I look up into the clear sky that hides nothing and, it makes me want to cry .
Even though I still could’ve done the act of taking comfort in it, had there been even a few clouds there to cover us .
「Ojousama, the removal of sediment from the highway is complete . 」 「tsu」 「This was an emergency response to begin with, but」
Ilya’s voice calls out to me, as I walk toward the fort on Wilmington’s western national border . That was that the report I was waiting for awaited me .
「There were no survivors among those who were caught up in the collapse, under Wilmington’s precepts, the remains of the commonwealth’s soldiers have been cremated en masse as a funeral within wartime procedures . There are plans to return the remains, depending on whether those who knew them can be secured under wartime conditions . 」 「Is, is that so……」 「Furthermore, the results of examining the collected remains, it is believed that there is no mistake that the being that fell from having her forehead pierced was, the enemy general Carmel-dono . 」 「……Is that so . 」 「One strike to the forehead, it was excellently done . 」
Silently lowering her eyes, Ilya gave a prayer to no one .
「……」 「……」
The surrounding tumult became distant . My ears rang . My heart hurt .
「Tha, that is all……?」 「……The report, ends there . 」 「A, Aim is!? Then, what became of Aim!?」
After I drew close while shaking Ilya’s shoulder, I did a light self abasement .
「I, I’m sorry . 」 「No, ojousama……」
Ilya averted her eyes like she felt uneasy .
「It isn’t the case that all of the sediment has been removed, the 3rd unit’s……taking the final witness’s testimony under consideration the general area was searched but, while it’s regrettable……she wasn’t found . 」 「Does that mean she might be alive!?」 「……I will not deny that possibility . However, the sediment’s force was strong, the avalanche that fully buried the highway swallowed up even the forest and flowed until reaching the river……Given that, how far she might have gone……investigating that is……」
――Fundamentally, impossible .
The power throughout my body left .
「O, ojousama!」
From a movie, the scene of a commissioned officer or soldier’s family being informed of a 2 rank special promotion following an untimely death clouded my mind . This isn’t a conversation of the level of, sorrow . What sort of face should I face Rana-san……the children of the orphanage with……
「On my judgement……Aim――died?」 「That is thinking from the result . That is the agony that always follows a commander, ojousama……」
Certainly, I intervened in this war while knowing that this sort of result was possible . But, when that sort of result finally emerged, I was shaken to a level that sneered at such like the resolve of that time .
「However ojousama, Wilmington retook the national border due to Aim-sama so, the people saved by pushing the battle lines back are also, numerous . 」 「Un……I understand, I understand you know . 」
Feeling that I want to protect the people without the power to fight, I’m standing here now . Even if there is something that shakes my heart, I will not permit something that would shake even the position upon which I stand .
「――Excuse me! Ojousama, head maid!」
Perhaps it was urgent business, the maid-san who flew in salutes while gasping for air .
「Did something happen?」 「A large commonwealth force was observed coming over the Arakado mountain range! Their entirety was not grasped but……it’s that that number, is not below 30 thousand!」
……What sort of thing? They sent their main force, toward us? Have they abandoned the kingdom? No, in that case Kran would help as such but……
「In addition, an envoy has come from the opposing force . These are only the important details but, the commonwealth’s『saintess』wants to meet with ojousama before the battle! That concludes the report!」 「Good work . 」
She made a polite salute and, perhaps she was in a hurry but the maid-san immediately ran off to the fort .
「Saintess, saintess is it……」
……Is this that green haired habit child, that was there with Libra?
「Ilya, is the commonwealth’s saintess famous?」 「――That isn’t something I have heard . 」 「Eh……?」
I look at the knowledgeable Ilya’s face and, she had her hand on her cheek in bafflement .
「Something like a saintess as a symbol, is something I haven’t heard of in any country . I was considering that is she not an existence that rose to power, quite recently . 」 「An idol, for the war is it……」
Did she rise due to Libra’s work? If so, did that person also come? ……
「……The next time we meet Libra, I, that which is that person――I might end up killing her . 」
That was, a wish without deceit . Turning my heel, I went toward the fort’s office . Ilya’s sad voice came chasing after, from behind me .
