Chapter 137
Multicast――So many Fires rush in that both hands wouldn’t be enough to number them .
While saying that they’re low rank magic, the force of magic changes based on its user .
Eclair’s Fire is, capable of rivaling the force of a normal person’s high rank magic .
「Yes, my, lady . 」
I was lost, for a moment .
If it’s the current me, the act of fully handling everything is possible .
But, I wanted to see Ilya’s real worth here .
Ilya’s shining green shield .
In that place, a shining silver color was supplementing it unlike how it always was .
「You should observe, the absolute barrier of the dragon that master acquired . 」
Ilya’s barrier that’s confronting the Fires closing in from every direction, is a spherical barrier with no gaps .
Up until now Ilya’s barrier has had an absolute advantage against regular attacks but, its effect fell against magic .
「However many people it is, the event of ojousama being injured will not come to pass so long as I am here . 」
The rushing Fires are moved away by the silver green barrier, without coming near .
Of course, the event of Ilya coughing blood due to her being burdened beyond necessity doesn’t happen either .
I see, her current skill appears to have magic defense 5’s multiplier, in addition to defense 5 .
Truly an absolute barrier .
「Well done . You seem to be doing excellently aren’t you . 」
「I hate to interject but . 」
The Ilya who released the barrier, readied her spear again without letting her guard down .
Eclair observed that result, without anything particularly shaking her emotions .
It’s the case that the Fleurety acting flustered beside her is different isn’t she .
If you end up being overwhelmed, the conversation won’t even reach the battle .
It’s a problem that comes before actual ability .
As I’d expect of, Eclair .
「That’s pathetic isn’t it? Such a thing as faltering while you stand before the being you recognized as your master . 」
Words are also a part of battle .
It seemed Ilya was attempting to break down a『weak point』 .
She’s effectively driving Fleurety into a corner, by mixing the point of her lance with the blade of her words .
Her aspect of having purity and impurity together, is Ilya’s charm point isn’t it .
「Fun……Retty, wha~t are you afraid of . Could this possibly mean you’re thinking of yielding the way to Ilya?」
Pat, and as Eclair patted her head, she went to the front .
Unlike me that girl is, a pure magician .
I assume she’s not good at taking the front .
……It’s because she’s trying to look cool .
「Ah, master-sama! Ilya-sama is……str, strong! It’s dangerous!」
「I understand, such things you know . But you see? There’s no way to fight Alice, while being afraid of Ilya okay . What do you think of that, Ilya?」
Ilya displayed a large sigh when asked and, shook her head to the side .
「It is just as Eclair-sama says isn’t it . Have you not yet taken consideration of the true power of the person you’re confronting? That’s inexperienced . If you direct insults……overmuch toward my master I will have no choice but to become seriously angry . 」
Wherever her original vigor was, Fleurety ended up thoroughly hiding behind Eclair’s back .
That girl already knows the capability of Eclair’s magic but, Ilya’s level of capability is unknowable .
「Ma, it’s that sort of thing isn’t it . You’ll grow used to it you’ll grow used to it . Because you have talent . 」
Showing some frivolity, she redirects Retty’s thoughts .
Eclair you, when did you become that mature……
「Even though you’re my woman……」
「……Did you say something?」
I try glaring at her resentfully and, Eclair also faces me with an unmoving eye .
「……It’s fine already . Please fall back, Ilya . 」
「If ojousama, says as such . 」
Withdrawing her lance, Ilya stood by behind my back .
Once again, I confront the crimson girl .
「Seriously……Eclair is impatient . Do you not know the concept of waiting?」
「Unfortunately, something like time crosses 100 years with ease you know . I’ve already had enough of, such things as regretting an evening nap . 」
I, the matter of having seen that battle has already become a trauma so, it has also become a wellspring of resolve .
However, the sort of thing as that girl not standing there, has become a trauma .
……This isolation, shouldn’t be fillable using consolations with shallow content .
As shadows stretch from the trees dropping branches and leaves beside the road, we’re encircled in cold as we face off .
Almost, like it’s reflecting back the current distance between my and Eclair’s hearts .
「……Is your desire, the title of the strongest? Or is it, that responsibility?」
Of the people able to intervene in that battle, there were none in that place .
Even if I try thinking calmly, that is reality .
「Both . 」
And so, I won’t hand that over .
I understand……
Eclair stamped down on the stone laid road as if she was grinding her teeth and, came another step forward .
The distance between both factions is 10 meters, somewhere around there is it .
「……It throbs . 」
Eclair, is holding her right eye that should be sealed .
All five of my senses go, dangerous, it’s dangerous, alarm bells are ringing throughout my body .
「――This right eye, regrets . 」
The seal is, not released .
Even so, magic power is being emitted from Eclair’s right eye as if it’s overflowing .
Tears of blood are flowing down and falling, from the gaps in the hand pressed against her right eye .
「……Eclair is……even if I fight it――even if it could stop if it’s me!」
The magic power gushing out is――――black .
Her crimson flame is, being swallowed by a black abyss――it’s being switched out with black flame .
The demon eye with tears of blood flowing from it is, opened together with crimson light .
「Is this, a forced released……」
The demon eye of past sight, and this magic power .
「――Since, isn’t that right Alice-chan? If you do it halfway, Till won’t be able to rest in peace . 」
Her atmosphere is, completely different .
It’s been some time since I’ve felt fear before battle .
That crimsoneye is, definitely imbued with killing intent .
