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Chapter 2017 The Requirements

The dark fog surrounding Alex and the old man didn't seem real at all. It was like an illusion at best, but even illusions were somewhat real, made of light and Qi.

This one, though, seemed fake. He couldn't explain it exactly. It was as if the thing shouldn't exist at all, and yet it did. He couldn't make sense of it. The old man looked at him expectantly, wanting some answers. Alex sighed and gave in. "I fainted last year, but after waking up, the elders allowed me to take the test alone. They were impressed enough that I was allowed to join."

"They allowed you to join?" the man asked something in his mind poking at that information as he felt something odd about that. There was something there he had to know.

"Wait, but then why are you here?" the man asked.

"I was allowed to leave and go back whenever I wanted to," Alex said before placing back the two items in his hands. "You were allowed to leave?" the old man asked with an obviously surprised look.

"Yes," Alex said.

The man paused for a while, confused about the thing that was wrong in all of this. "So you didn't take the test because you already joined, huh?" he asked.

"Yes," Alex said. "But senior, I wish for no one else to know of this information, especially the other guilds, so please keep this information to yourself."

"Oh, okay," the man said. "But why?"

"It's just what I want," Alex answered. "I do not wish to be treated differently just because I joined a sect."

The old man nodded. "I suppose I understand," he said and then started chuckling a little. "And here I was so worried that you had given up or something, I came to scold you for not taking the test."

The man laughed out loud next. "This is a very pleasant surprise."

Alex was surprised to see just how happy the man was. "I'm glad to know that senior isn't disappointed in me," he said.

"You don't have to say it like that," the man said and sighed. "I'm sorry I was so hard on you. I expect a lot from you as someone so young and full of potential. It seems I never had anything to worry about."

"I suppose that is it then. I will leave you to your task," he said. "I should return too."

The old man shrugged. "You are part of the Blue Silk sect now. If you want to find out, you can just go to your sect and ask the elders. They will tell you everything you need to know. They are the ones that make the rule after all."

"I see," Alex said. That made sense. He thought for a moment about who three to get the approval from.

There was obviously the guild master Blackfrost and Supreme Alchemist Han, but who would be the third? Should he go for Guild Master Bluehorn? The man did ask him to request help if he wanted it.

If it was for the sake of his ticket, he didn't mind forgetting about the old man's past acts.

"You can't get my approval," the guild master said.

Alex gave a small smile. "I understand," he said. "But I was asking about the future. Do you want great pills or do you—"

"No, you don't understand," the man said quickly. "You can't get my approval. Not won't, can't."

Alex looked at the man weirdly. "I'm confused, senior. What are you trying to say?" he asked.

"That is the rule," the guild master said. "If you want to be Supreme Immortal Alchemist, you need to get the approval for the test from 3 different Supreme Immortal Alchemists that are not part of the guild or sect you joined. Which means, I cannot be one of the people you get approval from."

Alex's eyes widened in pure horror. "Wait, so Supreme Alchemist Han won't be able to help me either?" he asked.

"No, he can't either," the old man said.

"Wait!" Alex said. "You said Sect? So I can't get the approval of anyone from my sect either?" The old man thought for a moment. "I'm not sure about the rule regarding that when it comes to your sect. Do ask them how it is handled since they will be the ones who made the rule."

Alex felt horrible. "I'm supposed to go around looking for strangers to get approval from then?" he asked. "How would I even do that?"

"That is up to you," the old man said. "I am sorry, but this is as much help as I can give you."

Alex quickly turned to look at the old man. "Please don't be sorry, senior. You have done me the honor of telling me about the requirements at least."

"The task of worrying about the rest is all up on me. You do not have to worry on my behalf at all."

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