Chapter 730: 730
By the time Lith woke up, all members of the expedition had returned . They had mustered the courage to check the outcome of the battle only after they had realized that they had no way to open the closed doors .
Quylla returned them their items from Ellkas's dimensional amulet and Phloria left took Morok with her to explore what remained of the room Gaakhu was still alive, and she couldn't afford to leave their back exposed to the alleged traitorous mage .
She didn't have to search for long since the missing Professor's corpse was waiting for them in the next room . No one would even know that just like the Odi, their slave seal on their victim's life force required the Mana Reactor to work .
The moment the device had run out of power the spells engraved in Gaakhu's life force had consumed her life in the attempt to prolong their existence . Phloria stored the corpse in her dimensional amulet . Traitor or not she didn't deserve to be left there to rot .
After Quylla checked Lith's condition, Morok Warped them all to the Tek's breeding facility and Phloria activated the dimensional runes until she found one that led to a safe corridor .
No one had any desire to walk until they found a way back to the surface, so after Phloria marked the rune on the outside so that Royal Forgemaster could spot it and easily get access to Kulah's lower floors, they used earth magic to dig their way out .
From that point, returning home was easy . As soon as the army could pinpoint their communication amulets again, Commander Berion sent a rescue team to their position .
Less than an hour later, the members of the expedition had said their goodbyes and had been sent to their homes .
Lith was brought to the Ernas household since Quylla refused to let him go anywhere until she was certain that his life force was stable, his life span was unaffected by the strain of fighting a literal one-man army of Odi, and she hadn't got some answers from him .
Kamila was overjoyed from seeing him and appalled by his condition .
"Good gods, you look terrible . " She said while looking at his pale face and battered body . Even though Lith had eaten non-stop since he had regained his consciousness, to reattach his arm and heal all of his wounds had made him lose a few kilograms .
"I missed you too, babe . " He said, holding her tight for a few seconds before giving her a passionate kiss . After feeling so close to death for so long, he needed to feel alive again .
"Stop right there!" Quylla separated them . "No action, of any kind is allowed to you until you have recovered . You're too weak for anything more 'romantic' than a hug . Healer's orders . "
"Can we at least eat together? We both need to get some weight back . " Lith asked, prompting Phloria's stomach to rumble in agreement . She had been too tense to eat properly after escaping from Kulah .
The three of them told their story in turns during the late dinner they consumed with Orion and Jirni, soon joined by Lith's family that wanted to see him as soon as the Jirni informed them of his condition .
Later, when Kamila and Lith were cuddling in their bed, Lith couldn't stop thinking that the Ernas had accommodated him in the very same room where years ago he had spent his first night with Phloria on purpose .
Sharing that bed with another woman was really awkward for him .
"How is Zinya doing?" He asked, trying to find a way to introduce the topic he really cared about . During the last few weeks, Lith had shared so much with Phloria, and now even Quylla knew part of his secret .
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