第16話 報告
Chapter 16 – Report
“Certainly, a part of Black Soul Knight’s armor was confirmed. With this the request is completed!”
I am now, in the guild reporting about the subjugation of Black Soul Knight. I am showing the fragment of the armor that Gerard was damaged to Angie-san. After Clotho’s super magic shrinking beam mortality beam was shot, Gerard was annihilated. So, the contract has failed….
“Hou, this girl is very beautiful isn’t she? Is she’s the king’s concubine candidate?”
……it’s a lie, the contract was completed safely. Good thing I did it, he began to address me as his king. I argued with him to stop calling me like that, but it seems he won’t stop doing it.
(TLN: I lied too)
“Speaking of the serving knight, the king and reputation must be recognized. Maa, I should be beside my master because it is natural.”
(TLN: need help here!)
This condition. I want to forgive you from calling me like that in public.
(TLN: I’m not sure if it is Kelvin or Gerard who said this but most probably it is Kelvin. Tho it is doesn’t makes any sense.)
「ケルヴィンさん、本当に、本当によくご無事で…… カシェルと勝負になった時は、もう帰って来れないとばかり思っていました。その上、黒霊騎士まで倒すなんて、ケルヴィンさんには驚かされるばかりです」
“Kelvin, really, you’re really safe…. When you compete with Cashel, I thought you won’t come back anymore. Furthermore, to defeat the Black Soul Knight, I am just surprised to Kelvin”
Angie-san is glad while crying. It seems I made her worried considerably. Cashel’s group that targets rookies and the amount of experience from hunting to the guild were reported. I wasn’t blamed for they’re killed accidentally, on the contrary I was thanked. Apparently for the savage criminals, they are more strangely lenient the present day.
“They drove my king in a corner too. Despite already having a fiance, still making pass on other girls….”
“Good grief. Since you are my fiance!”
メルフィーナの婚約者でもないし、お前は俺を出汁にして仕事サボってるだけだろ…… おい、器用に脳内で口笛を吹いて誤魔化すな。
I’m not even Melfina’s fiance, you are only bothered to work with me as pretext…. Oi, don’t deceive me by whistling in my brain skillfully.
「ギルド長ですか? そう言えば、まだお会いしたことがありませんね。なぜ今回はそのような形になったんです?」
“It is the same, Kelvin. Remuneration of this request will be directly passed from the guild chief. Please to the room on the second floor.”
“The guild chief? That reminds me, I have not met him yet. Why is it lately became such state?”
I’m here in the town of Pasu for a week already, though I want in and out of the guild everyday, the person who seems to be the guild chief has not seen yet. The second-floor is off-limits excluding the concerned party.
“This Black Soul Knight subjugation was a difficulty that greatly exceeded the frame of D class. For Kelvin who is an E-rank, this is an special case of rank promotion, it seems the guild chief have a reward.”
The surrounding adventurers cheers with “Ohh!” with Angie-san’s words. Before I noticed, I attracted the attention of the adventurers in the tavern.
“Ahaha, even though the merit of defeating the Black Soul Knight is also amazing, became famous immediately because of the crimes of Cashel was exposed.”
(TLN: is this Kelvin who’s talking? probably)
Words of gratitude and praised were given to Kelvin, surround adventurers gather one after another.
「うっ、ひくっ…… 黒霊騎士に私の仲間が一人殺されたの。敵をとってくれてありがとう……」
「たった1週間で大出世じゃねーかおい! 今度成功の秘訣を教えてくれや!」
“I feel refreshed thanks to you. I got pissed off to that bastard Cashel!”
“Uh, Hikuh(TLN: crying?)….. the Black Soul Knight killed one of my companions. Thank you for taking away the enemy….”
“Merely a week but you already succeed greatly.”
Though the admiration is welcome, the feeling became indescribable because one of the cause the Black Soul Knight is here.
“In differing, I still don’t have my ego yet at that time. ”
本当かよ…… と疑いたくもなるが、助け舟を出しておこう。ジェラールとしては、討伐にやってきた冒険者達に攻撃されれば反撃せざるを得なかったのだろう。実際、王座の部屋に入るまでジェラールは何もしてこなかったしな。
Is it true?….. I also want to doubt, but I have to bring reinforcement. As for Gerard, I think he will counter-attack if attacked by the adventurers who came for subjugation. Actually, Gerard did nothing until I entered the throne room.
“Nevertheless, though Cashel is a D rank adventurer, the ability is class C, it was strength at the same level as Class B when did a bad job. How did you defeated that?”
One of the adventurers asked suddenly. Cashel is a bad person, for one in Pazu also true strength is accompanied, nobody seems to be able to start the fight.
“It was luck by chance”
To leave a word without obstacle, Kelvin went up to the second-floor of the guild with haste.
—kon kon. (TLN: must be the sfx for knocking on the door, maybe limited only on wooden ones)
When/With knock on the door, a voice of a man was heard saying “Please/Here you are.”
“Excuse me”
When Kelvin enter the room, a middle-aged, a man that is really a gentleman was seen sitting on the desk.
“Hey, you are the rumored Kelvin right?”
“Yes, nice to meet you”
“Oh, I am sorry. It is only a greetings. I am Rio of the of adventurer guild Pazu branch office guild’s chief”
The man named Rio introduces itself while hitting the monocle with a hand. The words spoken suits well with his gentle appearance of the good old man. Kelvin also showed courtesy to match, actually I became flustered.
Ahh, this [bareta]-. Yabe.
I can sense carelessness. The reason, one skill is equal status of Rio which Kelvin looked in with judgment eyes was a cause. (TLN: need help here)
—Appraisal (A class)
It was the moment when status of Kelvin was exposed in broad daylight.
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