「……For ojousama, to use strong words like those……no, that is, war isn’t it . 」
My chest was raising a scream, like it had a thorned whip tightened around it again today . Suddenly looking down, I ended up making a bitter smile upon seeing my compact breasts . Surely I can’t be acting effeminate, at this point right?
Normally, the role called envoy is done with the resolution to die . A small number ride in among the enemy army during a war . When their demands are rejected, when their etiquette is lacking, those lives are easily lost .
Such things as logic don’t work, that is wartime . The saintess managed to come, to such an abnormal world .
「How do you do, Fairy of Silver Lightning-sama . 」
As expected, the personage that was there at Libra’s side . Her vibrant green hair with, closed eyes give a strong impression . And then there’s her habit like she’s a servant of god that doesn’t fit a battlefield .
「Alice . It’s Alice・Einshaula, saintess-sama . 」 「I am called Sitra・Fon・Austanya . Please call me Sitra . 」 「Thank you very much, Sitra-sama . I am also fine with Alice . Ilya, offer your assistance so that she may have a seat . 」 「No, it is alright Alice-sama, thank you for your concern . 」
Just as Sitra-san said, she wasn’t holding the hand of her attendant from the commonwealth when she entered the room either . Almost as if she could see even now, she lowered herself onto the sofa opposite of me . Fumu……perhaps she actually can see?
「Perhaps I should say it is magic, even if I cannot see light, I am capable of the act of grasping the world . 」 「Is that so? That is excellent isn’t it, it was a breach of etiquette to have unnecessarily pried into your matters, I proffer my apology . 」 「No, such a thing . Resolving misunderstandings with those you meet for the first time is a precious first step, to me . 」
Fumu……she’s a child that doesn’t give a bad impression . Of course if she acts timid after coming as an envoy, it’s certain that I wouldn’t understand what she wants to do though .
However, she’s younger than I thought . Should I say her age range is around 10~12? Her voice still gives an adorable sensation . ……I really can’t feel that she’s a person who knows the battlefield .
「Alice-sama, the truth is that I’m basically bad at negotiations . Thus I can’t do anything beyond the level of exposing what’s in my chest and, begging for my wish . 」 「I see, Sitra-sama . In that case just what might be the sort of wish that you came to be here with?」 「Hai, I do not want to spill blood pointlessly . Thus, could you somehow bring yourself to surrender this fort?」 「……」
It’s impossible right . Depending on her reasons, it’s not even a conversation at that sort of level .
「I understand that I am asking something ridiculous, however, I would like to request it if possible . 」
I just thought this but, it’s harder to read the feelings of an opponent with her eyes closed than a poker face . Fumu .
「This is incomprehensible, it cannot fail to be said as such can it . 」 「……Did I make you feel unpleasant?」
Maa, because that was effectively a demand for surrender wasn’t it, just now . But that’s not it .
「No, that is not so . I am saying that your county’s obsession with Wilmington is incomprehensible . What I am saying is strange but, this is presently the ideal opportunity defeat the kingdom . I cannot comprehend the meaning in fixating on us . 」
Wilmington is a strong country . I understand that it can’t be ignored . It’s also certain that the fatigue from the raids just before now isn’t negligible . If it’s now there’s no problem in invading the kingdom first so, rather this is an opportunity to do so .
「To speak frankly, I dislike matters of war . An ambition like wanting to rule the kingdom, does not exist within me . 」 「I see, Sitra-sama also has a side that cannot help the direction of her country right . I will take that into consideration . 」
「Irregardless of disliking battle, you have the resolve for blood to flow for your wish . 」 「……」
Thinking from a premise of the sort that the opponent isn’t an idiot then outside of the particulars of wartime tactics――there’s something there . There’s a reason to obsess over Wilmington . No, in reverse――is it here? Is it this, west Petra great forest? The commonwealth was, searching for something here?
「As expected, I am inept at matters of negotiation……I sense that, I have needlessly given information to Alice-sama . 」 「……Sitra-sama . Should I assume that that wish is impossible without occupying this place? In any case, I cannot feel that this is something that cannot be resolved outside of battle . 」 「Hai, hai……it is exactly as you……all of this is . 」
Country, is it――
「A difficult position isn’t it . 」 「Alice-sama as well……」
Negotiations have broken down . That sort of air is flowing . No, there was nothing except a breakdown from the start . I suppose, Sitra-san also understood that much since the beginning .
