The new follower Clotho was next to me, tagging along on the search for blue slimes. After a short while we discovered 2 blue slimes.
“Let’s test the green magic to assess it. Because I will attack one of the slimes with magic, I will leave the other one to you, Clotho. Please show me the way you fight.” (Kelvin)
Clotho nods. *koku koku*
Due to the decreased mana supply, I immediately applied reinforcement on myself as to not be defeated by the approaching common blue slime.
Concerning green magic, I received several rudimentary instructions from Merufina.
After the contract with Clotho and its summoning, my MP took a heavy blow leaving me with only a part of it remaining. However I still have some recovery items.
Therefore I should be able to deal with a slime as opponent some way or the other.
“Air Blade Wind!” (Kelvin)
Grade F green magic [Air Blade Wind]
Small air blades are generated. It is a magic that attacks the target.
Although the attack power is low, it’s a low-cost and invisible attack that can be fired. Nice usability.
The wind tears apart the blue slime consigning it to oblivion in one blow.
“Clotho, go!” (Kelvin)
Clotho begins to run at great speeds challenging the blue slime with a charge.
This charge blew off the opponent and finished it off.
Its speed was totally different to the time before the contract was made. Most likely that was because of the Grade S summoning. The gap caused by the status up was huge as well.
『Because of the Grade S summoning all statuses are increased by +100.』 (Merufina)
Wha?! Additional 100!?
I confirmed Clotho’s status with [Eyes of Identification].
Clotho – 0 years old – No race – Blue Slime
Level: 1
Title: None
HP: 105/105 <+100>
MP: 100/100 <+100>
STR: 101 <+100>
STA: 101 <+100>
AGI: 102 <+100>
MATK: 101 <+100>
LUK: 102 <+100>
Skill: Stun resistance
Buffs1: Summoning Technique / Mana Enhancement (Grade S)
Skill points: 0
That’s too powerful … So that’s why nations value summoners so highly.
Just a slime follower of a level 1 summoner and it’s already this powerful.
An immediate asset if used in the army.
『Just a small correction: The only one possessing a Grade S summoning skill is you, master. The other rabble is at the most Grade B or C. Their status up is approximately +10 ~ +20. They are not able to turn a slime follower into an immediate asset.』(Merufina)
Are you serious? It’s no less than a splendid cheat to possess such skill at level 1.
Moreover, isn’t it the first time you praised me, Merufina? I’m a little bit happy.
After a short time, when Clotho had easily defeated third blue slimes, a fanfare resounded.
Is it that!? That default pattern !?
Before my eyes the status screen appeared.
Level up! Level 1 => Level 2
Kelvin – 23 years old – Human – Summoner
Level: 2
Title: None
HP: 20/20 <+10>
MP: 23/35 <+20>
STR: 3 <+2>
STA: 3 <+2>
AGI: 9 <+6>
MATK: 15 <+10>
LUK: 12 <+8>
Skill: Summoning <Grade S> Open Slots: 8
Green Magic <Grade F>
Eye of Appraisal <Grade S>
Growth rate x2
Skill points x2
Experience sharing
Skill points: 100
Oh, thanks to the passive skills the growth is remarkable.
It is very nice in regards to the expected increase of mana consumption.
I received 100 skill points, too.
『Please change from the status screen to the skill entries. By using the skill points, another new skill can be obtained.』 (Merufina)
“By the way, does the general public of this world know about the status screen? The situation of a level up should occur occasionally.” (Kelvin)
『It is known. The method is different though. One silently prays to God for displaying the status screen. That way one is able to display their own status, acquire skills and manage parties by themselves. However, the status screen of others cannot be seen.』 (Merufina)
In order to view the status of others, [Eyes of Identification] was necessary.
All things considered, you could confidently say that this world was quite permeated with a game-like mechanism.
Well, I don’t think this state of affairs is doubted, though, since it is like that since birth.
“Well then, I will open the skill entries.”
I opened the skill entries within the status screen.
The screen is full of skills with their name and effects. The required points to obtain a specific skill are listed as well. All together it was who-knows-how-many.
『Not all skills are displayed yet. There also are skills which require certain achievements to unlock them.』 (Merufina)
“I was able to get the summoning skill normally.” (Kelvin)
『That was a special exception and is usually not possible. That was, so to speak, a bonus available in the skill entries before transferring to this world.』 (Merufina)
“Then, there is no such bonus in this world available as well? Oh well, it can’t be helped.” (Kelvin)
While skimming through the skill entries, I let Clotho guard the vicinity.
“… Say, isn’t the amount of spendable skill points too low? After all, Grade F skills cost 10 points.” (Kelvin)
『By nature skill points represent the point values of the abilities. By increasing the level you obtain (T/N: ability) growth points. Although that value differs for each person, typically the point values of the abilities are 50 with growth points at 5.』 (Merufina)
“Oi, my growth points are 100. Even taking into account the doubled skill point gain, this number is weird.” (Kelvin)
『Incidentally the point values of the abilities were derived before the transfer. Even though there is a margin caused by the skills, generally the required points are as follows: Grade F: 10, Grade E: 20, Grade D: 40, Grade C: 80, Grade B: 160, Grade A: 320 and Grade S: 640. Because it is necessary to start from the lowest Grade when acquiring a skill, Grade S requires in total 1270 points.』 (Merufina)
“… Even if a common person reaches level 100, they can only get one skill up to Grade B at the most.” (Kelvin)
『… That’s how it is.』 (Merufina)
“… Even though I have two Grade S skills at level 1.” (Kelvin)
『… Look, it’s in exchange for your memories.』 (Merufina)
Now, that’s the very definition of me piling up a cheat on a cheat.
All the other-worlders in this world would believe this to be a bug.
However, I don’t know if there are any.
『To the bitter end, that is the situation of a common person. Among them there are some feared as inhumane or devil kings, too.』 (Merufina)
I won’t worry about it.
The difference in the raised basic statuses is more precious compared to the situation with the skills.
As long as I don’t do anything strange, I won’t stand out neither.
For now, let’s return to slowly checking the available skills.
While issuing instructions to Clotho, I face the remainder of the subjugation request.
Translation Notes
1 Translation would be “Support/Auxiliary Effects” but well, in game terms that would be “Buffs,” thus I will go with that. ^^
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