Chapter 237:
We’re VIPs?
My stomach felt heavy. Unable to resist, I’d had another bite of meat even after eating all those donuts…and now I was beyond full. But it was a satisfying kind of full. Everything I’d eaten tasted so good. The only problem was that I was sluggish.
“I think I ate a little too much,” Druid admitted.
I thought it was more than just a little too much. He ate as many donuts as I did, then he followed it up with six meat skewers. Granted, I did take two bites, but each skewer had three pieces of meat! I glanced at Druid. He was muscled and strong, while I was lean all over. I had the type of body that just wouldn’t put on muscle. Maybe if I ate more, I’d get more muscles? I had managed to get a little taller recently because I’d been eating more, so it wasn’t too far-fetched, right?
We arrived at the guild office and looked for the lady who’d helped us the previous time. She noticed us just as we spotted her.
“Welcome back. Is there anything I may assist you with?”
Huh? Is she treating us differently today? I looked at Druid, and he didn’t seem surprised at all. Maybe it was my imagination.
“We’d like to register our magic box here. Is that possible?”
“Of course. Please wait just a moment. I’m surprised, though. Not many people have their boxes registered here.”
“I can see why. It does take some time.”
And you have to go through the trouble of bringing your box to the guild. I guess that’s a bit of a hassle.
“I do see your point, but it is handy to have it registered with the guild.”
“I guess most people don’t realize that until after something happens to their valuables.”
True. Regret won’t bring your valuables back.
“Hee hee, yes indeed. If they don’t think of it until then, it’s already too late. All right, I’ve registered it.”
Huh? Already? But all she did was put it on top of a black board.
“Oh, yes!” the lady continued. “The sales of the remaining two minerals you entrusted to us went through just this morning, so I’ve transferred the funds to your account. May I have your signature, please?”
Druid took the documents and signed them.
“Thank you, sir.”
“And thank you for all your help.”
“But of course. Now, if you ever need anything else, don’t hesitate to stop by.” The lady gave a deferential bow.
This confused me again. Yeah, something’s different today.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
We walked away from the lady’s counter and over to a little room in the corner of the guild lobby to check and register our earnings.
“Is it just me, or was that lady much more polite to us today?”
“We’re probably considered VIP business partners now.”
VIP business partners? “But why? We don’t have any more business to do with them.”
“Yes, but nobody at the guild knows that. Besides, there’s no telling what else is in store this winter.”
I hoped this winter would be a quiet one. I would love to just relax and take it easy in the wintertime.
Druid checked our balance, then withdrew some money for our rent at the inn and our clothing. We’d completely forgotten to pay our bill at the inn yesterday. We both remembered right when we got back to the inn, and we shared an awkward laugh over it.
“We managed to sell everything without a hitch.”
“Yes, I’m glad about that. So, how much did we get for the last two minerals?”
“The white one was cheaper than I thought, but the other one was more expensive, so it was about as much money as I imagined it would be.”
Oh, good. Well, it wouldn’t really matter now if one of the things we sold went for much less than expected.
“Okay, our next stop is the clothing shop.”
“Yeah, I can’t wait to see our cloaks. This coat I borrowed is nice and warm, but it’s a bit too short for me.”
There weren’t any cloaks that fit me, so I had borrowed a coat, but it was a little too small for me and kind of uncomfortable to move in. Its sleeves were too short as well.
As we walked down Main Street, clouds covered the sun. The bit of warmth we’d felt before had disappeared, and the winds now seemed even colder on our skin.
We sped up our pace and were at the clothing shop before I knew it.
“I’d like to settle our bill straight away, if that’s all right?” Druid asked.
“Of course. Thank you so much.” Baluka called to someone in the back, and a man emerged carrying a giant box. I gave him a little bow, and he happily nodded back at me.
“All right, the bill’s taken care of. Here are your purchases.”
Baluka pulled each item of clothing out one at a time and went over the alterations that they’d made. Since I’d let Druid handle all the negotiations, I had no idea what he was talking about, but judging by his reactions, Druid seemed satisfied by their work.
“Would you like to wear these out of the store?”
“Yes, please. Ivy, take off your coat. We’re going to wear our new coats when we leave.”
I looked at the coat Druid handed me…and I froze a little. Huh? I thought I asked for a black coat. This is light blue. I really liked the color, but I’d decided against it since I would need better camouflage in the forest.
“Mr. Druid?”
“You should buy the clothes that you like.”
“But I’ll stand out in the forest.”
“It’s wintertime. I think you’ll be okay.”
Maybe he was right. Light blue would disappear into the snow pretty well.
“And if you still think you stand out too much, we’ll just have to hunt and gather some more things so we can buy you a second coat.”
“Oh, please…” But I couldn’t deny that it was a lovely color. “Thanks.”
I slipped my arms through the coat, and it fit perfectly. It was so easy to move my arms. The fur around the collar wasn’t that long, but it would keep my neck warm and dry.
“You look lovely in it, dear,” Baluka cooed.
I felt my face flush red in embarrassment.
“Yeah, looks great!” Druid said. “It fits her perfectly, too. Your staff really are great craftsmen.”
“Thank you very much!”
Druid also removed the coat he was borrowing to change into his new coat, and he looked quite handsome in it. Of course he did. He’s Druid.
The staff neatly folded up the coats we’d worn into the store and placed them in our magic bag along with all our other newly purchased clothes.
Wait a minute…are there more things in here than there were yesterday? I counted the items in the bag again. Yeah, there’s one too many. And what’s more, the extra one is… I looked at Druid, and he sheepishly shrugged his shoulders.
“Oh, good. I thought you were going to yell at me.”
To be honest, I did feel like yelling at first…but once I realized what the extra piece of clothing was, I just couldn’t get angry. It was a blouse that had such beautifully embroidered flowers around the collar and sleeves that I couldn’t help but touch it in awe. But its design wouldn’t work well for treks through the forest, so I’d returned it to the rack. I remember feeling a sense of disappointment as I put it back…but now that blouse was in my bag. I thought nobody had seen my little moment with it, but Druid had.
“When we’re in town or in a village, you should dress up in that blouse and go on a little date with your dad.”
“A date?”
“That’s right.” Druid had a smile on his face.
“A date with Druid…er, with my dad. Ha ha, sounds like fun!”
That’s right, Druid’s my dad now. Hee hee!
Druid said something, but it was too quiet to hear, and he just shook his head when I asked him to repeat it. I didn’t really understand, but I supposed it wasn’t anything important.
We thanked Baluka and headed out of the shop. But before we left, he said:
“We’ll have our spring collection available just before winter ends, so we hope to see you then!”
And Druid seemed thoroughly intrigued by those words. It looked like we’d have to hunt and gather hard that winter.
Next time we go shopping, I’d like to give my dad a nice present, too.
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