Chapter 119
I get the feeling that this is the first time in a while that I’ve seen what’s called lightning .
Of course it isn’t my magic, it’s real natural lightning .
The cannonade of rain striking against the mansion’s window is timed with an unexpectedly proper rules based rhythm .
This is a world without television or internet so, I can’t think of an amusement within the mansion and I’m bored .
……A lifestyle satisfied with television and the net is the pinnacle of bad health though .
「Ano, ojousama, it’s hard to sleep while being watched so ardently……」
Ilya murmured while laying on the bed .
To describe myself, I’m fixedly staring at that Ilya .
Fixedly, enough that it already appears resentful .
As expected even Ilya might be feeling a sense of pressure as she seems to be short of breath .
And so her eyes are swimming .
「Since……I’m anemic . 」
To the level where I’d collapse if I stand from my chair .
But wait, it’s not that day in particular .
It’s different .
The me just now was softly bit by Ilya who sucked and drew in my blood .
In the manner of a vampire .
「……I have no excuse, it was too delicious so……I was about to suck it dry . 」
Since I’d die okay?
Is this the time for your face to go red, Ilya .
The fact that she seems to have somehow continued sucking on instinct without working her rationality, has now been established .
Because of what Ilya did I who had underestimated the situation, was a hair’s breadth from crisis .
「Well it’s fine……is the contract safely completed with this?」
「No, that was no more than preparation . A step so as to grow used to ojousama’s magic power . Even so my body rather enjoyed it . 」
Fu~n, and I heal the vestiges from Ilya’s canine while nodding .
When I was bit, it strangely wasn’t painful .
Rather than that, there was a bit of pleasure……kind of……no was it my imagination?
Should I suppose the method of sucking really does activate some sort of aphrodisiac effect?
Since being bitten normally just hurts right .
However, regardless of whether it was my imagination I feel like my neck muscles were licked……
「The body’s fluids have high purity magic power imbued in them . Even more so for blood . 」
「It’s the case that there’s such a game like element isn’t there . 」
「No, speaking of magic power exchange, is it not that sort of thing? That is, that sort of……」
Aah, and Ilya smiled .
「Of course, there is that sort of method isn’t there . I’m not completely prepared though . 」
「Muu . 」
I’m being made fun of aren’t I, and with a sharpening of the lips she smiled more .
「……So, what’s necessary after this?」
「A phylactery is necessary . To be precise a path for magic power to pass between ojousama and me, it’s an intermediary so as to connect a path . 」
「Phylactery? Where would we obtain that?」
「Anything will do for the phylactery itself . Something ojousama regularly wears on her body, something managed preciously within the mansion, anything can be used . 」
「Fu~n? But since it will alwa~ys be with Ilya after this, will it be troubling if it’s a brittle object?」
It’d be troubling if it broke and the contract was rescinded wouldn’t it .
「Such a thing doesn’t happen . The phylactery itself is only necessary for the contract’s beginning so, after that’s finished the path stays connected until one of us ceases to be……That is, excepting if ojousama considers me to be unneeded and closes the path on her own though . 」
「That won’t happen okay . 」
Since there’s no reason to throw away an eternity of time together……and above all I love Ilya .
「Then something like this ring, wouldn’t it be just right? Since I’m always wearing it . 」
I look at the ring on my left hand that I received from Till and, Ilya reservedly shook her head sideways .
「Let’s stop with that, I feel it’s a very precious item . 」
「That’s why I was thinking it would be good though . 」
「Fufu, I’m honored but……I have one suggestion . 」
Ilya faced me with unusually serious eyes .
Nn? I tried tilting my head .
「……Ojousama, please complete your 3rd job change next . What number would the current ojousama’s level be?」
「It’s gone up considerably you know? I’ve always been in fierce battle so……I might be LV10 now, as a Wizard . 」
「Then raise it up until LV15, and job change . 」
「I’m, fairly strong even now you know?」
Enough to defeat the Yamata no Orochi .
「No……Most likely, I feel that I’d end up sucking the current ojousama’s magic dry . Even your life……」
Haha~n, the reason Ilya was alwa~ys hesitant about the contract was, as expected this .
