I vaguely understood that, the voice gasping in a seductive manner was my own.
It's become such that I'm crawling on all fours like a dog with my tongue hanging loose as if to vomit.
I couldn't do anything but that.
The act of fleeing and the act of fighting are already unthinkable.
My body is hot and there's nothing I can do.
「Uffufufu, ahaa! That's great Alice. More……please expose yourself further! And kiss up, to this me okay!」
Sitting on the chair she carried over in front of me, Carmel was looking down on me.
With an ecstatic face and, rotten eyes with no splendor.
I grasp my clothes.
I really, want to take it all off.
It feels like my head is clouded up, I can't form coherent thoughts.
「Before we share love on the bed, could I obtain your vow of loyalty? Nee Alice, please lick my feet.」
Carmel is sneering, with her legs crossed and her feet dangling in front of my eyes.
……This bastard.
「Who would……for someone like you.」
Carmel's eyes suddenly became furious.
Just when I thought she'd suddenly moved, my neck was being strangled.
「Nee Alice? Alice? Could you not think caarefully on your position? You're already a bird in a cage, there's nothing you can do. You understand, there's nothing except to serve me?」
「Ah……ga……kafuu! Gohoo!」
I was thrown away about when my conscious began to black out.
「Well it's fine. Then I'll show you something a little interesting. Please come this way Alice.」
Though saying that as I couldn't stand Carmel began to walk while dragging my legs.
……She has a certain degree of power.
She manipulated something in a place I had thought was a dead end due to a wall and, it became a trap door and opened.
A hidden door……the interior is enveloped in darkness but it seemed to go underground.
「Ahaa, sa, shall we go?」
「!? Wai, wait――」
With my helpless plea, I descended underground while being dragged along the steps.
Dim light spread from magic crystals in the dark underground room.
A bizarre plant is growing, there in the area sufficient for one room.
Without the trunk of a tree, large vines mesh together becoming one large tree, a plant with such an appearance.
To be precise as those vines are wriggling like an octopus, it's more a grotesque lifeform than a plant.
「How is it? Alice?」
She grasps my hair and pulls me up.
「That's no good Alice, you still have to maintain your right mind.」
Frankly my willpower is about to be exhausted.
I'm ragged.
The damage is healed due to the Regenerate Robe but, even that was stripped earlier.
Right now there's only the slip dress I was wearing as underwear.
「Aha, you're aroused aren't you……」
Having my entire body looked at by a sticky sort of gaze really does cause goosebumps to rise.
Furthermore my body really is strange due to drugs……
I turn my conscious toward the plant so as to distract myself.
「……That is……?」
「It still doesn't have a name but……I suppose it's this. Mother. Perhaps it's something around Mother Plant?」
That thing with a sinister appearance is, mother-san?
Surely isn't that a joke……
「We can't have the elven probability of conception be low. It's also a problem that layed back people are common because of their long life span isn't it. Something like living quietly in the forest is uninteresting to me.」
I understand her feelings but, in that case if you go on a journey or the like like Till……
No I suppose, I don't know what experiences await an elf outside.
It's the abuse for when a race is rare.
The dangers are numerous.
Since Till was overwhelmingly strong……she's the sort of person who protected her own body on her own.
「Therefore I thought a stronger power was necessary. A power to fight the world with you see.」
My hazy head listened to the things Carmel said.
However……it's harsh in various ways.
Carmel looked over my appearance and smiled.
My breast was suddenly……grabbed by Carmel and I let out a surprised voice.
……There's no hidden intent.
「You see, this will be used to provide feed. By doing that something like improving the elf birth rate will take no time at all. It'll become such that children are born one after another.」
I was able to understand what she was saying.
I clearly can't think it's something proper so, I suppose it's probably that sort of thing.
「Numbers are that which is power. Now the time when the humans can be arrogant is for this present moment.」
「……Why, did you come to hate them all.」
This person really is an advocate of discrimination then.
Are elves first or, are humans first……I think it's a chain of negatives though.
「Soo? Things that I hate are things that I hate. There's, a reason?」
My body was strongly played with and……I somehow subdued my voice.
