Deep within a certain forest was a rabbitmen village. One day, a bunnygirl with a pure white tail and ears was born in the village. As a rule, rabbitmen all had navy blue ears and tails, so the rabbitmen were quite surprised to see a baby like that. As they looked down at this clearly different girl, they all had their own thoughts to share. “Wow, she must be a goddess or something if she was born with different-colored fur!” “Yeah, she’s gotta be the chosen one! We should call her the Alabaster Abyss!” “No, wait, her eyes are the same blue as a clear sky... We should call her the HEAVENSENT, in all caps!” “Are you... a genius!?” Apparently, none of them hated her for being different. In fact, they seemed overjoyed. That night, the village held a party in the bunnygirl’s honor. They believed she would grow up into a hero who would eventually go on a journey to save the world. Some of them even had the rather dangerous idea of becoming evil tyrants so that she would have someone to save the world from. Despite being a baby, the bunnygirl made a disgusted face when she heard the rabbitmen talk about committing evil deeds for the fun of it. But as the blessed bunnygirl grew older, people began to treat her differently. “Aww, why does everyone always leave me out of everything?” Indeed, they started treating her coldly. They shot dirty looks at her differently colored ears and tail, which made the bunnygirl very, very sad. “If you want us to be nicer, you need to give yourself a cool sounding name,” one of the boys her age said curtly when she asked what she was doing wrong. “Huh, but it’s embarrassing to introduce yourself like that...” “Ptooey!” “Eek, hey, that’s gross!” The boy spit at her, and the young bunnygirl hurriedly leaped out of the way. She glared indignantly at him, but all the other rabbitmen children also seemed to think she was in the wrong. “Man, what a buzzkill. I expected more from you, since you have white hair.” “She’s so boooring.” “She’s the only one who doesn’t want a cool nickname.” That was the reason the villagers were so cold to her. She rejected their custom of choosing edgy nicknames for themselves. Her hair color didn’t matter one bit. If anything, it was a plus. But because she was lacking an edgelord’s soul, the villagers who had put their hopes and expectations on her were disappointed. “B-But no one in the other villages does—” “They have their traditions, and we have ours.” “Gah! The rest of the world thinks this is embarrassing! I just want you guys to act normally so people stop discriminating—” “Since the beginning of time, justice has been something that hurts those who wield it, not protect it.” “What kind of logic is that!?” “If you can’t live by your principles, what point is there in living?” “What worth is there in a life bereft of dreams?” “Why can’t you understand that those who enjoy their lives are the ones who have the last laugh?” “I can’t take it anymore, my family is just too cringe! I’m leaving this forest!” “What!?” Everyone was stunned, but the white-haired rabbit had faith in her decision. With how much rabbitmen valued solidarity, she was certain her village would follow her. She was the elder’s daughter, after all. And if they followed her out in the world, they would finally see how ridiculous their customs were and start living a more normal life. “Chief! Chief! Our HEAVENSENT ETERNAL SKY is finally going to begin her journey!” “What!? So she’s finally prepared to save the world!? Wonderful! Go, my daughter! Show them the might of the SUNSPECKLED MESSIAH!” “Hey, call me if you need an evil supervillain to defeat. I’ll play the role perfectly!” Tears welled up in the trembling bunnygirl’s eyes. “Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, it’s too late for my family!” The villagers watched her run away with warm smiles on their faces.