「……Will you dispose of me, in this place?」 「It’s troubling having us be thought of as such barbarians . It’s only that we both have circumstances such that we can’t pull back . If the era won’t permit negotiation regardless of what we do, let’s settle it justly and with dignity on the battlefield . 」 「Alice-sama……」
Sitra-san, hid her expression as if it hurt .
「This age’s strongest magician, I can’t think that I can win against the Alice-sama that inherited that name but……putting this life on the line, while carrying my country’s pride, I will be your opponent . 」 「……」
I suppose she has quite the determination . Can I assume this is, the determination of a girl around 10 years in age? The environment nurtures the person, I suppose this is exactly that . Can I, kill――such a child? No, even so there isn’t anything like a reason that it’s fine to lose . If I think back to Maria-san, or Aim’s matter, there isn’t even a single one……
「………………Sitra-sama, sad, isn’t it . 」 「That……is war, Alice-sama . 」
The young girl who was more mature than me, departed the fort after silently showing her respect . Another, battle is starting――
Staring at the silver clock in the office, it’s about to become 3 hours since saintess Sitra left . This fort is always on high alert but, now the air is tingling to a degree that stabs the skin .
「Ojousama, as instructed, the members of the 3rd unit were given a mission to search the great forest . 」 「Thank you, surely those children will feel depressed if they don’t move after all . 」 「I suppose so, in particular I can’t keep watching May waste away……」
The one called May was, the 3rd unit’s vice captain who had lots of vigor . At the end of the end, she was the survivor who saw that moment when Aim saved her . I suppose that even now it’s become such that she’s on the verge of being crushed by her own worthlessness . ……Even though, that sort of thing was the result of the order I handed down .
「In any case, there’s nothing except to move now . While searching the great forest, they can do the act of searching for Aim . Move move and move, there’s nothing except to convince yourself . 」 「Truly, when stopped, you end up thinking of nothing but bad things don’t you . 」 「Is that so even for Ilya?」 「Kusu, someone like me, is always trapped in negative thoughts you know?」 「U~n, certainly the Ilya from that time riding the luggage wagon was dark wasn’t she . 」 「If I had been able to brighten my face in that situation, that would be a peculiar disposition, ojousama . 」 「Wouldn’t it~」
We laughed a little together . The things we were thinking about before were all dark things so, now, we wanted to laugh together about a small thing .
「What did you think of, saintess-san?」 「I can not understand her . Since I have a nature that always reads a person’s hidden side . 」 「Nn, then where about is the hidden side Ilya’s thinking of?」 「I was being cautious while thinking of the possibility that, she came with the intent to sacrifice herself to harm ojousama but……I couldn’t particularly sense, that behavior or, a hidden element in her speech or conduct . I at least wasn’t able to . 」 「The same opinion as me I suppose . There wasn’t anything dubious like when I first met Kran was there . 」 「Kusu, that’s a problematic remark ojousama . 」 「It’s fine it’s fine, you could say I’ve gone through a lot because of Kran and, I’m just grumbling a little okay . 」
It’d be good if Kran is also well though . Nn? On that note after receiving a report from Eclair on her victory, she said she would stay still now but…… Maa that’s natural but, at any rate in Eclair’s belly there’s, riight? But, isn’t that right? To be sure, it seemed that there was a beloved『oneesama』there, for the Lumina-chan who came from the future wasn’t there? ……
「……Phone . 」 「?」 「Magic crystal! A matter came up, so I want to get in contact with Kran for a bit!」 「No, a magic crystal that can transmit over the long distance to the kingdom is, not here but……」 「Kuu, I messed up!」
This is a really concerning incident, this!
「Shall I request a dispatch?」 「Nn, nn~……it’s fine . The content shouldn’t be heard from others or rather……」 「? Is that so?」
War, certainly is sad . But, the future isn’t only dark things . And if I’m always looking down, I won’t have any excuse for the Makina who endured and endured to grasp the future . I’m sorry okay, Sitra-san . I will win you see . Since even assuming you come to face me with the resolve to die, I will boldly meet you in battle like Till .
――Because I also, have various wishes that have been born in this world you see .
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