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Chapter 58:

Saying Goodbye to the Captains

AS THE FIRST LIGHT of morning crept over the sky, I started up—I’d sensed someone moving around the plaza. Good. My senses are sharp again for the journey ahead.

I devoured my breakfast of fruit and dried meat, watching Sora digest one potion after another.

“Sora, we’re saying goodbye to Ratome Village today,” I said. “Next stop, Otolwa.”

Sora quivered in response. Once the meal was over, I relaxed with my tea while Sora began its usual up-and-down morning stretches. My friend used to be translucent blue, but now it had a second color. The lower half of its teardrop shape was blue, while the upper half was red. It looked pretty since its body was so clear, but it was still a total mystery why the little slime had changed colors. With its exercise finished, the slime looked at me and wiggled. Cute.

“Phew…okay. Let’s get going.”

I’d already prepared for the walk ahead; all that was left was to take down the tent. I placed Sora in its bag and exited the tent. After packing it up and slinging it over my back, I hung my other bags over my shoulders. Ready!

At the plaza entrance, I bowed to today’s supervisor.

“You leaving?” he asked.

“Yes. Thank you for everything.”

“Be careful. Best of luck on your journey, now.”

I bowed again, even deeper, and headed for the village gate. When it came into view, I saw Vice-Captain Velivera was leaning against it. Was he the gatekeeper today?

“Morning, Ivy,” he called.

“Good morning.” I’d asked Captain Oght to tell him I was leaving, but it was nice that I’d get to say my goodbyes face-to-face. “Vice-Captain Velivera, you’ve helped me a lot. Thank you for everything.” I bowed deeply. He patted my head, which I had to admit felt nice.

“No worries. We’re both victims of the captain.”

“Huh? Oh, well, er…how was work yesterday?”

“Uhh…ha ha ha! Well, I’ve never been a fan of office work. Did he say something?”

“Something…about raising his subordinates?”

Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. The vice-captain’s smile is making me shiver all of a sudden… That’s scary!

Vice-Captain Velivera grinned wryly. “Ooh, he calls it raising us, huh? I see.”

I’m really sorry, Captain Oght. I’m…not exactly sure what I’m sorry for, but I am sorry.

“Um…th-that’s—” I stammered.

“Ah, no worries. Forget about it. And hey, you be careful out there. The forest has dangerous animals, monsters, and worst of all…people.”


“You’re going to Otolwa, aren’t you? They’ve got some bad stuff going on down there. Organizations that kidnap people. I hear they’ve been cracking down on them, but they haven’t all been caught yet. If anyone seems off, stay the heck away.”

“Kidnappers…I’ll be careful.”

“Good,” he said with a smile. “And you make sure to come back here sometime, you hear? We’ll be waiting.”

“Huh? Oh…okay! I’ll definitely come back one day.” I bowed quickly and left.

By the time I reached the mountain road, I wanted to cry a little.

One day. For the first time, I realized just how good it felt to know that someone wants to see you again. Vice-Captain Velivera may not have been the most respectful with his boss, but he was kindhearted. Captain Oght got carried away, but he was reliable. I had met two very good people. One day, I really did want to return to this village.

“One day,” I repeated.

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