Although most of the people by now had calmed down after eating, there were still a few thousands of them forming a large mob, constantly protesting against the fairies and their "evil regime" and their "vile tyranny" for keeping them here as "slaves" despite not being forced to do anything at all and being given free food and housing too.
"We want to go back home!"
"Bring us back home, you kidnapers!"
"You will pay for this! You will pay for this!!!"
"Where is all my money?! Did you steal it?!"
"Damn fairies, damn squirrels, damn mushrooms! I hate all of you disgusting non-humans! You will burn in hell!"
"We will not stop fighting back! You kidnaped us all! How can we believe you're even saying the truth?!"
"Where's the King and the Queen?! What did you do to our rulers?!"
"Is this staged by Planta?! Was she the one with that plan? That damned woman!"
The mobs kept screaming loudly, sometimes repeating the same words constantly, pushing and trying to punch and kick the fairies and squirrel-kin trying to contain them and calm them down.
They were mostly all completely weak though, so even squirrel-kin was able to easily avoid their hits with their quick bodies, and fairies conjured spirit barriers to protect them easily.
However, the mob was so huge that even then, they were slowly being pushed from time to time, so they needed something to contain them.
To let them free would mean their deaths, as they would get devoured by monsters and then lost, these people were all generally quite weak.
The Adventurers capable of fighting stayed behind in the Kingdom after all, so mostly weak civilians were here.
"You aren't slaves!"
"P-Please calm down, human people!"
"We just want to protect you for the time being!"
"The forest is dangerous! And you cannot return back home yet, it is being rebuilt!2
"This is an official statement from your Queen! Please remain calm!"
Fairy Soldiers, Squirrels wearing wooden armor and shields, gnomes, brownies, and even Myconid were doing all the same, trying to hold them back while not hurting them if possible.
"Bullshit! Move aside!"
"There's no way the Queen would want us to stay in the middle of some den of monsters!"
"You damn demi-humans will pay for this! The King will come back with his army and exterminate all of your filth!"
"Keep fighting! They cannot stop us all!"
The humans kept fighting back, despite not realizing that their "oppressors" could have easily slaughtered them all with their power, and yet kept them well protected and fed.
They were abusing their own luck by constantly acting this way, despite how nice their helpers were, taking responsibility for their safety even when most were complete strangers.
And yet, out of nowhere, the humans froze in fear, amongst the gentle "guards" of this city, there was a certain black-winged fairy of demonic appearance, who didn't hold back like the rest.
He appeared, flying from the skies and descending, his dark, shadowy presence spread darkness everywhere, a pressure that made the humans tremble in fear and become almost paralyzed.
"The black fairy is here!"
"W-Wait, calm down!"
"Huh?! Oh no!"
"R-Run! Step back!"
The humans instantly changed their reactions, while they acted like assholes against the nicest of people, when he appeared here, everyone knew it and trembled.
It was nobody else than Erebus, of course.
"You will BEHAVE! We are PROTECTING you right now. And if you ever DARE to step out into the forest. We will not be RESPONSIBLE if you die mauled by beasts, UNDERSTOOD?!"
"D-Don't get closer to me!"
"S-Spare me…!"
The humans felt so afraid they ran away back to where they came from, entering their temporary homes within gigantic trees.
Erebus stayed there spreading his pressuring aura, until the entire mob was completely dissolved, and the stupid humans were back home.
As he sighed, he crossed his little arms, glancing around. If the Fairies and the rest of the Forest Inhabitants were too nice to force them like this, then he was going to play the bad cop and get things done.
"E-Erebus, did you had to intimidate them again like that?"
"You know that it's not good either…"
"What if they resent us once they go back to their homes?"
"We wouldn't want to provoke a war or something!"
"There might be some nobles among them, but it'll still not be enough for a war," Erebus explained. "Ultimately the only ones that get a saying are the royal family members, and all of them are well informed of what's going on. They already hate us for no reason, so it doesn't matter if I intimidate them. I never hit them either, nor did I make them bleed or something. If they simply fear my presence then it is their fault, not mine."
"Even then, that's a bit…"
"Well, whatever…"
The fairies that tried to say something ended shutting down after Erebus explained to them the truth of the situation, and of how little power they truly had despite everything.
Most fairies had expected the humans to be very grateful and patiently wait while enjoying all the free food and housing, like some sort of touristic trip to another country.
They expected to make new friends and stuff… But at the end, it was just a bunch of despicable, disgusting people that hate their kind to death for no reason whatsoever other than the difference in appearance.
"Not every human is this way right?"
"I mean, there are some calmer ones."
"That old lady that thanked me after I gave her soup seemed polite…"
"The children aren't evil either…"
Erebus could hear the fairies mumbling and whispering with one another, his red-eyed glare quickly made them a bit afraid, as they flew away instantly.
"Hmph… Whatever," he sighed, glaring into the castle. "Titania's presence… Florie too? Both are asleep. I suppose they overworked themselves to almost death today."
Erebus looked into the skies, the sun was slowly setting into the horizon, and then he looked at the beautiful Yggdrasil tree, which had become completely white in color, with glistening leaves of purple, blue and gold colors.
"Planta… Although I wish you were here, I want you to know you can take it easy. We will take care of these things on our own."
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