「Ahaa……The truth is you see, Alice? I thought I'd use you to feed this. Since, this uses people for nourishment. But I've changed my mind. It's a waste. Alice, will you please become my toy.」
「――Don't touch me!!」
I fled from Carmel's hold by resisting with my faint power.
I collapsed to my knees without being able to put power in so, it mostly lost its meaning but……
「……It seems you still haven't been trained enough have you.」
At that cold voice, I ended up accidentally letting a scream out.
Whether I wanted it or not my body shook due to my memories from being tormented up until now.
『Carmel-sama! There's been an escape.』
That voice was delivered, from the magic crystal Carmel was carrying.
With her interest drained Carmel took out her magic crystal while clicking her tongue.
「……What is this? Were normal methods really not enough for Tillbell-sama?」
『N, no……Witch of Ice and Snow-dono is sleeping but……That, crimson daughter.』
「Crimson……The demon?」
『She's using……magic!』
「……Don't say the absurd.」
『It's the truth! That girl alone has magic……! Kyaa――』
The transmission cut out, along with a thunderous noise.
「……What sort of thing is this.」
「The method to neutralize the magic sealing ritual implement……something like that might exist within history mightn't it.」
I was thinking that releasing the seal would be difficult because of the fairly long distance though……!
「…………Ahaa, ahahahaa! Demon girl is she. She's interesting as a military power.」
Carmel smiled darkly.
「My child will be born in Alice……For that demon girl――shall I have her become feed? Ahaa!」
――Side: Eclair――
「Please get out of the way! I'll send you flying!」
Having already broken out of the house I was invited into, I'm running on the forest's path.
「You've already sent her flying though haven't you……」
「You're noisy aren't you Shion. Those who bar the path will be mown down, that's common sense you know!」
「Was that how it was then.」
During that time I blew away the elves that blocked my way one after another with small scale explosions of Fire.
Saying that neither of us can use magic power is a double edged sword.
It means that side has also drastically lowered its military power doesn't it.
And beyond that elves are a race where it's a common trait to be feeble and specialize in magic power.
「So, is that alright?」
Shion came to look at my right eye.
The『Demon Eye』that frankly overflowed with enough magic power to be painful.
「Funn. The atmosphere's mana is blocked off so, to the contrary it's to the extent that I'm in my best form you know.」
The troublesome aspect of this demon eye is, the aspect where it ends up automatically generating magic power.
Thus it normally ends up with excessive magic power flowing from both inside and outside……it overheats.
「Seriously that idiot. For her to suddenly do something like release the demon eye……the heart also needs preparation on this side!」
「Fufu, given that aren't you the one running hardest with Alice in danger.」
「It, it can't be helped right! Since that child is a weakling if her magic is unusable!!」
Since, she truly always causes people to worry!!
I heard from an elf controlling the situation.
Watching her as she easily opened her mouth, it doesn't seem to be the case that they have all that much loyalty toward that dislikable elf ojousan does it.
「More importantly is Shion alright?」
「Frankly it's harsh. This forest, it seems people who don't have magic power really are drained of their strength irregardless of how magic is restricted by that ritual implement. Even now I can't bring out even half my power.」
With it becoming as such Shion's power is essentially at about 1, I suppose her speed is probably also about halved?
It seems that Solt person is the same isn't he.
Turning my gaze a kurozukume man following us with a severe face entered my eye.
The Forest of Ash really is troublesome.
「What's become of o-shishou-san?」
「She had some sort of business with an old acquaintance and, went out though?」
「Their aspects of wandering about resemble eachother strongly don't they! Are they really not mother and child……」
「Hahaa, ma, it doesn't feel out of place does it.」
Well, it's fine.
More importantly Alice.
That child……you were overly familiar with her even though she had that sort of gaze filled with hidden scheming!
Despite being so beautiful and girlish, should I say you're actually full of openings……
「……Why did Shion have Alice go on her own.」
I glared at Shion with narrowed eyes.
Because the one who stopped me at that time was Shion.
「I thought they might become friends if it was Alice.」
「Surely there's no way that'd happen!」
Please think of the time and place!
Shion actually has aspects of a gambler so it's troubling isn't it!
「That was wrong of me, since I didn't read what was coming. Since I've recognized Alice to a certain extent, even though it is worrying isn't it.」
Thus the act of letting her be free is it.
