Han Sen ended up not looking for Li Singhua in his lab, as he could have been rather busy . So, he sent him a message instead . That way, he could ask all the questions he wished to pose to the man .
He didn't really even expect a reply . But that very night, Li Singhua gave his response, answering each of Han Sen's questions with keen insight . He even provided Han Sen with links to further reading material on the subjects .
Han Sen saw his reply, and while he had received many answers, many of those answers merely led to him having even more questions .
Every now and again, Han Sen would continue to send Li Singhua a message with more questions . Each and every time, Li Singhua would reply within a day or two .
Now, Han Sen understood why Bai Yishan and Li Singhua did not get along . He could see now that it was due to their different methodologies of research .
Li Singhua saw things at a broader perspective, encompassing a lot more . Bai Yishan was of a narrower vision, one that was fixed to the most minute of details . Their methods of research were polar opposites .
Han Sen learned a lot from Li Singhua .
A month later, Han Sen finished the second stage of his testing of Hidden Blood . His spleen had become much stronger, the blood was twice as thick, and his heart was full of vigor .
This wouldn't have worked on anyone else because the ordinary, natural human heart wasn't strong enough . It was the crux of the problem, and what Bai Yishan was most concerned with fixing .
When Han Sen was done and dusted, he decided to return home .
His trip to Saint Hall had earned him a lot; Hidden Blood was a marvelous thing to have been given . And with his time spent in the labs and the theories he had discussed and researched, he had walked away with a greater fascination than ever .
"If I can finish the research topic—which I'll just dub Double Cycle—from Li Singhua, that potentially indicates that I can practice two hyper geno arts at the same time . " Han Sen knew there'd be no answers, though . It was an enticing thought, but not one that could be resolved anytime soon .
In regards to the Double Cycle research, it did give Han Sen inspiration for Double Fly .
It was a dual-wielding skill that used the same energy flow for both hands . He now wondered if he could use two different skills, one for each hand .
It wasn't exactly what the subject of Double Cycle concerned itself with, but it was a start . The energy flow was still connected, much like Yin Yang Blast . Han Sen wasn't going to give up on this seemingly impossible research topic, and he hoped that one day, he could find an answer .
And from those days onwards, whenever Han Sen had a problem, he'd ask Li Singhua for guidance . This correspondence of theirs went on for a long time .
Now, Li Singhua was busy at work . He took a timeout to answer him, and after he was done, he sighed .
That day in the canteen, he had given this research topic to two people . And yet, despite that, only one had come to ask him questions .
His students were smart, and they knew there was no answer to the subject to be found . But upon encountering an immediate dead-end, they too came to a stop . They didn't carry on and invest in the research like Han Sen, despite it seeming like a futile endeavor .
Two people had come to ask Li Singhua once, but there was too much information to process, and they gave up . Only Han Sen persevered and tried to process all the information and make heads or tails of it all .
Li Singhua knew Han Sen was serious about this subject due to the nature of the questions he posed .
To start off with, the questions seemed fairly basic and almost stupid . But they improved over time, which showed that Han Sen was a keen learner and he had put true dedication towards the subject .
When someone didn't understand something, it was only natural for them to make a mistake . Fixing a mistake was valiant, only if it led to an improvement of understanding with the crux of the problem . If someone understood everything, then research would not be necessary .
Li Singhua was impressed with the speed Han Sen came to understand things, and genuinely admired his dedication .
"Bai Yishan has a good student there . " Li Singhua was a little jealous . Smartypants were everywhere, but many were just born that way . Passion was what Li Singhua valued above all, and Han Sen had it in spades . Not to mention perseverance and patience .
Back in the sanctuaries, Han Sen prepared himself for the coming journey . Queen had become a lot stronger over the month Han Sen had been gone, and she had incurred many wounds, too .
Han Sen wondered what her super body might have been and was of the mind to ask . But everyone's super body was a secret, so he thought it'd be intrusive and rude to ask outright .
Only Ji Qing and a few others had announced what their super bodies were, but they were merely names . No one actually knew what their super bodies actually did .
Han Sen picked up Bao'er and selected a trail that seemed most likely to lead to Thorn Forest .
If they ended up getting lost, though, it did not concern Han Sen too much . His primary goal, as it always had been, was to slay super creatures . And if they did get lost and unknowingly venture into wild, uncharted lands, he'd be able to kill more of what he sought to .
Queen slew most of the creatures along the way . With her super weapon and sacred-blood beast souls, she had become a worthy partner to venture with Han . She could most certainly now accompany him in slaying a super creature .
After reaching the outskirts of those barren lands, they came to a land with countless rivers running through it . The water of those rivers was extremely quick .
And in those waters, many fish were leaping in and out . They opened their fins eventually and used them to fly upstream, above the current of the water .
The fish were red, and their fins were shaped like wings . They were a meter long, on average .
In this shoal of fish, one of the fish was ten meters long . Its red scales shone brightly beneath the sunlight .
The fish leaped up and down, below and above the water, as the rest of its fishy friends followed in a glide .
"Super creature?" Han Sen felt a chill upon seeing this . He grabbed Queen and did not allow her to take one step closer .
This super creature was different, which was why it made Han Sen act so cautiously . If this was any average super creature, he would never have been so careful .
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