Shrouded in darkness, the strongest user of flame .
The revered great magician whose legend is still spoken of today, manifested before my eyes .
「As you guessed . But it isn’t the case that I came today for a request or, that I came to give a lesson . 」
That killing intent, says more about her reason than words .
「If you’re weak, it will become something that humiliates Till――that alone is, something this me will not permit . 」
This means, there was nothing like a peaceful method of resolution from the start .
Black flame’sThe enemy’s armament is, that preeminent fire magic .
She has no weapon, she’s empty handed .
……That was also so for Till .
「I will have you show your resolve, 7th generation . If the result is uninteresting, please perish here . That weight, that resolve, pass it on to this child . 」
Incredible pressure .
I want to believe that it’s shaking in excitement but, my body is shaking .
Pulling up one eyebrow, Est-san showed her doubt .
Terror is, a shackle .
That was so for Fleurety just before .
And now, I’m about to be overwhelmed by this prodigious magician,
――However, that isn’t possible .
「……Something like resolve . 」
I remember back to that day where I airheadedly wanted to become an adventurer and, had a sense like this was a game .
Protected by Shion-san, protected by Ilya, with Till always watching over me……
I didn’t, intend to take that lightly .
However, the result is this travesty .
Whether the resolve to fight or, the exchange of lives, I thought I had overcome it all .
Now――even that is tepid .
It was amusing and, I couldn’t stop laughing .
Thus, there’s nothing except to display all of that here .
「Est-san――please come at me, I’ll be your opponent for you . 」
I won’t be the one to step forward .
There’s a need to be clear about where you stand .
Even the Est-san who I can’t get a grasp on, was taken aback by my impudence .
「Fu……Ahahaa! Fine then, Alice-chan!! You’ve taken my interest――t!」
Along with a bloodlust that seemed to slash at me, Est-san cut to the start――
She glided with soundless footsteps, on the gravel covered stone pavement .
(――Ground shrink!?)
The footwork Makina had used .
Her physical ability is, fundamentally none other than Eclair’s――but, the level of speed is different .
I completely lost, an enemy that was right in front of me .
Coming not to fight in a magic battle but, a brawl is it .
Gou, and a brutal sound that you wouldn’t imagine of Eclair’s slender legs, passed far too close to my eyes .
I somehow avoid it with a backstep .
Est-san quickly folded her high kick in, this time she’s coming to follow up with an elbow thrust .
Seriously, is this a battle between magicians .
「But……I don’t dislike it you know . 」
The words Till said at some point .
Match the opponent’s charge and, step in from your position as well .
See through the elbow thrust that seems like it could break through even thick concrete and, lightly add the base of the palm to its side to divert its course .
Afterwards, use the opponent’s power with a back throw to fling them away .
「――Guu, even this is simply!」
Est-san was surprised, as she spun in mid air .
As expected, in the place of this excellent receive with no damage .
「Quite capable……I see, those eyes, that speed . You’ve strengthened them with magic……Lightning magic isn’t it . It’s the most proficient at self strengthening . 」
This area of analysis ability is the same as Till’s, calm and fast .
「I won’t lose you know, whether in hand to hand, or in magic . 」
I put my hair that had gone over my shoulder, in its place behind me .
Having gotten up Est-san also, brushed off the dirt that got on her clothes and reset her position .
「I see, Fairy of Silver Lightning……I can sense the pressure of that nature――but well . 」
My breath stopped .
Est-san released her magic power .
This pressure, from just and only that .
Black flame, shrouded Est-san’s body .
「As you wish, shall we go on to a magic battle, Alice-chan . 」
She’s grasping the fundamentals of Eclair’s spec but, she’s a being able to come and emit this different level of performance is she .
Pushing her body enough to break it……I can’t see this as such .
Her proficiency with magic power, and also the way she uses the demon eye .
It seems the difference is in that area .
「Next, is it fine if I go?」
Est-san deployed her multicast as simply, as if she was lifting a spoon .
――5 shots of, black Star Flare .
「……I want to ask a little but, do you want to turn the royal capital into a sea of flame?」
However leniently I look at this, it’s too much .
If it’s just enough to burn me to death then, I suppose there’s no way she couldn’t control that destructive power .
「It’s alright, since there won’t be any damage, beyond burning Alice-chan to death . 」
「How impressive……it’s a kind thing to the environment . 」
Ahaha, we raise an out of place laugh together .
That’s the black flame Estoria is it .
That girl used phantasmal magic, as the Libra imitating her but……
She has no duty to, go out of her way to bring that out does she .
Such like bringing out the opponent’s full power and winning, she doesn’t follow that sort of sporting doctrine does she~ .
「……On that note that looks like it’s rather painful but, is Eclair alright?」
Looking at the tears of blood that continue to flow, Eclair’s body is raising quite the scream .
But since that child has guts, I assume she wouldn’t tell her to stop or the like .
「There’s a certain, level of burden isn’t there . I’m admitting it because it can’t be helped even if I hide it though . 」
Est-san gave me my answer while slumping her shoulders .
I see, then there’s no room for doubt anymore .
「This is just for your information but since, that child, is mine . I won’t put up with her being injured . 」
A slight twitch, Eclair’s body stirred a such .
It didn’t seem like Est-san’s behavior .
「Thank you for the meal, Alice-chan . But, even if you don’t worry about it, today was good bye here?」
There’s no sense of tension but, it’s not the sort of bloodlust that could be called a joke is it .
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