After some time, the bunnygirl reached another village. She’d left with nothing but the clothes on her back, so she was starving by the time she arrived. The village she’d reached was a harpy village. Ever since she had been little, the bunnygirl had been envious of the winged race that could soar freely through the skies. Hoping that she might be able to find some work to pay for her food and lodging, and perhaps even make a few friends, the bunnygirl approached the village entrance. “Hm? Aaaaaah, a rabbitman! Why’s there a rabbitman here!?” “Sound the alarm! We’ve got a crazy rabbitman on the loose!” “Red alert! Everyone get to your battle stations!” The bunnygirl turned on her heel and fled back into the forest. Tears spilled from her eyes as she sprinted away. She then tried to visit a catman village, but they threatened her with violence. After that, she visited a dogman village, but they started panicking and acting like the world was ending. Finally, she made her way to the beastman capital, but even the glorious city brought her no respite. “Why!? What were the scouts doing!? How did a rabbitman get so far out of the quarantine zone!?” Here, too, the people were acting as though a natural disaster had appeared. A lot of the words they used worried the bunnygirl, but if she was barred from this city too, then there would be nowhere left for her. So instead of asking about the quarantine zone, she tried to convince the guards that she was harmless. “I’m not like the other rabbitmen! I’m one of the good ones!” She put her hands next to her ears and did a cute little hop, but the guards weren’t buying it. “You’re not fooling anyone! You think we’ll fall for that a second time!? We’re not morons!” “You’re just trying to infiltrate this city so you can crush it from the inside! But we’re on to you this time!” It seemed the bunnygirl’s clan had done some pretty awful things in the past. It was at this point that she realized there was no place for her in this forest. Sniffling, she left the capital behind. The poor bunnygirl decided to find a home outside the forest, but she soon realized that wouldn’t be easy. “The outside’s a scary place toooooo!” she screamed, hiding behind a nearby boulder. It was hardly surprising, considering what had happened to her. First, vicious IMPERIAL SOLDIERS had found her and tried to make her into a slave. After that, a group of perverts tried to rape her. Then, she was chased by a pack of monsters. Her stomach was growling, and the realization that there was nowhere she belonged gnawed away at her. As she sunk into the depths of despair, she heard another monster approaching. “I should just let it eat me. It’s not like I can fit in anywhere, anyway.” Her ears drooped as she lost the will to live. But when she closed her eyes, she imagined how painful it would be to have her head split apart by a monster’s fangs. Before she knew it, she was moving again. Her survival instincts spurred her onward, and she leaped out of the way just before something shattered the boulder. Whatever had destroyed the boulder had also obliterated the monster that had been stalking her. “Eeeek! Wh-What happened?” Three people walked over to the terrified bunnygirl. “Hm? Didn’t expect to see a person here.” The voice was surprisingly casual considering the violence that had occurred a second ago. But the bunnygirl was too terrified to say anything. A beautiful young girl with blonde hair leaned down and said, “What a strange rabbitman. You have mana? Hmmm, can you use magic?” “I-I can’t.” “Not even any special magic?” “S-Special magic? I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The blonde-haired girl immediately lost interest in the bunnygirl. The man with the eyepatch hadn’t shown any interest in her from the start. But as she began to despair anew, the final member of the party said, “Haaah... Haaah... This rabbitman looks quite ragged... What horrible things happened to you!? Please, tell me in great detail!” “Eeek, it’s a pervert!” A black-haired beauty wearing a kimono crawled over to the bunnygirl on all fours. The bunnygirl’s ears twitched and she reflexively punched the woman in the face. To her utter surprise, the punch sent the woman flying. She crashed straight through any boulders in her path and hit the ground so hard she made a small crater at the point of impact. Oh no, they’re going to kill me for this... the bunnygirl thought, sniffling. Contrary to expectations though, the black-haired beauty just said, “A-Amazing. This is the first time I have felt such a powerful punch... Haaah... Haaah...” She had a rapt expression on her face as she panted with excitement. Meanwhile, the boy with the eyepatch and the blonde-haired girl turned back to her. “Damn, you’re awesome. Was that body strengthening magic?” “Mmm... If you have nowhere to go, would you like to come with us?” For a moment, the bunnygirl doubted her ears. But when she looked up, she saw the boy and girl looking gently down at her, as if she was already one of them. “You’re just like us...” the blonde-haired girl said. It was then that the bunnygirl had a revelation. She wasn’t just a regular rabbitman with a proper idea of what common sense was, she was an insanely overpowered one who punched anything who got in her way. From that day on, she lived happily with her new comrades, occasionally beating up her former family members when they showed up as evil supervillains.
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