The Eldest Son Alek [1] will take over as the family head. As for the mastermind of the revolt, I command the Duke to eternal confinement in their territory.”
Currently, in the audience hall it was announced how the members of the revolting group would be dealt with.
The nobles of the revolt aside from the Duke received far harsher punishments than the Duke.
The reason for that was that once they got clapped a bit an amount of dirt that made you exclaim ‘to even be to this extend’ revealed itself.
Illegal tax collection, slave trafficking (1), trade of forbidden goods, and even more than that kept coming and coming.
If the proof gets presented along with it there’s no way they could refute it.
Those bunch had arrived at the simple idea that, before the arm of the investigations could reach them, they would just start a coup.
Among the nobles that hadn’t been involved with the revolt it was generally readily accepted that the Duke alone was punished with eternal confinement to his territories. The Duke himself hadn’t done any illegal things, and Father had gone around all the other nobles hinting that it was due to the Duke’s actions that the revolt had ended without any greater harm.
However, regarding Leon-sama, who had become the reason [2] for the revolt, and his position as the next in line for the throne ..
“Regarding Leon, he can not be deemed possessing the qualities to be King at his current level. Of all things, he can not just automatically succeed the throne anymore. Without leaving behind some achievements, and without earning the recognition of everyone he will not be given the thrown to succeed – this I declare hereby.”
The nobles who had not few doubts about Leon-sama’s behaviour showed relieved faces upon that. [3]
As expected, the attitude Leon-sama had treated me with had been questionable thinking about it normally.
And then the King continued thus.
“Leon’s engagement with Ririina-jou will be ….. cancelled.”
Their stares hurt.
Everyone is looking over here.
Normally I shouldn’t even be in this place, but because I was greatly involved in the resolution of the revolt and, to begin with, the whole issue of the breaking off the engagement was related to it, I was present.
Among the stares there was clearly one that was more intense than the rest.
I confirmed with a quick glance, but of course, this time too, it was Leon-sama.
Normally, whenever he met my eyes he would immediately look away, but today he only shock in suprise and looked back with a slightly happy, somewhat sad, in any case rather complicated expression.
He had been the one closest to me during the rebellion and we even properly talked, so perhaps he was sort of used to it by now.
“With this we will end this time’s report on the revolt. We have surely worried everyone, but from here on as well, we will be relying on you.”
The meeting seemed to have come to an end.
Right now there were only my family, the Duke and for some reason as if it was completely natural Chris-sama remaining here, is that alright?
“Ririina-jou, to have taken up your time for all these years and then cancel the engagement like that, I truly apologize.”
The King apologized with vigour like that from a prostration.
Leon-sama seemed to want to say something, but suprisingly he read the mood for once and stayed silent.
“And here I had been looking forward to the day you would become my real daughter .. truly, because of that stupid son of mine!”
Rachel-sama grasped her favourite fan tightly.
I feel like I can kind of hear creaking sounds.
“It is not meant to be an apology, however, I wish to grant Ririina-jou’s wish, do you have anything you desire? Truthfully, I asked the Prime Minister as well but he told me that you were the one who actually got inconvenienced so I should ask you yourself, you see.”
Ara, that Father of mine, you said something like that.
My wish .. huh?
Being asked out of nowhere I can’t really come up with anything.
“I am very sorry. At your sudden kind offer I can not think of anything. However, there is something I am curious about so may I ask this then?”
“Umuh, if it something I can answer, I will answer anything.”
“What will happen to Aren-sama and Anjiu-sama from now on? From the talk before they did not appear to be included in those being disposed of, but.”
“Aah, the twins that the Duke had taken in, is it. In that case it would be better to have the Duke answer himself.”
Stating so the King prompted the Duke to explain.
“Ririina-jou, thank you for being worried about my children. Those children seem to be greatly attached to you. I told them they should do what they want. Returning to being plebeian is fine, living as aristocrates is also fine. They said they would reply after thinking about it for a while .. but they may have already had reached an answer.”
For now it didn’t appear they were accused of anything, so that was good.
They have surely gotten sick of nobles and will return to their former lifes.
This is where, suddenly, Chris-sama opened his mouth.
