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Chapter 522

An army of demonic beasts that had different sizes and shapes . Their howls would send shivers down anyone’s spine . They are all out for blood, they charged into the fray with ravenous eyes .


“Crap… this might be troublesome…”


Shokuhou Misaki said while laughing bitterly at the appearance of this second demonic beast army .


“How many demonic beasts are there in the forest? I hope they are not planning to come out of the forest all at once…”


Kinuhata Saiai and Frenda cringed when they heard her . A lot of people will die if that’s true .


“Damn it!”


Mikoto clenched her fists in frustration . Not even Mikoto feels confident when confronted with such numbers, she’s getting a bit worried about whether they can get out of this one with zero casualties .


This second demonic beast army made the first one looked like a bitch baby in comparison . However, Mikoto & co can’t back down, not with the supply town behind them . A lot of innocent humans lived in the supply town .


Against the incoming demonic beast army, the humans subconsciously stepped back . They held onto their weapons not out of bravery but the worry of their own safety .


Can we… Can we really defend this place?


Someone blurted out the thing they are all wondering about .


“Where’s the reinforcements?!”


They cursed and cursed as a sense of fatigue and despair started insidiously gripping their hearts .


They had a lot of people on their side but most of them are weaker than tier 7 . Tier 7 individuals made up a very small proportion of their force . Meanwhile, they are only a handful of tier 8 individuals including Ikaros, Mikoto, and Astrea . If not for the hope of reinforcements, most of them would have abandoned their positions a long time ago .


“Sister Fei Fei, please return soon…”


Mikoto gnashed her teeth . Inhaling, she looked at the incoming army with a steely gaze . Her lightning flashed even brighter as if responding to her resolve .


“No matter what, I have to hold on until sister Fei Fei shows up!”


A lightning-clad Mikoto was about to at the incoming army when…




The flying beasts hit something invisible in the sky . Like bugs splattered on windshields, they turned into meat pies in the sky . The invisible object continued giving the flying beasts what is known as the splat splat splat death as it cruised at a low enough altitude to cause massive disruption to the aerial beasts’ formation .


Some of the more unfortunate ones got turned into bloody mist from the massive collision damage . Lucky beasts managed to escape but they also got swept along by the wind the invisible object caused .


Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki, Ikaros, Astrea, Kinuhata Saiai, Frenda, and Takitsubou Rikou all stopped in surprise .


The flying object cleared out the sky while everyone is preoccupied with gawking at the invisible object .


They all exchanged looks in confusion . The demonic beasts knew that if they attacked now, they would get a retaliation that will end them so they chose to growl at the invisible object in the sky instead .


Mikoto’s eyes widened in astonishment . She opened her mouth wide .


“I know this EM response, it’s identical to the sisters and I, i-it’s…”


“You jerk if you’re here then just show yourself already!”


Mikoto’s loud voice suffused the battlefield . The battlefield actually stopped from her shout


“I see you’re still energetic as ever…”


A gigantic airship appeared after someone said that . The airship slowly appeared in the sky as Wu Yan turned off the invisibility mode . With this giant ship, he squashed the aerial beasts like bugs .


A figure shot out from the airship, he hovered in the airspace in front of the airship .


Shokuhou Misaki, Astrea, Kinuhata Saiai, Frenda, and Takitsubou Rikou recognized the owner of the airship almost immediately . With joyful looks, they smiled at him . Ikaros is still stunned by the return of her master .




Ikaros stared intently at the figure in a distance . A strong sensation overwhelmed her emotional processing facility . Ikaros trembled before she flew towards Wu Yan with the highest speed she can muster .




He greeted Ikaros who stopped in front of him . She looked at him with eyes of devotion and bliss . Rubbing her head, he grinned .


“I am back…”


Feeling the familiar warmth, she lowered her head while greeting him back . She distilled all her words into one simple sentence .


“Welcome back, master…”


“About time you returned…”


Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki, Kinuhata Saiai, Frenda, and Takitsubou Rikou released sighs of relief . His ability is number 5 and his wisdom is probably only a bit higher than Astrea, which is not a compliment at all . However, his appearance gave them a sense of safety .




Astrea flapped her wings and she flew towards Wu Yan while chirping happily .


“Master! You’re finally back!”


Astrea gasped in shock when she saw Fraxinus up close .


“What’s that?! It looks like a huge battleship!”


Astrea’s over-the-top reaction caused him to laugh out loud . He was about to explain it to her but he stopped himself .


“Well, we will talk about that later . Right now, I think the monsters are getting impatient…”


The humans suddenly recalled that they still had a pressing matter at hand, why did they get distracted for so long?


Who can blame them? Weather-manipulating magic, girls with wings that boasted frightening power, and the gigantic airship that wiped the floor with aerial beasts, it would get anyone’s attention .


The demonic beasts are just as surprised by Wu Yan’s appearance . They growled and roared at the object in the sky . It’s unknown if this is due to the death of their beasts comrades or because of the danger they felt from this object in the sky .


Awoo Caw Roar


Wu Yan narrowed his eyes at the beasts baring their fangs and claws at him .


“I don’t know why you beasts came wandering out of the forest . But, your luck is certainly bad since I am in need of test subjects for Fraxinus’ combat ability . I think the results won’t disappoint me like the aerial collision test I just conducted…”

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