But to suddenly become another 5 higher, will this mean Till’s hellish special training again……
Since my wisdom is 7 with the correction factored in, given that isn’t this considerably severe .
Where could the numeric ceiling of this talent be?
Might it be 10?
「It’s said that the wisdom of those who contract with a dragon, is at least 5 . 」
Eh, we can do it then .
Seeing me make such a face, Ilya smiled apologetically .
「There are various types of dragons . I suppose that with ice dragons or fire dragons or flame dragons or the like that would be okay……However . 」
「On that note I haven’t asked but, Ilya is……an ancient dragon, was it?」
I feel like Till among others said that?
The being called an Ancient・Dragon right .
Shouldn’t I suppose that’s the highest rank even within the knowledge I know of .
If Ilya’s wrath seriously moved her the world’s destruction would……
Thinking that I get the sense that I’m expecting too much of her .
A sense of anxiety came……
「There were people who made a contract in the past, right?」
「I have heard as such . To begin with for a high ranking race such as us ancient dragons, a contract with a person is not fundamentally necessary though……」
A dark shadow descended on Ilya as she spoke with a self demeaning mood .
When she remembers back to something, Ilya makes a painful seeming face .
Mo~ this child can’t be helped caan she .
I try stroking her head with a yosh yosh .
She laughed like it tickled .
I gripped her hand along with that .
「……Fufu, you are unfair, ojousama . 」
「That so?」
Since when I use skinship to obfuscate things or the like with Eclair she gets angry doesn’t she……
But people’s bodies are strangely calming aren’t they .
「In any case, it should be alright for a while now because of ojousama’s blood . During that time please change jobs……obtain more power . 」
「You won’t push yourself such that you cause worry again?」
「I promise, it is alright . 」
It really doesn’t seem to be a lie .
「……Un, I understand! I’ll show, the 3rd job change be mastered!」
Yossh .
It’s the last chapter, on my road to the strongest .
Exultantly standing from my chair――it became pitch black in front of me and I fell onto the bed as such .
「Ojousama, I’m truly sorry……」
「……Un, I forgot . 」
The anemia……
While I kind of don’t know which number it is, it’s an emergency Alice house meeting .
All of us are gathered in the dining room .
The absent member is Ilya, since she’s sleeping .
The agenda is the sort of matter of how I should act so as to bring about my 3rd job change .
First LV, there’s nothing except to receive Till’s special training, over .
Next is the place to job change .
To complete the 3rd job change, it won’t happen without going to a place related to your race……apparently .
「Is it no good if I don’t go……to the elf village?」
I try murmuring in the dining hall and, an extremely gloomy atmosphere drifted in .
I haven’t particularly been ostracized from the village but, I’ve lost the opportunity to admit the truth haven’t I .
Hiding things eventually causes matters to run off in strange directions you know .
It’s troublesome you know .
「……Nnn, if I’m deeply covered by a hood or something, won’t I not be found out?」
Eclair came to break the silence while clearing her throat .
「It’s not related to your true identity or the like . The elves shouldn’t readily invite in those from outside the village, are you an idiot . Kua . 」
Everyone, gathered their gaze on the elf in question .
「Want at it, you fox cub . 」
It wouldn’t become a fight, it seems its wild instinct told it as such .
Kyuu slipped into my clothes hiding its body .
I’m getting a fluffy sensation……
「……Then how about saying we’ll accompany Till back to her home village?」
「That would be my village? It’s a little far . It’s not realistic when considering the dragon girl’s bodily condition . Be that as it may it would mean another village and……elf villages are distinct in their own ways, since they have their customs and independence you see . 」
I see, Till has properly thought it through like this but, her behavior is that of a person who doesn’t get things done .
These sorts of people exist don’t they .
But at this point I really don’t feel it’s strange whatever behavior Till has .
「Where would that make the closest elf village from here?」
「Fumu……the southern great forest, the village of the Forest of Ash I suppose . 」
「Forest of Ash you say!?」
Shion-san let out a loud voice .
「Uhyaa!? ……Excuse me . 」
……I also let out a loud voice .