“Since Ririina’s engagement has been made a clean slate she can’t be accused of any crime if she binds herself to someone new, isn’t that so.”
Chris-sama run his mouth like that with a wide smile.
As soon as he did there came a turbulent aura from Leon-sama ..
“Ririina. Won’t you come to my country? We don’t have many monsters but it’s fun, there are lots of things you can’t see here. .. ehm, to speak plainly, won’t you become my fiancee?” [4]
.. eh?
Why a line like that in a place like this?
In contrast to me who was shaken up inside there was the nikonikoing Chris-sama.
“Christopher, you’re developing this too fast, Ririina is startled.”
Rachel-sama attempted to stop Chris-sama’s reckless behaviour for me.
Are, but she is referring to him without any honorifics, it appears.
“However, Aunt, if I don’t deal with this quickly, Ririina is quite popular after all. If I don’t properly bind her to me before she snatches another two or three away she will be stolen again.” [5]
Aunt, you say, so that means Rachel-sama is Sisters with Chris-sama’s Mother then?
The talk progressed while I got hung up on a strange peciularity.
“So, Ririina, you will become my fiancee?”
“Cut it out already! Ririina is my .. fugafuga”
Leon-sama was making some racket but Brother shut up his mouth and dragged him away somewhere.
From time to time one could hear things like ‘Bakardo, let go of me!’ or ‘Who are you calling Bakardo!’.
Those two are the same as ever.
Is how I want to escape from reality for a bit, but in front of my eyes Chris-sama’s fair face was smiling as if it wasn’t enough already.
It felt like I would get swept away by the moment, but I had to properly stand against the flow here.
“Chris-sama, I have just now been released from my previous engagement. If I were to immediately engage someone else despite that, then sociatal speaking that would be far too poor. I am happy about your feelings, however, I can not give an answer to that this soon.”
This may have been rude to say to the Prince of a large country, but I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I acted like ‘Leon-sama didn’t work out, so the next please’.
Certainly, I do think that within me there is a part that is attracted to Chris-sama.
However, right now that is impossible.
Upon my words Chris-sama gave a broad smile.
“Haha! As expected, you’re good, Ririina. I had thought for a bit that you would readily agree to me while being swept away with the mood, but it didn’t work, after all. Okay, I understand. But I won’t give up. After all this is a chance that has finally come after I waited many years.”
Chris-sama tapped my head ponpon while smiling.
The Engagement has been broken off! Officially! Finally! Once and for all!
And with this the climax is over. The next few chapters are somewhat side storyish and then we’ll start the last spurt of this translation. In around 10 chapters or so I’ll be quitting. Can’t keep this up forever, after all.
Also, I wondered before what that head hitting is supposed to signify, since it seemed qiute demeaning to me. Chris ain’t doing much to refute that impression.
[1] アレク : Areku, could be Arek, Alek, Ark etc. Personally I’m in favour of Ark, but that might swallow the e a bit too much, so let’s go with Alek.
[2] The reason, not the underlying cause.
[3] As in, the nobles that doubted Leon’s abilities and didn’t do any bad things.
[4] This is a pretty straightforward line in English, but he actually manages to still make it sound rather evasive in the original. Hasn’t grown guts even at this point, I see.
[5] Might also mean, ‘If I don’t bind her before she gets stolen by another two or three she will end up being stolen again’ but that would be doubling too much. For reference : 他の誰かにさんに奪われる前に結ばなければまた奪われてしまうでしょう。
(1) Humans do a lot of things for money alone, they kill, they steal, they commit crimes. Just mentioning the taxes and illegal good’s trade was already enough justification for humans to do something as petty as trying to overthrow a country or two. What I’m saying is, I earnestly question the fact slavery got included here. Slavery and all it’s associated atrocities are on yet a whole another level of disgusting awefulness. No world worth building and fictional story worth telling requires such a thing, really. Essentially, you already had your justification for everything from killing over abuse to overthrowing royalty – anything worse than that instead takes away from the beautiful world that had been built up so far. A creator has complete control over everything in their world, care enough about your creation not to open this sorta issue with all it’s implications just for the sake of it.
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