Chapter 61
In this world it seems there are magic passages known as labyrinths .
It’s said that when entering, the routes and enemies change, it’s a particularly exciting labyrinth system .
Just who created it, whether they existed from the start, or maybe kami-sama’s prank, that’s something no one knows .
……Maa, though my being in this world like this, is itself extremely mysterious .
Just, deep within there are rare materials, a magic territory that arouses the hearts of adventurers dreaming of striking it rich in every era .
As there are numerous adventurers interested in protecting just themselves, it would be fine to call it blood hungering labyrinth instead .
And so again, adventurers who challenge that sort of antlion pit appear .
「It’s me . 」
Ilya went, what is it ojousama?
But well, it’s ojousama isn’t it, making that sort of face while walking out like it was nothing .
「……You don’t think it’s scary getting used to this, Ilya?」
「That’s just called becoming able to get along, ojousama . 」
If you want me to prepare myself then please say so, that sort of face came out!
Stop looking at me with such kind eyes right now!
……Fun, it’s fine alreadyー .
「Fufu, that’s too cute . 」
Having increased my pace, I was delivered a laughing voice from behind .
The feeling on my palm was strong……
Today we’re looking into a magic passage near the royal capital, I’m going together with Ilya .
A stretch of grassland east of the royal capital, the ruins there .
As a result of steadily completing requests, our guild rank is about to reach C .
Just, earnings wise the extent of going from E to D is not all that dramatic .
If it’s those two ranks, generally earnings are from five hundred rooks to three thousand rooks per request .
Although, saying it’s something like a three thousand rook issue, it won’t be fast .
And so finishing a single request in a single day won’t happen .
Thinking of the likely personal expenses while traveling to the area to complete that request, that is already, not that great business .
I have plenty of money because of the large amount I received from Kran but, I can’t accumulate any more .
Right now, it’s that sort of condition .
And with the equipment creation, it becomes minus .
Although it shouldn’t be like that if rank is improved further, it should also grow more dangerous .
Maa, that is high risk high return, low risk low return and, do it well .
However the current situation is, the fact that earnings still aren’t enough .
And so, earn a little and, I occasionally feel, do a little kindness .
「Ilya, isn’t it that there’s a teleportation system to exit when the labyrinth’s been conquered?」
Refraining from her childish acts, Ilya matched her pace to me and answered .
「That’s what I’ve been told . However, that can’t be relied on . I think it’s proper to act while bearing in mind returning to the exit under our own power . 」
「So that’s how it is . 」
At the point of reaching the limit without considering the return, without a teleportation system, what an unsightly condition .
「Doing that, taking the enemy into consideration and gathering enough combat power to act safely, isn’t it best to bring emergency rations and the like?」
「That is true isn’t it . But, in the labyrinth itself the underground tenth floor is always the lowest level so, that means it’s not so long that the sun would set . 」
「Fu~n, even so everyone, generally doesn’t arrive at the lowest floor, are the enemies that strong?」
「Yes . on the tenth floor down, the master of the labyrinth is prepared . because of that greedy adventurers having the tables turned on them is an everyday occurrence, ojousama . 」
Ilya remarked as such while smiling .
I understand, I understand!
「……However, there’s a labyrinth there . That’s plenty of a reason!」
「I’d rather not be dragged along and die, ojousama . 」
「That, that’s as expected isn’t itー」
With a nice smile, she stabs deeply……
「Kusu, it’s a joke . I have made a vow . Whether in life or death, we’ll go together, ojousama . 」
You are, skilled at lifting up from below……
Maa, we won’t die though .
Walking through the grasslands for a while, I come to see the destination ruin .
Before that magic passage ruin, a number of adventurers are gathered .
In actuality it’s not just money, the appeal should also be gathering experience .
Watching for a while, a group of adventures left and one entered, it seems quite prosperous .