……Given that isn't this like Eclair is holding her back!
I knew my face had grown heated.
Shion looked at that and smiled a little.
……All the more embarrassing.
「! Coming again……n」
Relying on Shion or Solt in the present situation is difficult in terms of their combat potential.
Therefore surely there's nothing except for this Eclair to do it.
I synthesize magic by drawing magic power from the demon eye.
In that time I also enter a special ritual――
「Please eat this, Fire!」
I blow away the elf citizens blocking our way on the narrow animal trail in such a way as to avoid causing too many injuries.
Since I don't have something like a grudge toward you all.
While I was doing as such we arrived at the house Alice was invited to.
While we certainly didn't do such a thing as plunging in, we quietly inspected the interior from the doorway.
「……Nee, it looks like that woman is boldly partaking of tea though?」
「Ma, it does look that way doesn't it.」
She's elegantly enjoying tea on her own.
With that said I can't see Alice's form……
「A trap……?」
「I wonder how it is, either way――」
「Even if we do say whether it's four or five that gets us nowhere――」
Shion and Solt kicked the door down together.
Seriously……just whose blood is rushing to their head.
We finally set foot in the room.
「Good evening, barbaric persons.」
「Where is Alice?」
The Shion ignoring her shameless greeting looked over the area.
I saw the woman called something like Carmel conspicuously draw out a sigh with that.
「As expected the race called humans are no good aren't they. It's physiologically impossible.」
「I'm sorry about that okay, so, Alice is?」
Shion put her hand on her prey.
……Will she swing Senbonzakura with her current power?
「Say it quickly. Going so far as cutting you to shreds wouldn't be difficult even now.」
Solt drew his twinblades and turned their points toward her.
This guy……he loves that which is Alice doesn't he, however it's thought of.
「Ahaa, I suppose it's fine. On that note, your business was the boss of the ruins for the 3rd job change, wasn't it?」
「……What of it?」
I went on guard at the ominous meaning hidden in her words.
「That's bothersome so, I will allow you to fight it here and now.」
When I noticed Carmel had snapped her finger, the earth rumbled.
Turning around, a teleportation system gleamed in the open space outside the room where there was nothing at all just a moment ago――a monster appeared from within.
――Troll・King LV99
「――Yet again……A big one isn't it!」
The hideous monster larger than the forest trees raised a howl.
Rather than calling it muscular it has a physique like it's loaded with blubber, its skin is green and, it has one eyeball.
Its movements seem dull but there is power, clearly.
It does seem to have stamina so with this current pair……there's no one for it but Eclair here is there.
「This side will take this on so, I ask Alice's matter of you!」
Shion gave a nod.
Has Eclair received a certain degree of acknowledgement toward herself?
I'm a little happy……
「Ahaa, I also wanted your things. This is just about right, crimson demon-san? ――Aah, if it's Alice she's in the room after descending down from the hidden door there? Go ahead and check.」
The Carmel confessing easily.
……Truly, she's a dislikable woman isn't she.
「If it seems like that child isn't healthy, I will cut you, Carmel-san.」
「Maa scary. How barbaric.」
Shion and Solt went into the underground for the hidden room with their shoulders raised.
While the troll raised a moaning voice during that time, it didn't come to attack.
「What is it, is it that it'd be a problem if the room is destroyed?」
「Ahaa, it's because I wanted to talk with you a little. Filthy demon-san.」
「……Seriously this is why elves who think they're the chosen people are.」
While saying that I also ended up deriding my own family who weren't all that different.
「Looking at you, your face is quite to my liking. To the level to be next after Alice you see. If you serve me, I'd be fine with handling this situation for you?」
「You jest, bowing my head to someone like you would make the name of the strongest's disciple cry.」
Carmel making a suspicious face.
Right, though I'm sure that by saying the strongest Alice's o-shishou-san's face is obviously what floats to mind.
「Flame is supreme! The only disciple of Demonic Flame in the world, Eclair・Sacrament――goes forth!」
My mood was refreshed by boldly naming myself to her.
While naturally pulling up the corners of my mouth, I knew that my fangs were showing from my face.
That's great, let's get this done!
This side jumped in toward the troll that had been acting like it was merely observing up until now――
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