Han Sen used his Blood-Pulse Sutra to open nine gene locks . He lowered his red body and avoided Dry Bone's incoming punch .
Dry Bone was a strong king spirit, and Han Sen's fitness wasn't quite up to the level necessary to reliably defeat the spirit . At the very least, he knew he couldn't fight him head-on .
Using his phoenix techniques, Han Sen took off airborne . As he evaded Dry Bone's subsequent attacks, Han Sen threw in a few hits of his own .
Dry Bone was powerful, yes, but his speed and agility weren't enough to compete with Han Sen and his phoenix techniques . He didn't relent in his attacks, but each one missed, and that didn't look likely to change anytime soon .
"I can't believe humans have come so far and can be that strong . " The surpassers who watched the fight were incredibly excited .
Qiu Ping observed Han Sen intently, and he acknowledged no other human had yet to reach a skill level such as that .
The spirits and creatures were all in shock . Han Sen was a nobody who had come from nowhere .
Dry Bone King looked sour, and the flames of his rage were only being fanned with each missed attack . Suddenly, he threw off the chestplate of his armor .
He placed his left hand inside his ribcage, as if to rummage through a pocket . Then, he pulled out a bone .
It looked like crystal, but it was clearly bone .
Han Sen saw it, and it made him hesitate to attack .
Dry Bone King smiled menacingly as he held the heart-shaped bone in his hand . Then, with his other hand, he knocked it with his fist .
It was like he was drumming it, and the acoustics it carried were infused with a strange power . Han Sen tried his best to resist it .
But the power quickly accelerated and blasted into his heart as if it had locked on like a sentinel beam . He started to feel as if his heart was going to explode due to the sudden influx of that terrifying and malevolent force .
Han Sen was shocked by the quick turn of events . Dry Bone King was huge, and he had initially looked like a lumbering lug that was purely focused on strength . Han Sen never expected him to be so proficient with sonic powers .
Dong! Dong! Dong!
Dry Bone King was like a Buddha on the battlefield now . He held his wooden fish tight and continued to strike it without pause .
The strange powers violated Han Sen's heart and cascaded into it without reprieve . If Han Sen was an ordinary human, his heart would have been incinerated by now .
If it was an ordinary super creature that was fighting Dry Bone King, their hearts would most likely have been torn in two .
There was only one thing keeping Han Sen resistant to death, in the face of that vile attack . Dry Bone King's sonic powers were up against Han Sen's Heresy Mantra, and Curse of Immortality made Han Sen's heart stronger than all others .
Han Sen was no stranger to having his heart suffer aberrant rhythms and be put under strain . This may have been worse than it ever had been, but Han Sen had the smidgen of extra resistance necessary to withstand the pain .
His heart continued to beat, but each thump was like thunder . Blood began to ooze from his mouth .
"Dry Bone King is going all the way . He's quite the menace, and opponents with weak hearts really don't stand a chance against him . " Baby Ghost thought Han Sen was a dead man, and it'd only be a matter of time before he fell .
The audience was in disarray . Dry Bone King's drumming had affected those in the seats, and sacred-blood creatures and royal spirits began to spill blood of their own . They piled out of the arena in droves to avoid dying .
"King spirits really are in a league of their own . There is no hope for humans to compete against them . " The humans who had fled the arena were all in shock, and they could barely comprehend what they had just witnessed .
"It's a shame . Han Sen most certainly has the power to compete, and perhaps even slay a super creature, but Dry Bone King has an unfair and wretched power . " Everyone believed Han Sen was extremely unlucky, having to face Dry Bone King of all foes .
Qiu Ping had left the hall as well . He could no longer see what was going on, but he could still hear the solemn, heart-killing rhythm in the distance .
The hearts of the audience that had fled continued to twitch and beat erratically, even as they stood outside the Martial Hall with the doors shut .
"I hope he doesn't die for me and Yuchen . " Qiu Ping was worried .
"You don't want him to die?" A female voice sounded behind him .
Qiu Ping's face changed as a female spirit suddenly approached .
"I just think it is a shame for him to die this way . He could do a lot in the service of Mister Immortal," Qiu Ping said, with a chilling voice .
The spirit smiled, telling him, "My patience has its limits . If you don't kill Zhang Yuchen, he will be the first person who dies on your behalf . His blood will be on your hands . And when I'm through with the brat in there, I'll move on and kill another human . On the account you are unwilling to kill Zhang Yuchen, I will mercilessly slay each and every human in this shelter . One life is all it takes, Qiu Ping . One life can stop the coming slaughter . Do it for the greater good . "
Qiu Ping was mortified, but it pained him to know she would do what she had just told him . Her logic was bizarre, but it was not something he could contend with .
He had delayed this for twenty years, but even he could tell her patience was running far too thin .
Men like Qiu Ping could not make a decision where lives hung in the balance, and at least one had to be sacrificed . If he was unable to kill his best friend, he'd be doing so at the cost of countless more .
"Why me?" Twenty years of contempt had built up inside Qiu Ping's heart .
"I don't know . You fit the bill? It doesn't really matter . Having reasons to do anything is so petty, don't you think?" The woman looked at him, almost uncaring .
Qiu Ping was so angry, he drew his sword and attempted to attack her .
The skill that had frightened Han Sen had no effect against that callous spirit . She simply deflected it with the greatest of ease .
Qiu Ping then pulled out a dagger and tried to stab himself .
If he did not have what it took to kill another, then the only other solution was to end himself .
The woman did not try to prevent him, but when the dagger touched his skin, it stopped .
She then grabbed him and teleported him back to the battleground . She threw him into the audience seats and forced him to watch Han Sen fail and fall . She told him, "This is the first person who will die, all because you are weak . "
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