「This is, entry beyond one group at a time can’t be done?」
「Something like that isn’t the case . It delivers to a variety of different labyrinths . There aren’t multiple parties passing by eachother within . 」
It’s like separate dimensional space .
「Ah, oneechan! ……With, Solt-san . 」
Perhaps it’s about time to return, at the point of thinking that, I found those two .
It seems that they just left the labyrinth .
「――Oh, is it Alice with Ilya . 」
The other group also noticed us, they walked to us while holding hands .
「Oneechan also, you came here?」
「Aah, recently I’ve always been coming here, though I’ve often been accompanying Solt . 」
「……Don’t say unnecessary things . 」
Kurozukume stabbed a nail into the issue with a discontent face .
You, always seem to have such a poor mood so it’s troublesome .
That brow, soon enough it’s going to become wrinkled isn’t it?
「Should I give you a facial massage, Solt-san?」
「You always…… Just what are you saying . 」
「Even though I’m trying to be nice . 」
It’s sad failing to communicate .
「Because it’s ojousama . 」
「Isn’t that Alice . 」
The nodded deeply together .
……Somehow it seems disparaging .
「Maa it’s fine but, isn’t it dangerous for just the two of you to come?」
「We aren’t going to the depths so, it’s not like that . 」
It’s no big deal, according to Shion’s reply .
Above something like money, it seems they’re gathering experience .
……Saying that, what was it that Saira said?
Well, it should be fine .
「……Ah! Rather than that, Solt-san! Aren’t you neglecting Rin-chan a little too much!」
「That is…… sorry . 」
「Sorry!? That’s all!?」
「No…… it does concern me . 」
「Don’t do that! You’re not getting it, a child like that, something like that!」
「……Sorry . 」
Saying that, at the moment something like apologizing is the most aggravating!
「What should I do Ilya, though it’s become very interesting . 」
「That’s it isn’t it, oneesama . As always you’re too cute, ojousama . 」
Taking the opportunity to lecture kurozukume I was refreshed, to an extent .
Whether it was the result of the lecture, or some other reason, kurozukume came to greet Rin-chan, yesterday for the first time in a while he came back to the house we borrowed .
「Deshi, why aren’t we going together?」
And, at that time, though Rin-chan said this in deeply curious manner .
Why can’t I go together……
Because she’s a small child, isn’t it important to not obfuscate and explain the truth .
「That’s because, that person has no reliability, Rin-chan . 」
So, I taught her .
「Mu~, oniichan! Be properly reliability!」
Kurozukume, glared with severe eyes .
Sorryー .
And so, the energetic angel of my family turned about countless times, and we returned while grumbling .
It can sometimes be lonely, maa, it’s fine for him to come play at any time .
To be sure, whether such an ill mannered man is family, he’s occasionally not together with us .
Un…… Family, is it?
He isn’t a criminal is he?
……Perhaps I’ll go listen to his circumstances regularly .
I’m also uncertain about food and the like .
In the worst case, I’ll take him in .
Our house is large after all .
No really…… something like using this large, extravagant house, I’m grateful .
『Regarding the house no one lives in it and, it’s become painful . More than letting you sleep, it would be helpful if Alice and everyone were to make use of it . 』
And as such, Kran’s words .
Kran is it……
Being called suddenly, I jumped up from my room’s desk .
Turning around, Ilya stood before the door that had been left open .
「I apologize for doing this while you were fantasizing, I’ve called you any number of times . 」
「……Say, saying this is very nonsensical but, what is it? Come inside . 」
The point about waiting properly before the left open door, is Ilya isn’t it .
With polite and moreover beautiful conduct, Ilya came in .
A graceful child .
「There are three points to report . Good news or bad news, which should we discuss first?」
「Eh? Bad news?」
「Affirmative . 」
No no, it isn’t that we should start the discussion from there is it!?