No, even though it’s a serious conversation, since Kyuu licked my navel so……
And why is Saira going I understand! by facing me with a face like that .
Does she want her navel licked……?
For the nonce, I took hold of the Kyuu who was up to mischief and, hand it over to the Rin-chan who seemed bored .
As Rin-chan, having been playing with blocks on the adjacent seat, was tired of playing inside however I looked at her, I pointed out the window when she took Kyuu .
「It’s okay to go play outside!?」
「Though the rain is strong enough for thunder to cry out……」
「I want to play in the mud, deshi!」
「I wonder why she’s eager to do things I wouldn’t want to do, is it something to do with her period of age……」
I being sweet toward Rin-chan nodded reluctantly .
I have a maid-san accompany her with the role of looking after her for me, and I see Rin-chan off after giving directions to have the bath prepared .
Perhaps Kyuu dislikes the rain, that tail is hanging enough to reach its stomach .
It was taken away while acting like it was being led to slaughter .
「Kohon, I’m returning the conversation . Is the Forest of Ash dangerous?」
「Those who do not have magic power weaken . Since the forest’s magic power is too strong . Because of that monsters and changed entities are plentiful, I suppose there is danger . 」
「The Elves of that forest are famous as being especially exclusive, they’re a good example of how living in a remote area twists even your personality . 」
I wonder if there are dislikeable people or the like there?
But contrary to the magic sealing forest, if it’s filled with magic power then magicians would be in their best condition .
……Till, Eclair and I would be .
「Muー insolent, Alice!」
「I’m, I’m sorry . 」
Shion-san inflated her cheeks like a child……
This person, since she’s an adventurer down to her roots, she wants to go to unknown places and it can’t be helped can it .
And in the end we weren’t able to go to Ashitaka kingdom together……
It seems like a tough place for the Shion-san with no magic power though, what to do .
「Before that Alice, it’s about time you confessed your home town . Wouldn’t it be fine to go there?」
Everyone’s gaze stabbed in as if to say, on that note .
Wha, what should I do?
I’m filled with a sense that it’s too late for this so I’m also bewildered .
And if I say something like, I’m from another world, it seems like they’ll think isn’t this person weird in the head .
And if I say something like, I’m a former male, it seems like they’ll think this child is a little pitiable .
No wait?
I try looking at Eclair for some reason .
「Wh, why are you looking over here . 」
An Eclair-san with a dubious face .
「This is if, possibly okay?」
「Wha, what……」
「If I said…………I was a male, what would Eclair do?」
The dining room became silent .
Ah, un .
Due to that sort of sensation oneechan moved out first .
「I suppose it really is the Forest of Ash then . 」
「Wait wait! Please don’t suddenly sweep it away!」
Even though I thought I’d make an important confession after this!
Isn’t Oneechan in particular like, ah, same person as always is it!?
Furthermore, ehー, you’re continuing with this conversation? Like that!
I can tell from your expression you know, because of the expression!
I’m not being an imouto for show you know!?
「Anone Alice? Eclair also thinks you’re poorly developed but……that is, I can’t see you as a male and, in truth……etto……」
Don’t speak unintelligibly, Eclair!
However much it’s after Rin-chan isn’t with us anymore this place will become awkward!
Somehow, I’ve become worried whether Eclair would come to love that which is me even if I was a male .
That’s the same for Kran though .
「Was Eclair androphobic? Did Leoneil do something to you?」
「There’s no way he’d do something right!? Because he’s my brother . 」
「But surely a brother who has a cute imouto like Eclair, just what thoughts could he be living with right?」
It’s a topic I should try thinking super seriously on isn’t it……
「……At the least, shouldn’t I suppose he wasn’t thinking something amusing like you . 」
This is unrelated right now but, to be sure did Leoneil say he was the second royal child?
Does Eclair perhaps have a second oniichan?
「As expected does a real imouto not generate that much interest, oneechan?」
「Don’t switch the topic to me almost as if I might have a strange habit . 」
Maa, I guess an adopted imouto isn’t put in the category of a real imouto .
「Well it’s fine, let’s return the conversation again . 」
「We’re returning here……」
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