It was mid-morning and the sky is stark and gray. Heavy dark clouds hung on the horizon suggesting a fierce winter storm that would arrive late that afternoon. Rowan and Severus were washed, dressed, and packed as they patiently waited in the front room watching Dawn rushing about to ensure that everything was ready and packed to be ready to be sent over via portkey. Despite Severus noticing the new pair of spectacles of his twin sister, he did not ask further on the subject nor did Reginald. If Rowan wore them then she must need them and the less said on the matter the better.
Their grandfather, Reginald checks the time on his pocket watch, before putting it away. "It is time, Dawn," he firmly instructed, before grabbing his valise in hand. His valise was made from dragon leather and was enchanted to hold entire compartments of trunks in a very simple-looking style of a travel bag.
Dawn lets out a whimper and tugs on her cute apron with worry. "Master will be fine without Dawn? Dawn is worried that Verninac house elves will not properly serve the master and young master and mistress. What will Master do without hubby or Dawn?"
"The Verninac house elves will not dare to do so," Reginald matter-of-factly replied appeasing some of Dawn's apprehension..
Dawn looks quite miserable as she replies, "Very well, Master. Dawn will eagerly await the master's return with hubby and baby."
"I am certain that the Prince manor will be taken care of protected in your care, Dawn," Reginald quietly murmured causing Dawn to perk up with pride.
"Yes, Dawn is a proper house elf! Dawn will protect Prince Manor!" Dawn eagerly squeaked brightening up for a moment.
Rowan and Severus followed their grandfather carrying their own similarly enchanted valise's. Frankly, Rowan didn't know why they had to pack so much when they weren't going to be in France for even a week, but rather only days. Still, her valise had been stuffed to the brim by Dawn having been instructed by Dorea Potter and Aunt Georgine to do so.
They emerge out of the entrance of Prince Manor and make their way out onto the snow-covered grounds. Tadbey had been gracious enough to clear a pathway through the snow for them. The three of them came to a halt as Reginald retrieved an elegant-looking box from his pocket.
Rowan and Severus stare curiously at the box as Reginald calmly instructs his grandchildren one last time. "Remember to firmly hold on as this is an international portkey. And as for the Verninac's," he delicately paused, "do not give them any leeway. They may be your grandmother's family, but they are a proud family in their manner. It is best to maintain a safe distance lest they otherwise."
Rowan nods her head in understanding as Severus frowns at his grandfather. Perhaps, because Severus had met their third and fourth cousins, he was not untrusting of them. Not that Rowan had not met them, but it was only a brief encounter during their grandmother's funeral. Neither they nor Rowan had been in the mood for more pleasant societies.
Still, the Verninac's were a pureblood family with their own right especially so in their homeland. It was best to treat them as cautious allies at best. And from what Rowan understood from unspoken words is that grandfather did not like the Verninac patriarch and vice-a-versa. That most certainly did not bode well for Rowan or Severus considering that they were Prince's and grandfather's grandchildren.
Reginald extends the box to them as Rowan and Severus carefully grip it. The three of them wait for the portkey to activate until Severus says, "So, will Lily be traveling the same way?"
Reginald's lips turn into a thin line, before answering, "The daughters of the Evans family will reside with the Abbott family and will arrive the evening prior to the Presentation Ball. The Abbott family will arrive early to Verninac Chateau with the Evan daughters to ensure that Miss Lily Evans is present in a timely fashion."
Severus looked rather pale as did Rowan as she breathed deeply through her nose. She had thought that a regular portkey was bad, but an international portkey was so much worse. Thankfully, they had gained stomachs of steel via a rather unorthodox method because otherwise, they would be spewing the tea and brunch, they had earlier that morning.
"Chin up," Reginald briskly said as Severus and Rowan automatically obeyed their grandfather's words. With their backs straight and heads held high, they followed their grandfather across the grounds of the beautiful, charming chateau with lavish enchanted gardens.
The temperature was much warmer than back home roughly around 10 to 14 Celsius, (50 to 57 degrees Fahrenheit). It was rather nice weather; they must be somewhere in the south of France. They normally would have removed their thick fur cloaks but had to wait until they were inside. But by the time they arrive at the front door of the Chateau, Rowan, and Severus had already removed their cloaks and were carrying them as it was far too warm with their fur cloaks on to be comfortable.
The grand front doors swing open to reveal the entire Verninac family that awaited to greet them. Most of the Verninac's were dark-haired with pale complexions, but a few had light-colored hair among them. However, unlike their grandmother, most of them had brightly colored eyes and were very fair and charming much like the Parisians are. The women were charming and the men very debonair.
At the head of the gathered Verninac family members is Philippe Verninac, the present head of the Verninac family. He is a handsome man with slightly tousled curly hair that is silver streaked, noble features matched with brightly colored eyes, and fair skin. He bows his head slightly and politely in a cool voice in French says, "Welcome Prince and heirs, we welcome you to Verninac Chateau." Those behind them bow and curtsy at his words.
Reginald bows as do Rowan and Severus, before straightening up. "The Prince household thanks the Verninac household for the magnanimity." The two wizards gaze coldly at each other that a thick block of ice seems to form between the two men.
A beautiful French witch with sun-streaked silver hair and a firm gaze quickly steps forward. Louise Verninac, the wife of Philippe, hastily says, "It will be my pŀėȧsurė to present the family." She turns to her children and points to handsome grown men.
"My eldest is Gaspard and my youngest is Gabriel," Louise replied pointing to her sons, who were close in age to Eileen, Rowan and Severus's mother. "Gaspard has twin daughters as well, Daphne and Stella, who are in their 6th year this year-."
The two girls were very lovely causing Rowan to suspiciously stare at Severus. Severus flushes slightly and glances away from his twin sister's probing gaze. Rowan face goes blank at having suspicions confirmed that these were the two girls, who had teased Severus when they were younger and planted a kiss on his check that year. Well, they were third cousins, so technically, they could get married. And well, first cousins could still marry in the wizarding world, Sirius's own parents were first cousins…. Either way, Lily best be careful because she might just get a run for her money.
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