Chapter 133
――Who is the strongest magician in the world?
I don’t know who it was that may have stated that .
To speak of the common people, it’s easy for them to go along with that sort of easily understood propaganda .
It seems that the first magician to be called as such was, a small elf girl .
A high elf girl spoken of like a fairy tale in oral legend――Lunaria・Einshaula, the original world’s strongest magician .
It’s said that when humans stated it as propaganda for political use, the elf went along with it while wanting to live quietly .
Because she believed no one would want to make an enemy of that great power .
Ever since then, that strongest phantasm became something to be passed down .
The strongest of every era was unbeatable .
Because capable people succeeded it, just saying that doesn’t grasp the explanation for that great feat .
It’s also said that it’s because that name does not permit acts of defeat .
And so the phantasm is passed down and, causes various affects to the world even now .
――Because at the least the sixth generation, Tillbell・Einshaula, has clearly carved her name in this world’s history .
I was endlessly, looking up at the same ceiling .
My head is heavy .
I haven’t done anything, since reaching the royal capital’s mansion .
The sun’s light doesn’t reach here even when it’s said to be morning, because of the torrential downpour that has continued falling since last night .
The sound of the rain resounds, in a room with the curtains fully closed like a darkroom .
It was like the heaven’s sorrow becoming tears and overflowing .
「Ojousama, could I come in?」
The sound of a well mannered knock entered the room .
I can’t bring myself to put my voice out, so I don’t answer .
Be that as it may, the other side won’t pull back like this .
Perhaps the voice’s owner became worried that I might possibly have died, Ilya comes into the room to see the situation even if by force .
「I’m intruding, ojousama . Eclair-sama has come to see you today as well but……」
My willpower doesn’t boil up .
Willpower is, the source of the power to act .
That becomes vitality and moves people, allowing them to live on .
It isn’t there for me now .
Therefore I suppose that my vessel that exists here is a corpse .
「――It’s fine Ilya . Surely there’s no need for something like restraint anymore . 」
The pure crimson girl who let out a sharp voice threw off Ilya’s inaction and entered the room .
She came beside where I was still looking up at the ceiling from my bed .
「You should get up already, Alice . 」
「Have looked at the mirror here over the last few days? You lack animation to an extent sufficient to make people think you’re a dead person you know . 」
With me making no response, Eclair didn’t particularly raise her voice but was looking down with a dejected expression .
「Do you understand just how much you worry the people around you, when you don’t even eat properly?」
That was proper logic so, my chest hurt .
While saying that as a reason, it wasn’t strong enough for me to move .
The voice I let out after so much time was, something hoarse enough to surprise even myself .
It was miserable enough that I couldn’t reconcile it with the tender voice I heard when I first came to this world .
The 2 people had made faces that seemed to mix surprise and joy .
But, those expressions changed to anger and pity with the words that came next .
「Hold me . 」
My collar was seized and my upper body was forcibly raised .
Eclair’s slight fangs are bared like fangs .
With her energy like I could be bitten to death even now――――I unintentionally showed a smile .
The Eclair who saw that, thrust me away in a somehow cold manner .
「I ask of you Eclair-sama, please stop your violence . 」
「I won’t do anything more okay . 」
Dispassionately, Eclair turned her back and walked away .
I thought she would leave in that manner but, her legs stopped in front of the door .
「――You, want to cause pain to both your heart and body don’t you . 」
I wonder if that’s so, as I bend my neck .
I don’t understand what’s inside my own heart .
「It’s an honor for Eclair to be chosen as the executor of your punishment but, frankly there’s no room for that right now . 」
Looking closely, Eclair was unreliable like a discarded puppy, trembling meaninglessly while seeming apologetic .
「Sorry……Eclair slept, without being able to do the act of saving your precious person . There shouldn’t be……anything to say . 」
Eclair went out of the room, with quick steps .
Fleurety was standing in the hallway .
After glaring in at me, she gave chase as Eclair left .
I watch that in a daze and, Ilya came to gallantly hold me up .
Correcting my negligee with a shoulder string that had been pulled and came off, she put me back to rest in bed once again .
Somehow, I saw Ilya’s face as she came to put my sheets in their place .
I felt that it had been a long time since we’d properly turned our faces to eachother .
I noticed that it appeared that dark circles had formed, below the eyes of the Ilya who has no gaps with no exceptions .
On that note, should I suppose I’ve been having Ilya take care of me this entire time?
Even my memories are vague .
Ilya gave a soft smile, having noticed my gaze .
「Is it not cold?」
I answered by shaking my head sideways .
Perhaps it was rare that there was a reaction, Ilya showed an expression like her heart hurt .
And so she went out to the hallway for a time and, this time she came to the side table while pushing a service wagon .
「This is a request ojousama, please take your meal soon……you’ve become awfully, emaciated . 」
Aah, that means it’s logical that my voice became hoarse .
I’m not even drinking enough water……
「Un……since I’ll eat it later . 」
「I do not approve . Please, eat right now in this place . I, will not leave this place until then . 」
Ilya began preparing the food on her own .
It’s a stubbornness that’s unlike her .
Watching that, she adeptly set a sandwich with soup on the table .
Sandwich with, soup……
「This, meal……」
「……While it’s rude, I was aware . Even supposing I’m relying on bringing back memories, if that could restore ojousama’s spirit . 」
…………This is, the meal I prepared for Till when I first left town .
A slightly large amount of salt was put in……I remembered back to when Till ate that while expressing a wide smile .
――――I let out overflowing tears .
「……Haha, do you remember Ilya? She was awful wasn’t she, that Till . Even though I was tired and couldn’t move she said such a thing as『It’s fine either way so, do the preparations for dinner~』……She’s a devil, devil . 」
「That was so wasn’t it……」
I took the soup, like I was reaching out to my memories .
It’s a little late but, I realized the fact that my power wouldn’t enter as I desired .
I’ve grown weak .
I suppose I’m at my limit, to the extent that Ilya forcibly came to push me to this extent .
Watching as my hand trembled and my meal didn’t advance, Ilya took the utensil .
She took the soup as such and, cooled the soup with steam coming from it by blowing on it for me .
「With your pardon」
The spoon that was brought to my lips as such, is put into my open mouth .
The soup with a strong flavour due to the effect of its saltiness flows down my throat .
My heart and body that had grown cold without my knowledge are warmed .
2, 3 drips fall, on Ilya’s hand that had been left as such at my lips .
「……Ano, ther . 」
「Hai . 」
My body honestly desired nutrition .
I suppose it’s natural, because…………I’m alive .
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