Maa but it is fine……
「From Bati-sama, it seems the appointed day for the armor ordered will be late . 」
「Ah, as expected is it difficult?」
「No, it’s simply something like she wanted to stimulate her inspiration so, she’s selfishly demanding that she wants ojousama in a swimsuit . 」
「By the way it seems to be a bikini . 」
「Rejected . 」
「Then, I’ll inform her as such . 」
It’s fine so get to work already .
She received the measurements from Ilya, so she’s been given the proper numbers .
「The second point is, we’ve been entrusted with a letter, here it is . 」
Checking the sender and, it’s Aim .
What is it?
『――Please give me work already, master . Is there no one you want eliminated?』
Reading it once, I softly put it on my desk .
「……My head is starting to hurt . 」
The sense of an assassin is……
An assassin who comes to urge is……
「Then finally, the good news is, something you should discuss with the person in question . 」
Ilya suddenly pulled back and, noticing the form hidden at the entrance I met eyes with Saira .
「Ha, Hai! Umm, Ilya-san’s armor is finished! Umm…… a little, I’m confident in this work nya . 」
Reserved as if embarrassed, and so her hot gaze looked to me with her feelings and unease included, she naturally smiled .
Saira is always, my heart’s tonic isn’t she .
「Well done, I’m looking forward to it . 」
「~~Hai desu!」
Watching people’s happy smiles is, always a good thing isn’t it .
And as such, the day to challenge conquering the labyrinth came .
The day itself is a good day, walking through the grassland toward the labyrinth, it had a good feel rather like a picnic .
――――Not worrying about my rear .
「Fun, because Eclair is going to help you out, something like this labyrinth is easy isn’t it . 」
「Master, this crimson one is noisy . 」
「What is that!? Aim said that right!? I’ll turn you to fire!」
「It might be best to be aware of your rear . 」
「Want to go at it!?」
「To the extent of being a weak dog, you sure bark well . 」
Splendidly, the rear has become energetic .
That is it .
To the extent of turning into a fight is it?
That’s right, un, surely .
「Good weather isn’t it, Ilya . 」
「Fufu, shall we face reality, ojousama?」
……This party, I’m worriedー .
It’s like there’s a time bomb set behind me .
Why do they quickly after meeting, brew up this atmosphere of not meshing?
「Ma, what will be will be . 」
Just how great a vessel do you have, oneechan……
「What went wrong……」
After bringing Eclair cookies and then inviting her to the labyrinth, it’s good that I got an OK .
Because it’s a slightly fundamental adventure, I thought to call Aim as well for her first work, thinking of safety that wasn’t wrong at all .
……I was also urged on .
「I feel that the party composition has fully grasped its balance, ojousama . 」
「That is true isn’t it, I and Ilya take vanguard . Crimson and blue ojouchans take rear guard, Alice can do anything . 」
You casually praised me, oneechan!
It’s fine to praise me more!
「But don’t advance too much, Alice . Your feebleness hasn’t changed . 」
「I don’t want to be told that by oneechan!?」
Shion laughed with a gentle smile .
「Kusu, I suppose that’s true . I think I and oneesama in front is plenty . Out of the two ojousama, please passively stay in the rear . 」
That’s the role I least want to do……
Turning back around .
「Master, should I eliminate her? If it’s right now doing it for free might be fine . 」
「To the extent of being eliminated by someone like you, because Eclair isn’t that weak! That’s fine! That provocation, I’ll accept it . 」
「Since it’s fine not to accept…… Aim also, please stop . 」
Because I’ve already spent ten thousand rooks, this adventure, at this point I can’t return empty handed .
「……If master says so then . 」
「……I’ll defer to Alice . 」
Really reluctantly, with that sort of facial expression they turned their backs to eachother .
Nee, why do they get along so poorly, with those two walking beside eachother?
In reality, don’t those two like eachother?
「Walking furthest to the rear is, a habit . Hurry up and go to the front . 」
「If someone like you is furthest back, this won’t be any place to fight the enemy!」
……My head really hurts .
Although I’d expected us to be flawless, this is strange .
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