Alex had a recipe for the Nail Elongating pill. It was a recipe he had made himself and he was quite proud of it.
However, he was never able to improve it past making 52% harmony pills and that bugged him a lot. There were too many permutations and combinations he could do with the speed of the ingredients in the cauldron, the rate at which they were heated, and the direction in which they were moved in.
All of these things were very important to making the pill, but they were too many for him to properly know which to change to improve the pill.
Now that he had his new skill unlocked, he was hoping that would automatically tell him what to do.
The cauldron was hot enough, so Alex put in the first ingredient. He followed the recipe and did what was needed, but on the back of his head, he waited for something to happen.
He vigilantly checked for anything that was happening on its own. However, nothing of that sort happened. Everything was going normally as it would.
"Hmm, that's weird," he thought and continued. The True Qi was making it extremely easy to control the ingredient and the energy in the cauldron.
Somehow he felt like if he used Elemental guidance now, he could easily guide the energy without missing the tiniest amount.
He put in the second ingredient and moved it around. He waited for something to happen, but nothing did once again.
"Do I have bad luck or is this not how it's supposed to go?" Alex wondered.
He tried with the next two ingredients once more, but unfortunately, nothing happened. "Maybe I'm doing something wrong," he thought.
He continued normally with the remaining ingredients and soon was close to being done with it. Right before he was finished, the pill-splitting Qi, which he hadn't seen for a very long time came out from within him and separated the powder to form two different pills.
The vortex appeared once again above it that pulled in the energy from the cauldron and the two pills were ready.
Alex pulled out the pills and saw that the harmony in them was 25% and 26% respectively. '1% less than ideal. Something must've been wrong with the ingredients,' he thought.
He stored the pills in a ceramic bottle and into his plastic bag. Then he started thinking. "What's going on? What was there no improvement?" he wondered. "Am I missing something?"
Alex was confused, so he opened up the description about Alchemy God's Knowledge and read up on it again.
"Unlocked: You have a chance to improve common rank recipes," he read the main part he was concerned about. Suddenly, his eyes squinted as he read it again.
"Wait… chance? Is that… for every single ingredient I put in? Or for every single pill I make?" he wondered. "If it's for the ingredients, then the chance must be egregiously low, but if it's for each pill then… oh god, how many pills will I have to make before I see any improvements?"
Either way, he would have to make pills for hours on end to see any improvements at all. Now, all he could hope for was that the improvements were so good that he didn't need to make it that many times.
Alex brought another set of ingredients and made the pills once more. While he waited for something to happen, he was realizing an interesting fact about himself at the moment.
Thanks to the common grade pills required not as much Qi during its making, Alex could easily replenish the True Qi he lost while making the pills.
Meaning, if Alex chose to make only common grade pills, then he could likely go for as long as he could mentally handle.
Given that he had gone through the mind tempering realm and had eaten all 3 of the mind improving pill, it was probably going to be multiple days.
Alex put in the 2nd ingredient and continued making the pill. During the whole time once more nothing happened. No extra Qi from in him, no feeling, nothing.
Alex was starting to doubt if something was even going to happen. If it was meant to, it would have happened already.
He was dejected and disappointed at the 52% harmony pill that formed in the end. Still, he didn't let that beat him down and tried once again.
His expectations were at an all-time low, but he kept his hopes up. He brought out another set of ingredients and tried again.
He put in the first ingredient. Nothing Happened.
He put in the second ingredient. Nothing Happened.
He put in the third ingredient. Nothing Happened.
Alex was damn near sure that this one was a failure as well. Then, he put in the fourth ingredient. That was when something happened.
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